Does there exist a game that is basically exactly this?

Does there exist a game that is basically exactly this?

Yeah, there are a couple at least.

welp, last year i gave away my entire collection of Heroscape, which was a hex block map game with heroes and squad units that fought against other armies

It looks cool and ive always wanted to play but my friends dont.

Heroscape is the closest thing to it I think

Descent and Star Wars Imperial Assault

Imperial assault
Shadows of brimstone
Silver tower

All are relatively crap, but ok I guess nwith the right group...

The D&D Board Games is actually a lot like this, it's got interconnecting double-sided tiles and little plastic minis. It's got pre-set scenarios where the DM is in direct competition with the players and is trying to beat them, they have a set force of monsters and a tight set of rules with no real room for interpretation.

It's actually quite fun but the DM should probably be the worst player and not mind losing.

Super Dungeon Explore, though the boards are 2D and the rules seem to get progressively more retarded with every new edition.


There's also the doom 3 board game which is kinda similar to descent.

The Doom boardgame is the first version of the rule set. Descent is the second. Star Wars: Imperial Assault is version three.

All are the same base game with the main change being the setting.

D&D board games have no DM. They are purely cooperative. Descent however does.

Everyone's focusing on the map creation part, but I'm curious as to if any games have it so that the GM and the players are actually supposed to be fighting each other.

Would you happen to know what chapter of the manga is this?

Motherfucking Warhammer Quest.

Playing Gloomhaven now, definitely not crap.

Super Dungeon Explore does, but it doesn't really do it well because the GM's turns often take a real long time since they're micromanaging up to 20 guys. Meanwhile the players turns are over in a snap as they only have the one guy with usually only one or two real moves to deliberate between and all of the long GM's turn to decide which one's better.

The page is from chapter 50 but they don't start playing till chapter 51.

Thanks. I managed to find it and I'm reading it now, but I appreciate the help user.

Descent: Road to Legend. 1st edition.

I recently picked up Dragon Strike that plays like this (though the game board is one single piece).
The trick is finding a vcr.

The Dark Souls boardgame is kinda like this.

LEGO Heroica is this. Several base games that can be interconnected into a great set piece.

Mazes and Monsters is a far out game.

Sadly no, in that there's no game that uses the concept of toyetic plastic tiles that snap together to form 3D terrain.

It's pretty much inevitable because depending on who you ask, Takahashi started out as either a giant game nerd who wanted a platform to talk about all his game design ideas, or a robotic shill doing all he could to invent merch to sell and get rich as Croesus. If the games had existed, he couldn't license them to Takara Tomy.

Well this one does, there's DM to push the monsters around, trigger the traps and try to kill the players.

Dungeon Saga from Mantic.

Imperial Assault but it's a Star Wars game

I guarantee you have played less than half of these, if that.

It's fun. You have a number of characters that have their own various abilities as you would expect from an RPG, and you have a questline you follow with different outcomes in later quests depending on who won earlier battles. It gets harder or easier for either side depending on who won other encounters. For example, there's a quest where the party tries to recover a magic sword. If the party wins, they get a powerful good version of the blade and use it as they see fit, and if the DM wins he gets to keep the evil version of it and hound the party with it. In between missions the players get to spend money to get items and purchase gear.

It's pretty fun, but it feels like it could use a couple of extra layers of complexity to make it more engaging, because after you've played one campaign there's not much else to do with it.

Last Night On Earth is this but with zombies and survivors.