Kamigakari Thread

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Legendary Arms RPG Kamigakari Thread

Previous Thread: Last time:
>All the Main book images scanned and cropped to individual images
>Cordelia is hot, her dad is not.
>Ongoing translation of fluff

Baseline things! And stuff:

Expansions and errata + Mononoke homebrew guide, FAQ, and a quick rules cheatsheet!

Expansion Weapons Pastebin (Incomplete) And Item Pastebin

A character sheet hosted on Google Sheets (for online play!)::

Kamigakari is a JTTRPG focused on episodic storytelling, with simple but tight mechanics. Its design goal is to start players spread out, getting involved with the episode's peculiarities, and eventually coming together to fight a big bad, A la tokusatsu shows, magical girl shows, and/or other such shows in that vein.

TL;DR, Its a Monster of the Week Format game with an emphasis in the fluff on high power shenanigans of just about every type.

Japanese schedules suck, so JTTRPGS are optimized toward quick and easy sessions.That said, they can be adapted for longer ones with little to no effort.

Other urls found in this thread:


/jttrpg/ Discord - Look for games in #on-topic, not #general.

Storytime Imgur

Today's question:
>How would you do a campaign that is mostly underwater? How would you modify movement, explain how your characters are underwater, or differentiate how you would fluff things?

>How excited are you for new Crunch? Scans of Expac 2 GM stuff coming when possible

Also, Sorry for the late thread. I know not a lot of people actually show up this early, but i think consistency is a good thing.

>Scans of Expac 2 GM stuff coming when possible

To elaborate on this just a bit, what i mean by "when possible" is probably around sunday night/monday morning depending on where you are.

New stuff is why I keep checking back on these threads but I'm also not expecting much in a hurry so around mildly excited. That and the potential storytimes but looks like they died off

It'll be here, I want more content to push out, before I say what we've been doing these last few sessions in [Kamigakari: Tasogare no Kamigami].

New storytime?

Yes, a new tale for me to regale you all with, before I then turn tail, and abandon you all for the next seven days or so.

Rapture from Bioshock- An underwater place that is supposedly a getaway from society, but it turns out is actually a front for a rather business-happy Aramitama. Thankfully, the Spirit Barrier DOES prevent destruction of the immediate locale.

I can do partly underwater.
>Futuristic city that floats out in the middle of the ocean on an artificial island or maybe it's built on an actual island, I dunno
>Spooky aquatic/deep-sea themed monsters are causing incidents maybe they're aramitama, I don't know
>There's a not-cthulu involved somehow
>Minions are actual Fish-People ala shadow over innsmouth
>The city was built for research/resource purposes but in reality, the corporation that set it up found the ruins of atlantis below and set up shop above. This is a secret

Threads only go up once a week anyways, so turning tail for one isn't too bad. Neat premise, as well.

Is it sorta like an underwater mephisto?

This is also a really cool premise.

>Maybe they're aramitama, i don't know

I mean, most of what you fight in kamigakari proper is aramitama or aramitama minions to start with, so its not like it would be strange.

I actually have a severe lack of aquatic images for this kinda thing. If anyones got some, i'd certainly appreciate it.

Monsters, locales, even potential NPCs/PCs, i'll take anything you feel like sharing

Here's a few i found on google that were interesting enough without being easily identifiable.


Okay, this one is super identifiable. But it brings me to another question, how would you fight underwater? Properly underwater, not on an island, not in some underwater city, literally in the water.

How would you get around issues like electricity everywhere, fire being dampened, your movements being hindered, enemies being more mobile than you in their natural environment, stuff like that?

Forgot the fucking picture

>The corporation that set it up found the ruins of atlantis below and set up shop above. This is a secret

Do they have secret scavenger missions and shit to try and identify anything and everything they can?


Yeah, they'd be working to discover what caused it to sink, taking objects for study, etc, etc. Probably disturbing some sea life that lives in the ruins, or nearby. That kinda stuff.

True, true. Mononoke, Aramitama, you can use either as enemies.

>Investigating ruins
>Everythings going well
>All of a sudden see a weird glowy thing
>Walk towards it
>Monster catfish ready to eat you whole is right there
>Proceed to shit pants

I'd love stuff like this, personally.

What kinda difficulties do you think players would have for being underwater? Time limits? movement penalties? Anything like that?

It really depends- You could have specialized equipment or powers. In terms of the races, I don't see why some of them couldn't have their own adaptations... I could see most of the races, minus humans, having a way to survive underwater.
Stuff like Bestial transformation, Soar (Replace it with "Swim" for a water Hanyou), maybe throwing in something for Cyborg or Dragon Lord too.
As for actually restructuring the game systems, I'd have to think about that. Fighting underwater means that 3d combat is a thing. Some weapons would be more/less useful underwater too, but that's to be expected.

