I've been absent from Magic for 12 years and just decided to check up on it now...

I've been absent from Magic for 12 years and just decided to check up on it now, what happened to the game I used to love? It looks like yet another pillar of nerd culture that's being dumbed down for the cool kids, just like what's happened Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and Star Wars.

Gameplay of MTG seems super dumbed down; as Planeswalker cards now just do all the work for you after turn 4. The game itself no longer even seems to be the top priority; now it's about wannabe entrepreneurs; the frat boys don't play or own a game store, but just look at Magic as a get-rich quick scheme. And this new logo symbolizes everything Magic has become; another once-great pillar of nerd culture that has been sold out to normies. Next thing you know; you'll be seeing shitty pop culture icons like Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber talking about Magic. This happened to Marvel, it happened to LoTR, it happened to Star Trek, and it happened to Star Wars. We don't need the football team to beat us up anymore; greedy corporations like Disney and Hasbro, as well as crony Hollywood directors like Peter Jackson and J.J. Abrams, are doing it for us now.

Pointless bitching. Magic was always owned by Wizards of the Coast, which was always owned by Hasbro. This was bound to happen.

You think that's bad? Wait until you see what's happened to Magic's artwork. Anything now considered even slightly "offensive" (i.e; "toxic masculinity", cleavage) by your average millennial is no longer depicted on card artwork. And WoT$'s attitude reflects that; they now embrace leftist millennial bullshit.

Tikkun Olam. George Bush Sr.'s glow in the dark buddies have been pushing their manchild program as far as possible to infantalize western males further before balkanizing north america with a forced demographic shift to cause regional instability.

Just kidding. That's all tinfoil nonsense and you shouldn't read or think about it. Just greedy executives doing what they normally do. Deedle dee dee. Buy Hasbro products!

It's terrible now, stay away. from it.

If you are a white male the era of Magic is over for you.

(((Mark Rosewater)))

Unless you enjoy Planeswalker cards that take all the skill out of the game after turn 4, wannabe businessman brutes going up to you at events to try and force you into buying their overpriced cards, and millennial culture poisoning the lore and artwork of new cards. If that's not what you're into, avoid new Magic at all costs.

>I've haven't been paying attention and just decided to check on it now, and literally have never been on Veeky Forums before so I didn't the thrice daily threads complaining about this exact thing, but holy shit guise here's some buzzwords and comparisons to stuff I expect you not to like

back to tumblr

>new logo
What's the fucking point? The old one is still on the card backs, and if they change those the entire racket collapses instantly.

I mean, kudos to the graphic designer who basically just stole thousands of dollars from Hasbro, but what the fuck?

>millennial culture
You mean the thing that gets packaged and sold to them by honest, well meaning, hard working, and honest business executives?


there was none. It was a giant waste of time.

LOL Next thing you know, they'll make Jace autistic.

They'll leave the game soon for digital shit and we'll have it back to ourselves.

>implying he isn't showing the signs already

inb4 WOTC show up in the thread btw.

If by "honest" you mean anyone who isn't a cis white male, then yeah.

>mfw we have a "plus-sized plansewalker" in a upcoming set.

cis *straight* white male. MaRO qualifies as "honest" because he's obviously a closet homosexual.

After Kaya and Samut that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

Probably a plus-sized black trans woman LOL

This is true because if you've ever heard him talk you'll hear it.

We had a tranny in Gatecrash didn't we? She was never played.


But Jace is already a trans. She's Jaina (mage from Hearthstone) after her operation.

Alesha, Who Smiles at Death in Fate Reforged. Dude who idendified as a chick.

>I've been absent from Magic for 12 years and just decided to check up on it now, what happened to the game I used to love?

Stopped reading there.

Yes please

Ok I knew it was fairly new and and a shit card.

>wotc hires some shit tumblr artists
>loses even more money

I'd lol even harder.

Jesus the art of Earthstone is terrible.

This is true of most things on Veeky Forums tho.
Traditional Games are almost entirely infested at this point.

That is the new plot point after the current set.
The mind wipe left Jace damaged and autistic after he regains him memories.

>I’ve been out of the game for 12 years
>but let me bitch about my perceived changes in gameplay that I’ve never experienced
How about you play the fucking game and find out? Or even look up how many decks actually use planes walkers.

Please go back to /pol/ or /r/MGTOW or whatever shithole you usually frequent.

I've played Magic on and off since the late 90s. The game has changed over the years, it's true. Not all changes have been for the best in my opinion but overall I'd say it's probably a better game today. It's definitely easier to get into. If you don't like the current meta you can always play Legacy like me.

OP is shitposting, user.

>Please go back to /pol/ or /r/MGTOW or whatever shithole you usually frequent.

Upset not all of Veeky Forums is part of your cult?


pretty sure they don't care about mtg kek

What cult? The cult of people who don't have a massive victim complex and perceive everything through the distorted lens of their politics and perceive everything as a slight against their race and gender?

