How would you stat a little girl for the monster manual?

how would you stat a little girl for the monster manual?

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I wouldn't.

I wouldn't.

why even post lol

I wouldn't.

Assuming she's about 9 or 10, I stat her as a 1st level [insert race] commoner with the young creature template. Easy.

I'm pertty sure there are stats for child dragons.

i wouldn't

I would.

3HP (1D6)
8s across the board
Size: Small

stating it means you intend for it to die
you psycho


They are NPCs, not monsters, dumbass. Also you shouldn't stat something you can't kill. (Unless you have specific reason or ultra edge fag players, you won't ever need to stat a child).

user, there are MANY cases you would have to stat a child without specific reason or ultra edge fags.
Like, a shadowrun. Just in general. There are so many ways for that kid to get shot, gassed, burned, smoked, punched, run over, exploded, defenistrated, harvested, possessed, overwritten, reformatted, imploded, blood explosioned, or turned to goo.
And shadowrunners are RARELY good at watching children to make sure this doesn't happen.

You don't need stats for that, jackass. Just narrate how their badly aimed murder rocket went off course and blew up a happy little schoolhouse full of happy little children and puppies and oh the metahumanity. You don't actually need to roll damage and calculate splashback due to walls to determine the exact chunkification levels of the hundreds of children. Unless you're a fucking autist, just assume those kids are between "Dead" and "Don't bury them, just repaint the room" and then let the players react to what just happened.

>There are so many ways for that kid to get shot, gassed, burned, smoked, punched, run over, exploded, defenistrated, harvested, possessed, overwritten, reformatted, imploded, blood explosioned, or turned to goo.
>And shadowrunners are RARELY good at watching children to make sure this doesn't happen.

look user, I need to know exactly how many of these children are now nanite infested murder machines, how quickly they become nanite infested murder machines, and how many laser guns they can grow on their bodies before the runners notice.


It's important, user.
Hell, the runners might get lucky and some of the kids AREN'T nanite infested yet.

A size small human commoner

You still don't need to stat them for that.... (You've been aurgeing with a different user.)
A. That's kinda edgy.
B. You can just write it off as a death and implement X plot device as needed. If you want some kinda LoL random plot then just roll a % dice based on how you feel the odds are.l of X "plot" thing happening. You do not need to roll to kill every individual child.

>kinda edgy
man, if CFD is hitting your edge alarms, stay away from cyberpunk in general.
>just handwave it and use a percentage
Why would I ever do that when I could simply roll to see how many children are now bug spirits? Or how well the children succeeded their palming tests to smuggle guns into the school bus? Or the driving stats of the otaku gang?

This gets even more complicated because I make NPCs in my free time.
So it is very much something I would do to have charts of children, depending on class.
The low class kids may have guns, or mutations.
The high class kids might have under-the-hood emergency cyberware or HTR monitor bands.
Wageslave kids, funnily enough, are the least defended. Just like normal wageslaves. Something about being on either end of the economic ladder makes you much better armed than being in the middle.

Do you have players? Or do you pause after every mass murder so you can play off screen world builder?

Kid dieing is one thing. Killing kids one by one and making sure to account how each Individual child died without the players interest (or with the players interest) is kinda edgy. Unless the children are the plot focus it's an unnecessary focus.

This still doesn't need stats. You can just roll dice to decide or "write your plot".

user, it's the sixth world. Kids are being killed, killing, and the entire scope in between. Yes, it's good to roll for NPCs doing things instead of just handwaving them. Especially if you've got a pile of statted NPCs for whatever situation like a good GM should.

If I decide that the thing that makes the run go sideways is some kids, or that the johnson is in fact a consortium of murderous guttersnipes, or anything else that involves kids, I'm going to use stats just like I do with any other NPC.

>you can just roll dice
Yes. You roll the amount of dice stated in their stat block. That is why stats exist. So we don't have to go "Hm, I wonder what should happen, I'll guesstimate".

>Oh, the kids just have the guns because I thought it would be a good plot
>no, they didn't have to roll for it. They just have them

Fucking railroaders.

Killing kids without good reason is edgy
>Nu uh!
Your plot should be written down
>I don't handwave things!
Your plot really should be hand written...

It is clear you just improve your campaigns, and your world building is in poor design. Rolling against stats can be broken in a % based chance, instead of wasting the players time rolling for something that they arnt focused on or that isn't even important enough to be written is ducking dumb. You can just math it out real fucking quick and roll a D100 (or D20 or D2 or whatever dice you want). The stats of Most NPCs don't really matter unless your party is a bunch of murder hobos, just the Character traits and RP and name of the NPC is all you really need.

Children shouldn't meet much combat, and if by chance they do they won't put up any real fight, you can just round off their stats to ultra basic numbers and just roll dice as more of a % if you even bother rolling the dice at all.

>A truck runs over a child.
Let it die, don't waste valuable seconds rolling Dmg, it's a child, it's dead.

