has been down for an hour. Did we all just lose our hard earned ECA? has been down for an hour. Did we all just lose our hard earned ECA?

Other urls found in this thread:

refresh? just got on. And hold it on a wallet anyway. The transaction takes 1 second

its not down now

>Did we all just lose our hard earned ECA?

It's a smaller exchange thats having issues with all the new ECA and cosx traffic

ECA coming to another exchange later this month if I'm not mistaken

I feel like ECA will finally be the big nist5 token we have been waiting for. All we need to do is help them get it onto binance when the community vote is up and we will make another 5000% or some shit.

This coin has literally no purpose. It is a reheated piece of crap with a retarded community.

It's just the exchange shitting its pants due high traffic unironically because of ECA itself

That's quite reassuring about this coin's future imo

It has one purpose, thats to finally become the nist5 token to escape these 3rd world exchanges and reach the main stage.

Shough have bought at 2 sats :/
But the exchange was dubious.


Bought at 10 and sold at 30. It's a shitcoin, cute effort though

You dumbass, you didn't even bother to think to hold and stake did you.

This coin is ded in a week.

just make your profit and GTFO. they charge a .002 withdrawal fee.

What is special about nist5 that makes this coin more worthwhile than others?

This coin was superceded by colx 3 months ago, lol

Im bit scared of this 5 min blocktime post on reddit, thought i have not invested much on this, but if this is true, then this is worthless coin isnt it? Im true hodler, but man that got into me a bit.

It's worhtless. Enjoy your bags.

>He doesn't test the coin itself
>Believes Reddit fud when the dude was talking about how fast it takes for coinsmarket to show his balance after a transaction confirms thinking coinsmarket is instant when we all know coinsmarket is a real piece of shit

This is just false you retard. I downloaded the wallet and used it, you need to wait over half an hour for a decent amount of confirmations with ~5min block time.

>not understanding the blockchain

>half an hour
>blatant lying

gtfo pajeet

Fuck you shill. If anyone with a brain is reading you can see the blocks here

This is true u dumbass i got the coins in my wallet into seconds but confirmations took hours.

>i got the coins in my wallet into seconds but confirmations took hours.
Yes. Exactly as in BTC. This coin sucks.

Anyone who bought this pajeet garbage deserves to lose it all

When it crashes all those gains will go to COLX - the only other semi-shitcoin on the exchange

It's true. I withdrew from CM to my wallet, and while the wallet showed it immediately, it was unconfirmed for about 5 minutes, during which time I couldn't send it anywhere. I confirmed this by checking my wallet in the block explorer, it didn't even show the transaction at all until about 5 minutes later. It seems their whole trick to """"instant transactions"""" is to have two balances in the wallet, one that gets updated immediately, and the real balance that only gets updated once whatever is in the immediate balance is fully confirmed in the network, which takes 5 minutes.

So if this is that pure scam why has no-one noticed this than you and some reddit faggot? I dont get it. I think CM is the problem here for those confs taking so long.

FUDders trying to drop the price so they can get in. Sorry, you missed out already. Buy now or stay poor. Literally in my wallet in 1 sec. Confirmed in a few minutes

The exchange has nothing to do with out, l2blockchain.

Somehow this got a bunch of normies excited and they think it can reach a dollar. They will literally not listen to reason. Visit their Telegram group if you don't believe me.

blockchain retard here, so what the fuck does that actually means? They say transaction is instant, not confirmations. Is it even possible to have instant confirmations? Where is the scam part?

Im not FUDder im hodler i got 400k ECAS but i just want a good explanation is this SCAM or not becouse the conf times? I mean is the CM reason for this conf times taking so long up to 5 minutes or is this just scam as that other guy said they use 2 wallets to trick people its super fast? AS SHOULDN'T THE CONFS BE AS FAST AS THE BALANCE GOES INTO WALLETL LIKE IN SECONDS TO THIS BE GOOD COIN?? EXPLAIN ME THIS AND IM HAPPY

It's just not instant. The confirmations are needed. They are simply lying.

once it goes out to the ECA network (which obviously happens almost instantly, since otherwise it wouldn't know to tell my wallet that there is an incoming transaction) it's up to the network to confirm. the time taken to fully confirm is all the network's responsibility, it has nothing to do with CM.

Using the Electra blockchain we have designed the currency ElectraCoin (ECA) that can be traded from one entity to another with invaluable features.

Ticker: ECA
Algorithm: NIST5
5 minute block times. 288 blocks per day

Fast Transactions – In this day and age, time has become invaluable to us. Due to the outdated design of existing financial transaction protocols, organisations and individuals lose time when paying or transferring funds. Electra is extremely fast and can take seconds to complete a payments or transfer funds, end-to-end.