U going to gp seattle?

I miss the days when you could talk about something without politics coming up.

The cult of people that can't deal with the fact the white males already won and they are just allowed to keep living out of our kindness.

If white males won, how are they also being eliminated from fiction?

I'm part of the cult of people who don't expect the world to suck my dick just because I'm a white male. You should stop expecting that as well.

I thought these shitty threads were over with. Go to 8ch or reddit. I'm not joking and I'm not trying to insult you, I really mean it

white gilt mostly. We let too many women and non-whites get involved in the creative process and it is just making anything they touch worse.

I've been absent from Yugioh for 12 years and just decided to check up on it now, what happened to the game I used to love? It looks like yet another pillar of nerd culture that's being dumbed down for the cool kids, just like what's happened Marvel, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and Star Wars.

Gameplay of YGO seems super dumbed down; as Synchro cards now just do all the work for you after turn 4. The game itself no longer even seems to be the top priority; now it's about wannabe entrepreneurs; the frat boys don't play or own a game store, but just look at Yugioh as a get-rich quick scheme. And this new logo symbolizes everything Yugioh has become; another once-great pillar of nerd culture that has been sold out to normies. Next thing you know; you'll be seeing shitty pop culture icons like Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber talking about Yugioh. This happened to Marvel, it happened to LoTR, it happened to Star Trek, and it happened to Star Wars. We don't need the football team to beat us up anymore; greedy corporations like Disney and Hasbro, as well as crony Hollywood directors like Peter Jackson and J.J. Abrams, are doing it for us now.

pic related its you

pic related its you

I have a wife and home and a 4 year old child.

Soy milk replacement products ruining generations of men.

And I'm riding a unicorn on the moon

>wotc still doing damage control on these threads

Holy fucking shit

How does the unicorn breathe in space? Checkmate, atheist scum.

Doesn't mean you're not a piece of shit human being, or that you're especially competent.

No, it's just the 100% cucked MTG players who defend they're every move now.

Well they fix to having a bunch of easy access to judges was ban the person who reveled the info and told stores "no pedos please!" while entirely ignoring the problem.

Daily reminder to report hide and sage /pol/bait

What I don't get is that the article people talk about when "soyboy" comes up as an insult is about phytoestrogen content in soy products, which is antagonistic. It actually blocks estrogen receptors, and some initial evidence suggests it can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

The whole insult is based on a complete misunderstanding of biochemistry.

I'm obviously more competent than you if I can have a normal life with a wife, child, steady job and money to sustain my and support my family hobby all at once and not try to defend the mistakes of a tcg we've all played for years.

>Silence the truth

Maro detected.

It has been proven to massively lower the production in testosterone during puberty leading to men without any real male gender traits.
It is why we have so many basically gender-less and worthless soy boys floating around trying to pretend to be girls.

I'm not trying to silence shit, I just want you to stop being hypocritical thin-skinned cunts who shitpost everywhere in an attempt to recruit people to your culture war

Anyone who says "___ detected" or "t.____" needs to be fucking shot

Different guy. And you missed my point entirely: even if I assume you're not just lying on the internet, having a "normal life" is hardly something to parade out in an argument as if it were some amazing feat that you should be congratulated for. It certainly doesn't give you any sort of intellectual or moral high ground.

If all you do is post memes and get upset that people are tired of /pol/ shit slipping out of its containment then you could have a corner office and drive a Lamborghini to work every morning for all I care. That shit's irrelevant.

Certainly not proven by any pediatric or endocrinological journals, or accepted by the FDA or the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Complete bullshit is what it is.

>remember when Star Wars was just for us nerds
>when did normies start liking one of the most successful film franchises of all time

>what happened to Marvel comics
>why are superhero comic books for children so dumbed down now

>what the hell Magic The Gathering
>when did selling people glorified Pokemon cards become a money-making scheme instead of an altruistic endeavor

Dude the FDA and the AAP are all run by jews. Haven't you heard? The jews are the ones who put estrogen into our food and water in order to turn the goyim into docile cattle so that they can exterminate the white race as revenge for the holocaust - even though the holocaust never actually happened btw it's another jewish lie!

How do I know all this? I read it on an infographic posted on /pol/ of course.


Everything but the last point is totally fair, but Magic predates Pokémon.

It's pretty good in commander desu.

No, he just isn't white. He's Jewish, user.

Game has been garbage for a bit. Last decent sets were theros and khans, and even that is a debatable stretch.

As said, if you haven't seen the horrendous art direction taken, save yourself the aggravation and avoid at all costs.

>and we'll have it back to ourselves
That is unfortunately a pipe dream: mtg is never going back to the way it was - too much sjw infestation at the corporate level, and there is no "Richard Garfield" type to bring the game back to its unpoliticized, heavy fantasy roots.