Are you saying dice build a world better? And dice tell a better story? And anything built in the world that isn't rolled up is somehow railroad?

>You see a building
Did you roll for that building to be there.
Fucking railroading.

>Calling world building railroading (to be fair your a shitty world builder, you might be better off rolling everything.)

>if by chance they do they won't put up any real fight
a kid with a gun is pretty dangerous, even if not as dangerous as an adult m8.
There's a reason guns are called "the great equalizer"
if you got hit by a bullet, whether the bullet was fired by a normal grown dude or by a kid, you're in for a bad time regardless.

Beyond HP and attack bonus (if you even need those) unless the children are so Inhuman it's more like fighting Monsters than human kids you won't need stats.

Go ahead and give me your shitty plot hook for why I'm fighting kids instead of something cooler?

>Go ahead and give me your shitty plot hook for why I'm fighting kids instead of something cooler?
They called you a big meanie.

Well, they're dorkfaced nerds.

Well you're a big poopyhead.

Your mother wears combat boots and your dad wears high heels.

Stop that.
That's lame, your have no valid points, if you actually believe any of your own arguments then your a kinda edgy dumbass with nothing to add.

Every time you look at your reflection it slowly shakes it's head while you piss yourself in shame.

Well, little girls aren’t monsters, so there’s no need to stat them for the monster manual.

But you’d have a valid reason for statting little girls if you were using a system that had stats for different elements of cuteness, tendency to misbehave, or responses to varying forms of affection.

Second part of was for you.

In conclusion, you don't ever really need to stat kids and campaigns/settings should be hand written/pre-written.

Your example for valid reasons are more of a character description block than actual stats. But yes.


the weakest enemy

That depends on system and setting. In the Pathfinder/some other monster manual there are some creatures that only have a 12% chance to deal 1 dmg with a -40% on their rolls to even hit.

If you don't want to contribute in any sort of meaningful way then get the fuck out of the thread you useless autistic pieces of shit.

Seriously, I'm getting really fed up with this "just handwave it" bullshit you people keep spewing lately. You handwave shit when you don't think of it ahead of time, or when it's a minor part of an adventure. The GM obviously doesn't think it's a minor handwave-able thing or else he wouldn't have asked the question in the first fucking place you twats. Some of us actually enjoy a bit of simulation in our games, especially when we're GMs because a lot of our enjoyment comes from the more tangible aspects of worldbuilding, which includes actually putting some fucking work into our scenarios and adventures unlike you ass fucks whose best solution to an issue nowadays seems to be avoid or ignore. You're probably the same lazy fucks who keep telling people to "not play D&D (play a different system)" considering that's equally useless advice. I repeat, contribute or STFU and move on.

Anybody speaks moon?

By taking little girls from Chinese cartoons and making them into really dangerous monsters.

They did that in Acquisitions inc. where the entire party got their age reduced by a curse. So there definitely could be a non-edgy reason to do it. Don't remember how exactly they made the stats but they had like 3 hp so maybe 1d6 or 1d4 hit die?

Your doing it wrong. A good world build comes from Character actions, emotions, habbits, their min max numbers are just a thing for combat, most of your NPCs should be a good conversation for your PCs plus a goal. You only need basic stats, such stats you hardly need on hand if you don't remember them or you can just quickly look up in the NPC list.

>Hand write
KYS. It's like your not reading or your retarded.

>Rolling 5 dice for one attack when you can just roll 1 or 2 dice.
Why waste the players time? You can get the same numbers with few physical rolls, as a DM it's not about you spending Minutes in a 6 second action rolling dice when you could use physical time more efficiently.

Op asked how to stat an NPC in the monster manual, but they won't ever be stated for the monster manual, they will be stated from the NPC list or PC list if you need to customize them more.

Nice art style, what's it from?

You sound too pure, I can't spoil you like that.
would Rustle ring any bells?

Making things easier or reducing unesasary dice rolls dosnt mean the encounter wasn't thought of ahead of time. You only need stats for combat encounters, and your players won't know said numbers, it won't kill the players if you don't stat the Barber named Johnson Henderson, who always says hello and gives a backward compliment (ex: wow sir I love what your doing with that hair! Going with the old "unkept" look i see!).
His stats are going to be basic and the only important things about the NPC are his character traits, how he acts and interacts with the PCs and other NPCs.

While those bandits down the road will need stats, amor that mugger who snatched gold from PC in the streets, good chance that NPC will get into a fight with the PCs.

Assuming a perfectly ordinary little girl, then for 5e D&D, I'd take Commoner states and then apply a reduction to ability scores based on their age. The specific penalties for age I'd pull from Star Wars d20 Revised, even though that doesn't quite translate well to 5e. It's close enough for our purposes.

On top of this, I'd make a Child small and with a base speed of 25 feet rather than 30 feet. The size reduction also decreases the hit die.

>Child: -3 to Str and Con; -1 to Dex, Int, Wis, and Cha
>Young Adult: - to Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Cha

Doing that, we'd end up with pic.

