I am getting VERY VERY tempted to dump this shit for Stellar

I am getting VERY VERY tempted to dump this shit for Stellar

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I am too, but for ENG or RLC

Take profits from REQ and pour into XLM.

You’re not late


do it
req is a biz pump and dump

iron grips reap the greatest rewards

yeah bro dump your coin thats done correcting and buy XLM at ATH lmao fucking retard

You guys think it's ready for another bull run? Just dropped XLM after most recent ATH for ICX which is just starting to take off

do it
dump it all

So much this. How fucking dumb are people? Any day now REQ & LINK are due for their next leg up... meanwhile XLM and ENG are due for a correction any day now.

This is how there are people on here who actually manage to lose money. Fucking amazing.

dump for FUN

>sells low to buy high
never change biz

I know, I love it. People can't control their emotions.

This is how we get rich.

i sold it at -15%, went unironically all in on stellar and am at least +30% now

please do it

it will moon as soon as you do it

Don't do it, man!

3 weeks till this explodes, you can still load up.
Get 10k if you can!!

Stop helping these people. Someone has to buy our bags at ATH

>what is fomo for 100, Alex


Speaking of REQ. Is now a good time to get in or do you fags think it'll dip a bit more? Will we see sub $0.70 again?

Hold both!

Dumping two days before another product update. Are you retarded?

I hope so cuz I threw up my buy orders on 69


I bought more today, now it is time to hold onto it.

Oh look REQ still isn't doing anything

You fucking teenagers need a spike every 5 minutes. It has been 3 FUCKING DAYS since REQ DOUBLED in price. You are literally making insane amounts of money for doing absolutely nothing of value, then complaining when it doesn't happen every single day.

I swear most of you shitbags on biz don't deserve biz.

don't help the brainlets, I'm trying to accumulate here and I need retards

what the fuck are you talking about, I'm 150% up my initial investment and I bought it last week

>t. Kid with 90 req

I'm gonna hold my REQ stack but to be honest, it definitely feels like i'm missing out on moon missions..

When is it our time brehs

r u me with ltc?

how high can req go in the next month

Just keep both, never go all in one, you DON'T know which will do better. Just hold both good coins.

> Stable at 5k
> Will go to 7k tomorrow
> Pls dump, my buy orders are ready

if this shitcoin doesnt moon by saturday im selling it

no point holding bags for weeks when you started with little money

missing moons left and right

$1 minimum

$2 most likely

$5 max

REQ was 7c a month ago, there is no selling low if you got in before the last 2 weeks

They are not in competition and target entire different markets. They can both moon at the same time.


Were you in the thread with that guy that turned $100 in $15,000 within 3 months by holding for a month and not daytrading?

If people on Veeky Forums actually followed his advice most people here would be a lot richer.

really which coin went 150x?

What should I do user? My entire portfolio is on REQ atm

> wait for XLMs correction

XLM is correcting as we speak. Upwards. Ridiculously undervalued coin. Manipulated by huge sellwalls, and still breaks through.

1$ was hit today
2$ End of January
+10$ End of February when FairX is released.

To clarify I know you suggested to hold but looking to diversify and not sure if now or later. And to what. Thinking XRB and XML

Don't. I mean I like XLM but it won't go much up. But this pajeet coin will fucking moon soon.

Wait to see what REQ does on Friday and then go 50/50 on VeChain and DBC

$100 BY 2019

So ride big waves. Sell all. Get in on other coin dips and repeat until big stacks? Then start putting small portions into actual investment?
