Ezekyle Abbadon

>Ezekyle Abbadon
>greatest threat to humanity and all civilization
>named after a jewish prophet

Is GW red pilled?

Other urls found in this thread:


Applesponge is really going all-out with these threads tonight.

Quality bread OP, confitmed Chaos is Jewish

Im a cross board shitposter, from spee to be exact. Dont know what apple sponge is.

>new warmaster named after a jew
>all dark angels named after jews

By the Emperor...

>Im a cross board shitposter, from spee to be exact.
I doubt that very highly.


/pol/ get out.

Im a famous trip from spee

Not ever post about a Jewish person is pol you spergs

Isn’t Archaon’s mother named Rothschild or something?



Fuck off neckbeard

I thought that jew-obsessed aspie that plagued all AoS threads had killed himself or gotten into therapy or something.


pic related are the kind of goblins that we're dealing with

>He's supposed to be the ultimate threat
>Doesn't actually do anything
More redpilled than you think.

>red pilled
You need to go back

>the emperor
>born in turkey
No, GW is full SJW

>all these reactionary trannies

You know that Turks got there only after 1000AD, right?

Wow this thread sure triggered you neckbeards

>Is GW red pilled?
No, but /pol/ is definitely retarded

/pol/ has nothing to do with this thread. Please stay on topic and observe global rule 3

>Is GW red pilled?
I don't think you know what that term means.

It means someone didn't actually understand the Matrix.

>The Hebrew term Abaddon (Hebrew: אֲבַדּוֹן, 'Aḇaddon), and its Greek equivalent Apollyon (Greek: Ἀπολλύων) appear in the Bible as both a place of destruction and an angel of the abyss. In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is used with reference to a bottomless pit
what are you even memeing about?

OP was making a lot of dogwhistle threads last night, but he had to wait for the mod to go to bed before he could bring out the big guns. This thread was made earlier in the evening so he just needed a reason to mention jews in the OP.

I dont have a reaction image negative enough, so have this (you).

Fuck off Old Bay, you twit. Don’t violate my Veeky Forums sanctum

>leftists have to resort to attributing fake quotes to ugly people

I have been posting here far longer than you

Go away applesponge

I forget you’re like 50

28, but whatever, math was never your strong suit

>shooting the shit with Old Bay on Veeky Forums
Are we chad virgins or virgin chads for being on /teeg/ and /spee/?

Death to all neckbeards, purge the /pol/estinian

>fa/tg/uy calling anyone neckbeards
Wew lad

>use a /pol/ le funny the goyim know meme
>use redpilled
>looking to make the jews the bad guys in a game where there is such a thing as chaos
>not /pol/

you better start beliving in /pol/bait because you are in one


Fuck off retard, this is a /sp/ thread. Go get picked last in gym class elsewhere.

Jews are a privileged race (along with East Asians and Caucasians) and can not and should not be defended. We make up almost none of the prison population, own a disproportionate amount of wealth generated from other less privileged races’ labor, and enjoy a high standard of living unobtainable by darker races

t. An actual Jewish hardcore SJW

/Sp/ thread you say?

>make a Jew joke on Veeky Forums
>redditors lose their mind
Why are you here?

>he got picked last for a team
O I laffin

you need to be 18+ but hows highschool going for you?

>the Imperium is a parody of the USSR and RCC designed to be as horrifying as possible to middle-class Englishmen

>Veeky Forums is le buthole of le intrenet!!!


They can and should be defended when necessary like any fucking race. Kike, white, nigger, spic or chink, they are all still ultimately people. At least you're honest and not completely blinded by muh 6 gorillion, but the conclusion you've drawn is still pants-on-head retarded.

define jew

Newfag spotted

you are a tripfag, you dont get to call anyone a newfag

>I’m an ally, but...
I’m so sick of white people


Well, the name is kind of bad ass... couldnt it be just that?

I'm not anybody's ally you triple nigger, and neither am I an enemy. I am a realist, and I believe passing blanket judgment on any people without some god damn hard evidence is retarded.

Nice redit spacing

Ethnically. My parents are practicing, I am not

>using retard as an insult
/pol/ thinks it’s so clever, but I see you


Fuck off. "reddit spacing" came from Veeky Forums. It's not even a thing they do on reddit

And what's with you people's obsession with reddit? It's just a shitty forum. It has nothing to do with Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums has nothing to do with it

>Cant even reply to the right poster

I see you newfag

This seems more likely.

>someone who believes that people shouldn't judge entire races
I'm really starting to believe that /pol/ on Veeky Forums is more of a boogeyman than anything.


What's with you autists and that word?


Whats with you boogymen and that word?

It's a way to make themselfs feel like they have been here long by pretending that they remember the feud that Veeky Forums and reddit had. It ended in like 2010 or even before when Veeky Forums found out they could not take down reddit due to their servers withstanding LOIC and HOIC attacks and reddit just fucking off because they found out that nothing they throw at Veeky Forums makes a dent. Today it's mainly used by 14 year olds from /pol/ due to the fact that they drive every insult they think of to the ground within a month or three and soyboy no longer works

You have to go back leddit. Also keep this conversation Veeky Forums related you poltard

/pol/ is well-known for arguing in bad faith, but it does seem more likely that you're just edgy rather than /pol/.

People that see /pol/ in every shadow are as cancerous as /pol/, no doubt

this is getting tiresome, OP

what do you think his natural skin color is, /pol/lack?

i agree but that hasn't mean i can't yawn at yet another iteration of
>muh jewish conspiracy
i just don't wanna hear about it on Veeky Forums. or /tv/, for that matter.,

case in point

He is as much a turk as Anaximander.

so another oil-eyed, olive-skinned southerner?

Not even modern turks are olive-skinned

Checked, and this

modern turks spent more time indoors and less working in the fields than ancient mediterraneans. also, i am german, you can't tell me shit about what turks look like.

Im jewish and I own two whole shares of GAW

>/sp/ jocks bullying me in my safe space
Panthers, Eagles and Ravens suck by the way. I only know there’s a Ravens guy here because I recognize Flappo or whoever

I really can't blame /tv/. Hollywood is no shit owned by Jews and Jew-backed politics is one of the central factors as to why high production value movies are going down the toilet. Not the only one, mind you, but a major one. Look at last year's Oscar winner for Christ sake. Best Picture was Moonlight, a fucking boring ass film about being a gay black. I couldn't watch it the whole way through.

>Le Red Pill buzzword
Go home to your safe-space /pol/ You're really obvious.