I mean, technically, there's already some degree of verticality, with [Shift: Flight]. You might be able to jury rig something by using that as a basis.

Maybe split it into float and sink, where you are above or below an opponent? I dunno what the difference would be between the two besides just keeping track of who is where, approximately, but it seems a plausible enough idea.

Soar pretty much means that you can never be engaged, right?

In any case you could just measure everything in squares, so you do less work. An ability that lets you charge 5 squares would mean you could move up, down, or forwards/backwards/etc.

I'm gonna be honest, i don't even know what this soar mechanic is. Would you happen to have a book number?

Soar gives you Shift: Flight.
Page 265 for me.
>Characters with [Shift: Flight], if they receive declarations of [Engagement] from characters that do not have [Shift: Flight], can ignore this. In other words, characters with [Shift: Flight], unless they themselves declare it, never have to enter an [Engagement]. Also, they ignore penalties from “Hazardous Footing” and gain a +1 modifier to [Active Checks].

got it.

You can be engaged, but you have to initiate it. If you enter an engagement, you are engaged, period. its just that you can't be stopped short by someone else declaring an engagement.

So what basically happens is that so far as verticality is concerned, there's 2 squares per se. The "Ground square" and the "Flight square" if you are looking at it like a grid. My thought was increasing that to 3 squares, or potentially even 5 with some tinkering. What are your thoughts on that?

If you refer to the original Mephistopheles, I wouldn't say so. They're just out to eat the prey that come there, looking for a nice vacation or home.

I haven't much for today, sadly. Let's see next time if I can get it all mashed together in a nice little ball for us all to enjoy!

That'd be appreciated. Hearing new and interesting stuff is always good.

So just a regular business minded demon then. Thats a bit... generic, i suppose. But still a neat concept all around. Its got tons of potential

Reminder, New GM pages will be scanned in less than 24 hours, assuming no difficulties.

The translations on that stuff should go a lot quicker since a lot of it is common, single terms and short sentences. Its not Long ass paragraphs like the fluff we already are working on, so we should have this stuff translated and out much more quickly. How quickly is anyones guess, but a little hype never hurts.


Emergency bump!

Much obliged, user.

Hopefully the thread will be lovely enough for it.

But thread is always lovely.



its not lively, but i know for a fact there's some people lurking, waiting for something to happen


Machine god GM section part 1. This is the first portion of the gm section, which seems to have some detailed stuff and a bunch of tables for god knows what. I chose a break point i thought was logical as the next section seems to be something else entirely.

Pages 64 and 65 are reversed in order because i had to rescan 64.

Part 2, pages 73-85.

After this, there's 3 pages that i don't know what are, 2 pages for what appear to be boss talents, and then the rest is mononoke.

We'll get to those in due time though, since i've only got so much time to do this at any one time.

What was on pages 78 and 79?

>i accidentally skipped 2 pages

FUUUUUUUUUCK. The reason is that all of those pages are unduly similar, and differentiating them is a bit difficult. I should just look at the numbers, but i'm fucking retarded

okay, heres those two pagees

>which seems to have some detailed stuff and a bunch of tables for god knows what.
Alright, I've been through and bookmarked my copy of the scans with section headers. Here's what it is:
p64: Special Scenario Information (for including cyborgs and marebito)
p65: Scene Template
pp66-69: Scene Template Session Progress
pp70-72: Scenario Content Determination Tables
pp73-77: Leader List (From translating bits of it, it looks like they mean Opening Scene/Introduction)
Example: Sloppy translation of Leader B: 「Extraordinary Visit」's body text:
after school. As usual, you were under school with [NPC 1] being a good classmate in a. Everyday life as usual. Conversation as usual. For you living in the harsh mysterious world, they are irreplaceable healing itself. At that time, the surrounding landscape suddenly flips over. This is a secret "spiritual strength barrier" that creates a different dimension space where only supernormal existence can be exercised. Then, suddenly there was a suddenly terrible supernatural appearance around you - he (they) took off yourself and protected while raising a bizarre voice!
pp78-81: Event List
pp82-84: NPC Appearance Table (1d). This is some sort of random encounter thing.
p85: Advice on ST Scenario and Order of Acquiring Information

So its all scenario and setup stuff?

Apart from that random encounter thingy, looks like it. And it may not be a random encounter thing, that's just what it looked like after slapping the first line into GTrans and getting something like "This item is for determining the [Appearance] (meaning number and type, I believe) of [Mononoke] based on the number of PCs and their [World Interference LV]", combined with it being mostly random tables.