Taken from the official website. Where is the lying part? I see no "instant" anywhere

>Where is the lying part?
>Fast Transactions
>Electra is extremely fast and can take seconds to complete a payments or transfer funds, end-to-end.
Sure, they don't say "instant" there.

Dude don't get me wrong I am just trying to understand.

If they do not say instant anywhere, what makes it a scam? It's still fast as fuck, I transferred 200k coins in 5 minutes, is there something I am missing?

But it with 5 minutes it cant battle with big ones = means it will never be huge as ripple or xrb or some one else big coin. thats the deal here.

No not really, the coins not dumping or dipping, and we ironically struck gold since they are willing to expand to bigger exchanges while we stake, so all we literally have to do at this point is hold the millions we got and stake more until we get a binance listing.

Then our shitcoin will be worth at least 100-200 sats.

Sorry, I wasn't being sarcastic. I was agreeing they don't say the word "instant" but make overstated claims anyway.

My points are
- 5 minutes is slow compared to other networks which are in ~2 seconds.
- You probably did not transfer in 5 minutes. Maybe you got 1 or 2 confirmations. Recommended amount is at least ~10.

Allright thanks for the clarification user. Still, we all know hype train is the number one thing in crypto, so even if this thing does not hit 1$ (which I doubted a lot since the beginning) it might easily hit triple digit sats soon

Yes, it could, be sure to get out safe. Remember that a billion coins have been premined. When the owner feels he has gotten enough people he might sell it all and crash the market.

Being "extremely fast" is basically the only thing that separates this from any other shitcoin. Since it's not (even fucking Ark of all things can confirm a lot faster than this) there is no reason for it to exist.

I truly believe this is going to be the next Verge (for better or worse) in that a lot of people are going to buy into it not really understanding that the technology behind it isn't what they claim it is. Now obviously this means it might moon hard if it gets enough momentum, but it could just as likely languish at

Nice FUD mr ark hodler

>stay in at your own risk
can you not into staking? If the price is stable I'm still making thousands per year. If it goes up, I make even more. There is active development so I think it will keep going up

I don't think these people care about staking/mining/masternodes at all because they are poor.

You'll make thousands of worthless ECA, until the staking runs out (pretty quick I think).

I don't own any ARK. I used to but I sold it all for other coins when I realized the price isn't going anywhere for a long time due to indifferent devs. Though from the brief time I was a deluded Arkie, I can attest to it living up to their promise of 8 second block times.

Omg how I knew that guy was you. And you were spreading your FUD in every Electra thread on Veeky Forums. Sad. Despite your attempts, the coin will only go up.

>that guy was you
What? Good luck with your ECA m8.

In this crazy market where even dumbasses can double their money in a month with enough effort, staking is waste of opportunity, even with 50% annual returns.

There's only one guy on Reddit and Veeky Forums trying his hardest to FUD Electra. Its not hard to see the pattern.

Somehow I wouldn't be surprised if you're the same person with a different ID.

I don't use Reddit. I'm not FUDding, just giving facts to user. I bought ECA and sold comfortably at 3x. You can do as you please.

What a sad man, trying to FUD a 34 satoshi shitcoin, we literally have nothing to lose with ECA.

This level of delusion just confirms my belief that this will be the next Verge.

Oh well, at least you got in early, so you're probably still going to get 5x gains from other dumbasses buying into this shitcoin. Just don't be surprised if it's not "the next XRB" or whatever.

Just your entire investment.

Well, if you bought at 30 and it dumps to 15, I say you lose quite much .

>tfw CM is actually down


post discord link. I want to FUD other coins with you

Please kill yourself.

Very good shilling + price manipulation + low volume on one shitty exchange
The small price number getting larger very quickly blinds people

Garbage site needs to get it's dick up so I can transfer my colx to the wallet.

>Electra is extremely fast and can take seconds to complete a payments or transfer funds, end-to-end.

Note how they say "can" take seconds to complete, which is technically true because you can get one confirmation in a few seconds if you get lucky with the block timing. But obviously this will not happen 99% of the time and you also need more confirmations, meaning transaction times are complete trash to the point where you might as well use bitcoin.

This shit is all false marketing and manipulation. Due to staking there is an incentive to shill this coin on a big scale and hold it for a while, which is why the price hasn't dropped yet but it will happen eventually and a lot of people will feel really stupid then.

>low volume?
what? literally highest volume on coinsmarkets

>highest volume on shittiest exchange ever
nice just bought 100k

I've been trying to buy this shit for like 2 hours now. Come the fuck on.