How could I RP and describe a character with low charisma or equivalent without just going for the easy "they're ugly"...

How could I RP and describe a character with low charisma or equivalent without just going for the easy "they're ugly" or "they have poor hygiene" ? Is a complete of self-respect and meek personality good ways to do so ? What about constantly acting in a way alien to the local culture ?

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Act like the average Veeky Forums shitposter.

Just be yourself.

>Just be yourself.
Well this is just depressing.

>Is a complete of self-respect and meek personality good ways to do so ?
Yup, you could also go the opposite direction and have them be loud and abrasive. Just generally make them clueless in social situations and you're good.

Bad at picking up social cues and contextual hints. Odd habits, offputting demeanour. I guess that last one is a little more tricky, but I figure it would essentially mean an unusual style of conversing that doesn't endear people.

Like, an overly positive chirpy manner can be welcome, but it can also grate on people, and you're attempting to do the latter.

You could actually use your pic, take the cute damsel in distress and turn it up to eleven, make your character insecure and clingy in the most obnoxious way possible. Something like being scared to interact with strangers - maybe even party members, but that could end up just being annoying -, speaking too late and too quietly in conversations, constantly expressing doubt regarding your capabilities, not being fast enough to pick up on a joke so you end up killing the mood, being so passive that you're more ragdoll than human, apologizing too much etc.
You want others to think
>good gods what a nuisance, just go away
instead of
>oh what a cutie, let's see if we have some leftovers for you

Have them just be sort of uncomfortable and awkward. Just minor things that make the guy seem a bit off to the normal person.

You can give them a really annoying voice. Like, do your worst Gilbert Gottfried impersonation whenever you talk. He has the charisma to pull it off, you probably don't.

The other is to be really mousy and have trouble finishing your sentences because you get to self conscious.

Or you can be perfectly normal at first but completely unable to resit being completely repulsive on a regular basis. Like, the sort of guy who unironically says shit like "That barmaid is so fucking hot. She looks like my sister." and doesn't understand why that makes the rest of the table slowly move their chairs away from him.

You could go full watamote tier low charisma and do all of these at once.

A person with an incredibly grating voice that barely talks because they are self conscious about it and as such has really poorly developed social skills. The few times they work up the confidence to speak up, they always manage to say the worst possible thing.

>Shitty charisma despite being fairly handsome and not unpleasant

Any combination of traits that weakens their power in a social situation. Most of what has already been suggested are already good ideas. Alternatively, you could just be a normal well-adjusted person, but the Fates conspire against you to continuously ruin your public image and breed misunderstanding in all communication, but this may require participation by your GM.

Abusive parenting can cripple the ability to make social interaction. It's scientifically proven.

What's the Charisma of a rock?

I'd say 12 for marble and obsidian, 4 for a common rock.

It's kid-tested, mother-approved

Pretty good example, actually.

So bad at social situations that he/she was easily coerced to violence just because slaughtering everything is easier than dealing with people.

wait what

If you scroll down a bit you'll see that the first few found copies of the image are from Facebook and the robot dredged up "No automatic alt text available." as the common element between them.

Technology is amazing

First and second post best posts

This is why they leave the search field open, so you can type your own descriptors in.

Read Watamote. It's like a manual on how to have less than 10 CHA.

Low self-esteem, weak-willed, weak personality. Introverted, socially awkward, never speaks up properly.
Basically, your average beta male nerd. The skinny ones with glasses, scruffy beardlet, generic haircut #217 because they don't know what they want and don't dare grow it out. You probably know several of them, or are at least aware of their existence.

And there's no middle ground between 'says nothing' and 'talks for hours about crap nobody cares about or their creepy fetishes you didn't want to know existed'.

Be bad at charisma-based spellcasting.

Play a full spaghetti sperg when it comes to social settings. A lot of times I like to equate the Charisma stat to social confidence. So just roll your persuasions with a lot of unnecessary "ums" and "sorry." Also just the way you phrase things can play into it.

My heart!

Just be yourself

You could make the character have social traits that are not negative on themselves but could be considered socially bad.
You could make a female character that knows how to read in a society that considers that unfeminine, or something like that, something superficial that for some reason is seen as bad.

Already done

Does she actually want me to marry her or not?
The sign says she does, and she's asking, but she SEEMS like she doesn't want to. What's going on here? Am I missing something about this scenario?

She's absolutely devastated at the prospect of being unwanted.

Look, I'm not too picky, someone offers to be my wife and I'll be their husband.
But first I have to have her get down, then shutter all the windows, then check outside with a handmirror for glints.
Then I have to frisk her for explosives or remote suicide devices.
After that it's a trip to the doctor to make sure she's not on a time-release poison or loaded up with cortical bombs.
After that, sure, happy marriage.

>can spell "illiterate"
>fucks up "learned"
close enough

Genuinely OP, I made a character for a Scion game who was Atlantean (GM approved and allowed). We did this by making him smart in a way that he sees through puzzles and pieces information together at a rapid rate, to the point where he looks like he's just having a ramble that goes nowhere.

He was a loner, argued with his comrades and only ever saw solace in his own company which came with the feeling of being lonely.

His character was that he was the last Atlantean (that we knew of) so he didn't fit in the mortal realm because now he was a Demgod/God and he didn't fit in the God realm because he had no home and none were like him or could understand him.

So he was talkative, a smart ass but really no one ever overly listened to him or his ideas or views and he couldn't communicate them.

It's like how do you explain the colour blue to someone who doesn't know what it is? That's what he felt like and I played it as such, it was a great time!

whats this image from

probably random fanart inspired by Kemono Friends

Wasn't he/she actually raised by Meduaa though, or something close to it? I can't imagine being stuck with someone like her for an extended period and coming out sane.

OP image is too cute, delete it.

Your imaginary wife is better at grammar than you are, congratulations


Yes, she was raised in a way to basically isolate her from the outside world while cultivating her in a way to break her morality. The only 'friend' she had was Ragnarok, who was emotionally and physically abusive towards her, and her mother, who was just emotionally abusive. She was raised and pampered to become a psychologically unstable killing machine, ideal for the Black Blood and the power of madness.

>Shitty charisma due to being loud and brash but levels up and puts some points into CHA

Is that supposed to be an intentional spelling error, or British English?

Fucking ESLs.

Autism, literally autism. But only do it if you've actually had regular interactions with someone on the spectrum, otherwise it just doesn't work.

Well, there's always playing someone with a personality disorder like schizoids. That being said, "not saying anything like a Rei/Lain copycat" doesn't make for an interesting character.

Does Chrona have a canon gender? I know they're a guy in the anime.

Schrodinger's Dick

Nope, Chrona is Chrona gendered.

Would it stop you from putting your dick in if Chrona did?

I think the real question is would you rather dick normal Chrona, or crazy Chrona

Make them awkward

But you see, the best option would be to dick crazy maka.


Just be yourself.


Good taste

Probably. 3D traps usually aren't very convincing.

Creep everyone that you talk to out.

I always just base it on one of my old players.

No understanding of personal space
No social graces
No conceptualisation that others DONT want to fuck

If I want to be petty/obvious, I add in the unwashed hair and general stench.

Autism is not automatically low charisma. Low charisma is not automatically autism.

Autism, when high enough, is automatically low charisma. You literally have difficulty understanding and adapting in Social Situations.

Just be sort of "off". Your greetings are strange- You make up words. Sometimes your emotions fluctuate wildly, going either totally on the ON or completely off the OFF.

And yet, you're not proving me wrong.