Honestly, if its just that thats pretty good. Something we sorely needed was something decidedly less "Regimented" for scenario's than what was given to us in the previous two books.

A little random chance never hurts anything, and can seriously spice things up if used right.

Also, fun fact i didn't know until reading the book, d66 isn't actually telling you to roll d66.

Its just saying to roll 2d6. and take one number as the tens and the other as the ones.

No random material tables or anything? Shit.

Here's hoping the boss talents are something interesting at least.

The untouched bits of the available player section scans are Sample Characters, the Handout List, and Nicknames.

Regardless of PC and NPC, it is possible that God Hunter, which has reached the [World Interference LV (LV): 3] or higher, has been known to the inhabitants of the mysterious world until now (This is supposed to read something like "Regardless of whether the character is PC or NPC, once they have reached [WI LV 3+], there is a possibility that supernatural creatures are aware of their past deeds, but under some other name") . We call the name known as such [Nickname/Alias]. Each player can arbitrarily have [Nickname/Alias] on PCs with [World Interference LV: 3] or more. When setting [Nickname/Alias], it decides the following contents respectively.
1: Determination of different name
2: Determination of feat and evil (misdeed)
3: Decide to modifications to popularity

The Nickname section is the stuff do do with the block of charts from pp20-23.

Welcome to Japanese tabletop games

>one of the nickname components is colour
>the table differentiates between scarlet, crimson, and a shade of red for which there is no English word
Thank fuck for Google.

The full colour table, by the by, is
Table 1 – Colour Table (d66)
11-12: Scarlet
13-14: Crimson
15-16: Suou (hex 973C3F, a kind of dark red)
21-22: Golden
23-24: Pure White
25-26: White
31-32: Silver
33-34: Pale Blue
35-36: White-Green (Mint Green?)
41-42: Ash Gray
43-44: Iron Gray
45-46: Amber
51-52: Jade
53-54: Lapis Lazuli
55-56: Rose
61-62: Black
63-64: Jet Black
65-66: Player Choice

The instructions seem to say that if you're only using table 1 (which gives you colour, epithet, or attribute. Haven't had a look at the other two sub-tables yet), then you roll on the appropriate sub-table and slap that on to the front of your character's name, so you could get "White-Green/Mint Satoshi" or some shit.

Well these are pretty neat.

Hopefully we can get this all sorted and in the actual pastebin at some point

If we can keep thread up until sometime tonight, i should be able to knock out at least those 4 other pages before the mononoke, if not the entire rest of the GM section


MiO When?

I'll do more of the tables tonight.

Sweet. In a little bit i'll get to those scans, so get hype for potentially interesting talents for aramitama and bosses.

And speaking of those scans, here's some pages i don't know what are and some pages i'm assuming are boss talents

The first bits look like sample ST scenarios.

Seems legit since they say ST at the top.

I'm almost 100% sure that the last couple pages are talents though, and i'm rather excited for that. Arts adaptation from the first expac drastically altered how i make things, i wanna see if there's anything else of interest

You'd be right.
pp86-87: Sample Scenario 1 - Evil God from Another Dimension
pp88-89: Sample Scenario 2 - Fall and Divinity
pp90-91: Sample Scenario 3 - Machine God of Damocles
pp92-93: Boss Talents

Glad to see i can at least pick out formatting properly.

I'm going to go for translating the boss talents before getting back to the nickname generator, because the talents are probably more useful.

Almost assuredly. They're the crunchiest thing we've gotten out of this book yet, although thats not saying much since most of it is fluff and replays.

Well, here's the blurb from the black box at the start.

Here you can find《Boss Talents》 for [Aramitama] and [Bosses]. The《Boss Talents》listed here are all powerful ones. GM, please use these with caution.

>from the start its telling you these are potentially game altering abilities for bosses and aramitama

Off to an excellent start then.

Here's talent number 1 of 15

《Variant Appearance》
Timing: Start
Distance: Battle zone
Target: 1 body
Cost: None
Summary: Temporarily change the opponent's body using the wicked god's ability to dramatically increase durability and vitality.
Effect: Special effect. This "talent" can not get God Hunters (I think this means “cannot target God Hunters”, but it may mean “cannot be acquired by God Hunters”). In addition, "Variant appearance" is effective only for objects other than users. During target battle, [life force] gains [user's [LV] × 10 (maximum 100)], [armor] and [barrier] gain +10. This "talent" can only be used once during a battle.

