In what setting besides shadowrun i can use a katana in modern+ times?

In what setting besides shadowrun i can use a katana in modern+ times?

Make your setting.

World of Darkness is all about katanas and leather trenchcoats, for some reason.

Call of Cthulhu

Most all of them, unless you meant to ask "...without looking like a colossal faggot"

Far future, guns are so powerful that they can easily pierce ship hulls. You play a group of pirates who board ships and, loot and scuttle them, or take them over.
Nobody made weaker rounds for spaceship use because reasons

Any setting where katana still exist and is modern+. What the fuck kind of brain damage do you have?


Do you want to use a katana despite it being ineffective ?

Or do you want katanas to be weapons worth using ?

That is not a setting

In what setting can I use a halberd in modern+ times?

Post-Apoc settings

A friend once had a concept called "Middle Management Samurai" that I've occasionally tried to expand into something bigger. My current design for it has it as part of a larger campaign setting called Hallways & Human Resources...

If you were in a modern/sci-fi campaign that I was running and wanted a katana, I'd let you have one. Even if I have to stat it up myself.

The only catch is that the stats will not make the other players ask "why don't we see more NPCs using katanas ?". Meaning it's going to be worse in some way. Maybe a bit less deadly. Maybe significantly more expensive*. Maybe the police have a better time figuring out you killed someone because everyone else uses cheap, mass produced, blades.

*Not that cost matters that much for starting gear.

The same goes for a halberd.

The GURPS default setting, Infinite Worlds. You could quite easily be a samurai that got caught in a banestorm and dropped into a modern world.


Katanas are a 'thing' in sci-fi because to a western audience they're more exotic than a european longsword. If i had to wank out an explanation it would be "single-edged vibroblades are safer."

Honestly I can't imagine a setting besides 'feudal japan' where having a katana wouldn't be laughable. It's just ~that~ overused as a token 'exotic' weapon in fiction.

any setting you like, bro

>for some reason
They know their audience.

Go on...

Both of these really. The katana is just a weapon. By itself it's not that laughable, obnoxious or silly. At least not anymore so than say a big knife, a switchblade or a honking huge handgun.

It's how it shows up, who's using it and why it's there that usually makes it silly or edgy.

Well, any. It's just a sword. Good luck with the edgy police though

In whatever you want. It best fits in the games set in Japan or alternate world anime settings.