Not even good b8

mark rosewater has been with wotc for decades, you mongoloid. the card Maro is named for him. take your shitty opinions and little raisinette brain and fuck on off to /pol/ faggot.


>Anyone who says x needs to be fucking shot
t. tolerant liberal

>It's definitely easier to get into
Utter bollocks. I got into Magic through the Portal starter set and had absolutely no trouble picking it up.

The Dominaria set coming out has no white guys on the packs. All blacks, women or otherkin

>It is why we have so many basically gender-less and worthless soy boys floating around trying to pretend to be girls.
>Yet the ones tht want to transition to female still need hormone blockers and specific hormone cocktails.

>needs to be shot
t. liberal

and that's a good thing.

Come over to Netrunner!

Originally created by the guy who designed Magic, who considered Magic to be too dumb basically so created something more interesting.


Something only a newfag /pol/tard would scream about. Time Spiral's packs were an angel, a purple vampire, a man of indeterminate ethnicity, and a dragon. Planar Chaos' packs were a grey woman, a cat man with a sword, and a sliver. Future Sight's packs were a hulking zombie with more armor than flesh, another dragon, and a statue of a particularly angry angel. Nobody screamed about that because dragons, angels, and zombie knights are fucking cool.

The only things about Dominaria's packs that concern me are a lack of Serra angels, a lack of slivers, and the fact that Teferi has hair.

Karn has the soul of a genderfluid Phyrexian girl, and that shit was 20 years ago.

>WotC hires Genzoman

Oh shit it's like L5R all over again

Can we get in to this bait a second.
How was Star Wars dumbed down? What was there to dumb down?

It's just a line people use to try and cast themselves as "intellectuals" whose base opinions carry actual merit.

Which is dumb, because there are so many valid criticisms to the reboot so far. But no, if you liked it you're either a feminist harpy or an ignorant soyboy, and if you disliked it you're a racist sexist EU fanboy who can't tolerate a female lead.

What do you mean by dumbed down? There are vastly more mechanics in the game now compared to 12 years ago. What format are you playing?

Most decks do not even run planeswalkers in most formats (might change now with the resent jace unbanning)

I agree with the first point, although I can see where some people are coming from with the sjw direction wotc has taken in recent years.

What concerns me more, and why I won't support any new sets besides the rare modern single I may need, is the computerized, bland art direction from the last few years of sets. The lore, which albeit doesn't affect the game itself, has also been horrible since the start of battle for zendikar - not that khans was great, but at least it was interesting, self-contained, and unique - basically everything with the gatewatch has been horrible.

How do they remove any skill? Just remove the planeswalker, counter it, kill your opp before turn 4 etc. There are plenty of wincons at 4 mana or less that completely takes over the game if left unanswered. Don't blame the game because you suck at deckbuilding

I mean...nothing says that planeswalkers need to be attractive 20 somethings. I could totally see a fat planeswalker as a old grandmotherly planeswalker or a 'Life is for living' aspect black planeswalker (As that's a planswalker that doesn't really exist for black right now. Black Planeswalkers are all more on the villainous end or attempting to redeem themself for it in the past in the case of Vraska)

>basically everything with the gatewatch has been horrible.

Vraska/Jace and Jace attempting to be a detective on Innistrad entertained me. The guy manages to whine so hard about Lilly that his coach driver goes 'Fuck it, turning into a werewolf and eating him just to shut him up!'. FluffJace is always a lot more fun than CardJace.

Netrunner doesn't work in Multiplayer, the main way to play in my group.
Why the fuck do game designers hate designing card games that are open for multiplayer when it's demonstrably a significant part of the casual playerbase?

The funny thing is that in Ixalan the amnesia made him shed the old autistic self in order to become actually much more enjoyable as a character.

Comparing the article on Innistrad's art direction to the one on Rivals is particularly insightful: the Innistrad article talks about the design of the world, from the architecture to how the scenes touch on gothic horror themes, right down to the role of lacy details on peoples' outfits. The Rivals article is a couple of overly-smooth pieces with bullet points on what's supposed to be going on in the scenes: basically, it's become "painting" by the numbers.

The interviews with Martha Wells have given me some hope that she wants do the setting of Dominaria some justice, so if the creative team will let her and Garfield just do their things all the better. There's definitely some indication that there'll be a motley crew of locals at the heart of things instead of just neowalkers, which is a step in the right direction.

Apparently, around ravnica-era Jace was kinda fat, out of shape and ugly but hid it with his illusions 24/7 according to the ixalan story.

Wizards was bought by Hasbro in 1999, which was long after the invention of MtG and even after they bought out TSR. Until then they were just fine.

I dunno man. thats what confused me the most when i began looking at other cardgames. it seemed like it was just magic that had the possibility for multiplayer baked into the cards.