So if i'm reading this correctly, they target one of their minions, and give it HP equal to Lvx10 (capped at 100), as well as ten armor and barrier once per battle.

so a super buff, then? It seems to be a low-key aramitama-zation effect.


《Unusual Movement》
Timing: Preparation
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Summary: Move over the battlefield in a row (line?) and cross over with a movement that transcends the law of physics.
Effect: Special effect. The target ignores [Proximity state] and moves the distance of three squares. This "talent" does not consume [preparation], but it can be used only once during one turn.

So this one is to move 3 squares ignoring engagements, once per turn, and it can be used almost every turn.

Not bad. I'm liking how these aren't straight power boosts to the mononoke itself yet, but options for minions and movement respectively.

Here's a super attack for smacking your foes around the battlefield

《Blow of Destruction》
Timing: Attack
Object: Range
Distance: proximity state
Cost: None
Summary: A blow that has the destructive power to collapse the whole area.
Effect: Physical attack. The user gains +3 correction to the achievement value of [hit] judgment and deals physical damage of 5d + 10 + [user's [LV] x5 (maximum 50)] to the target. The user may forcibly move the object that failed the [Avoidance] determination in any direction to five squares (this movement ignores [Proximity state]). This "talent" can only be used once during a battle.

+3 to the accuracy check, an assload of damage, and forced movement 5 squares ignoring engagements.

Fuck, is this a god hand talent?

Timing: Start
Target: 1 body
Distance: Battle zone
Cost: None
Summary: Temporarily dominate only the partner's body to dramatically increase combat capability.
Effect: Special effect. This "talent" is effective only for objects other than the user. The object gets +3 for the achievement value of [active judgment] and +10 for [damage calculation].

I just realized, this is probably an area attack smacking anything engaged with it. Thats really terrifying on a max roll of 90 damage.

+3 to an active check and +10 to damage on something besides the user. Fairly simple, but potent.

I notice that at least 2 of these so far have been about strengthening minions, rather than buffing the aramitama itself.

Here's the first 4 with the commonly used nomenclature.

《Variant Appearance》
Timing: Start
Range: Combat Zone
Target: 1#
Cost: None
Description: Temporarily change the opponent's body using the wicked god's ability to dramatically increase durability and vitality.
Effect: Special effect. This talent can not target God Hunters. In addition, "Variant appearance" is effective only for Targets other than the user. During target battle, Targets gain [HP] Equal to [user's [LV] × 10 (maximum 100)], and [Armor] and [Barrier] both gain +10. This talent can only be used once per combat.

《Unusual Movement》
Timing: Prep
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Description: Move over the battlefield in a line and cross over with a movement that transcends the law of physics.
Effect: Special effect. The target moves 3Sq, Ignoring [Engagements]. This talent does not consume [Prep], but it can be used only once per turn.

《Blow of Destruction》
Timing: Attack
Target: Area
Range: Engaged
Cost: None
Description: A blow that has the destructive power to collapse the whole area.
Effect: Physical attack. The user gains +3 to the accuracy check and deals physical damage of 5d6+10+[user's [LV] x5 (maximum 50)] to the target. The user may forcibly move the object that failed their [Evasion] check 5Sq in any direction, ignoring [Engagements]. This talent can only be used once per combat.

Timing: Start
Target: 1#
Distance: Combat Zone
Cost: None
Description: Temporarily dominate only a minion's body to dramatically increase their combat capability.
Effect: Special effect. This Talent is effective only for Targets other than the User. The Target gains +3 to [Active Checks] and +10 To [Damage Calculation].

>During target battle, Targets gain [HP]

Noticed my typo a little too late. Changed to "During battle, Target gains [HP]

This one's a bit complicated. I had a go at working out what it means, and I think I'm pretty close.

《Family invitation》
Timing: Always
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Summary: Using magic and ability, summon the spinal cord around himself, and manipulate at will.
Effect: Always effective. The target consumes [start] once, and within [[LV]] is equal to or less than the average of [world interference LV] of PC [-1] (at least 1) ", the same as the target with the description of [xn] 3 types of [mononoke] of [type] are [set up]. This "talent" can only be used once during one game opening (scene). (From what I can tell, the effect is “within 6 squares of the user, three mononoke of the same type as the user, and level of [average PC WI LV -1, minimum 1], are [set up]. Something about a descriptor of “x n”, not sure what that means off the top of my head.)

Well thats fucking complex. I'll note it down for now, but we'll need to work on that one later. Maybe get another opinion.

Wait, is it talking about mononoke with X# written in the name? the ones that count as groups and get one shot by like, 9 different talents/

《Terrain Mutation》
Timing: Preparation
Target: 1 body (1 square)
Distance: 7 squares
Cost: None
Summary: By evil virtuous power, change the terrain and make the building appear.
Effect: Special effect. The user makes one "obstacle" equivalent to "big building (→ basic p 190)" appear in the square within [distance]. This "talent" can only be used once during one turn (scene).

Probably. "xN" does look like it means

Summon an obstacle 1/turn anywhere within 7 squares of you. Not game changing, but very interesting to use against ranged builds.

group of N, is how that should end.

I getcha, i'll jot it down real quick.

《The Collapse of Heaven and Earth》
Timing: Attack
Subject: Battle zone
Distance: Battle zone
Cost: None
Summary: Attack by magic and ability that has the destructive power enough to annihilate the space itself.
Effect: Magical attack. The user gains +3 correction to the achievement value of [activation] judgment and gives magic damage 2d + "user's [LV] x5 (maximum 50)" to the target (resistance [half reduction]). Also, this "talent" even one point [Magical damage] that received [magical damage] will disappear. This "talent" can only be used once during a battle. (Second to last line appears to say “If this talent deals even one point of damage, it removes [Shift: Hidden]. One of those “magical damage”s translates to Sneakiness when on its own.)

I'd argue for cover as well, but either way its the magical equivalent to blow of destruction with some neat implications.

Also, i need sleep, so i'll be back after a nap. Feel free to continue on as you please, i'll chip in my two cents when i get back.

Alright. We're beginning the second page, so seven left after this one.

《Shooting Attack》
Timing: Attack
Target: 1 body
Distance: Item
Cost: None
Summary: Extend tremendous continuous attacks by using techniques, functions, abilities and the like.
Effect: Used when active. The user can perform [weapon attack] twice on the target. This "talent" can only be used once during a turn.

I don't know why it's called Shooting Attack. Alternate translation of the title is Fire Attack.

Fire volley, maybe? Shooting volley?

Perhaps Salvo?

《Returning souls》
Timing: Special
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Summary: The mystery of terrible spells that pierce a spirit by breaking bones.
Effect: Used when reducing damage. Perform [Weapon Attack] once on [Distance: Item / Target: 1 body] [Attack Action] to the target. [Object: 1 body] can not perform [passive judgment] on this [weapon attack]. This "talent" can only be used once during a turn.

Some sort of damage reflection talent?

Not reflection per se. Whenever you get hit, you smack back with no chance to avoid or deflect it, short of wasting talents.

This is actually super good.

《Overly Strange Magical Energy》
Timing: Always
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Summary: By remembering powerful spiritual power, you can dramatically increase your life force.
Effect: Constant effect. The subject gets +50 for [life force]. Up to three "talents" can be acquired duplicately.

That title doesn't exactly flow, but I don't know what else to call it. "Bizarre Superpower", maybe?

I actually like the original name, myself.

Still, this is a first, so far as i'm aware, of a talent that explicitly allows for duplicates of itself.

《Special Existence》
Timing: Always
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Summary: For a special reason, it shows that there is a mighty existence that has the memory and power of the world hidden in it.
Effect: Always effective. This "talent" can not be acquired by Aramitama, God Hunters. The target is +100 to the maximum value of [life force], and on [turn], it gets +1 [timing: attack]. However, when the target is knocked down, all PCs get [experience value] 50 each.

This means that《Variant Appearance》can target God Hunters, but not be acquired by them. Quite why the boss would be targeting the God Hunter with it, I don't know, but it could do that.

《Invisible Wall》
Timing: Defense
Subject: Battle zone
Distance: Battle zone
Cost: None
Summary: By giving a wall of spirit to appear before the opponent, it gives a high defense effect.
Effect: Used when damage reduction. The target gets + [user's [LV] x5 (max 50)) modified in [armor] and [barrier]. This "talent" can only be used once during a battle.

《Forbidden Mystery》
Timing: Special
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Summary: Make full use of secret forbidden mysteries and arcana, draw out a difficult one to avoid to the opponent.
Effect: Used for active judgment. Change the target [attacking behavior] to [special attack]. If it is already [Special attack], you get + 2d correction in [Damage calculation]. This "talent" can only be used once during a battle.

Timing: Always
Subject: User
Distance: User
Cost: None
Overview: Small organisms have forms a shape in total.
Effect: Always effective. This "talent" can not be obtained by God Hunters. At the time of [Final Battle], the target decreases [Damage] received by [Attack Action] to [Half]. This "talent" has a description of "xn" existing in [battle zone] When everything dies, the effect disappears (Even if revived with "power to call disaster" the effect will not return). Also, this effect is to tell the player when [identification] success.