>you don't ever really need to stat kids
you do if there's a time the pcs might fight them.
>but the pcs should never fight them
there are several plots where the pcs might have to fight kids m8
mind control
supernatural possession
straight up child soldiers
it's not like every game is D&D where the PCs are gods that can't be hurt by knives/arrows/stones/guns/whatever other weapons kids can use to deadly effect

>and campaigns/settings should be hand written/pre-written.
a setting sure, but your campaign should not be 100% set in stone you railroading cunt. Why even roll dice if you already have everything planned? Just go write a fucking book

Oh it's by him? Looked a bit different from his usual stuff.

Why have RNG in a linear videogame?

who made you the arbiter of how RPGs are meant to be played?
>Why waste the players time
I know right
why not just roll a d6 and say "1-3 players win, 4-6 enemies win" and call it a day?
How hard it is to understand that even if you personally don't appreciate simulaitonist games, some people do.

to have a variety of outcomes that don't necessarily come from player action.

Found a translation :V

-4 str

BAM, you now understand playing in a railroaded game.

why would I play in a railroaded game when I can play with a DM who is not a cunt?

Also, escort quests, where the PCs have to escort a vulnerable child and make sure they *don't* die, despite enemies trying to kill them.

Proving Grounds were the worst.

>little girls aren’t monsters
Have you ever met one?

19+ on all stats
lets see some edgy faggot try his fuckery now

Small only goes up to about 4 feet. Most human children are Medium, being about 4-5 feet tall.

>DM making PCs fight kids for those reasons,
kinda edgy and completely unnecessary. next your gana tell me that being raped by a futa amazon tribe is good story telling and totally RNG and not some edgy fetish magical shit.

having a set setting dosnt mean Railroading you literal retard.

exactly, a DM shouldn't depend on dice or RNG to tell his story, it'd be no different than flipping a coin and depending on Natural 20s for a good plot.

>who made you the arbitr of RPGs,
just a guy who wants to play an RPG not an RNG.

if the intent is to stop edgy faggot shit why bother giving them stats?

Children in general are assholes. When I was a kid I blocked a slide because the next kid up called me a butt-face earlier

It's not that children are assholes, it's that they simply lack self control.

>it's edgy and unnecessary to do shit out of the base setting
>A GM shouldn't use the mechanism the game gives you to solve problems

You seem edgy as fuck, user.

>A setting where killing kids is the main plot.
Sure that's isn't edgy, you retarded edge fag.

>Using game mechanics to solve problems.
What game mechanics are you talking about? There isn't a single mechanic that makes kids a plot target to kill.
Are you implying doing the same mechanics but with unesasary roles being replaced with more appropriate dice rolls? Just because your a retard who cant run basic math to yield the same results doesn't prove your point, it just embarrasses you.

>What game mechanics
you know, the ones that characters have and use to resolve situations. That's how games work.

Now look, I know you're being a contrarian fag for the sake of edgyness, but you really have to think at least a little bit.

The most appropriate die rolls would just be doing the D6es man. It takes literally seconds.

There is absolutely no reason to do the "guesstimate and roll whatever you like" method that you advocate other than being an unprepared GM or railroading.

Your literally retard.
There isn't a single mechanic I avoided. I'm using all mechanics.
Your a retard.

>contrarian edgelord falls apart when we tell him to use statted characters and d6es instead of making some shit up and rolling a percentile

>le edgy is bad may may
I think you're on the wrong board

Do you really need to know anything besides their anal circumference?

That's not the image, that's a panda.


You can supplement many dice rolls to reduce the number of rolls. (D6s don't convert from D20 very easily.) But all dice have percentile average (D20 each number is equal to 5%).

>The child killing calling others edge Lord.
>T fag who can't do math and makes ridiculous dramatic assuming thinks anyone who disagrees is "contrarian"
Just because your wrong and I disagree with you doesn't make me a contrarian.

>Falls apart when you tell him to use stated Characters.
At no point dose that make sense. If your actually write a plot your PCs can just have the stats from the NPC list (not the monster manual) or if you have a NPC that needs more customization you can just stat it up like a PC (you don't have to roll up it's stats.)

s a DM you don't have to be a mindless mob stat machine, your job is to write a good story and good plot and make NPCs and monsters interact and react in a way that's interesting and realistic.

I think I'm on the right board... Edge fags get hate and they hardly produce good content.

>he doesn't even know how the hit system works
Get out of here you damn edgelord contrarian casual railroader.

So what you are telling me is you don't stat out NPCs or use the game system entirely because you want to be a contrarian edgelord.
Because that is what you are saying.

user, you'd have to do an equation to get bell curves similar to what dice provide in shadowrun. A percentile dice does NOT represent the numbers accurately at all, and would result in a much swingier system.
The idea that you think a single percentile die is interchangeable with die pools and bell curves is quite frankly laughable if you are at all serious about it.

I wonder how many hits "52 on a d100" counts as.

Your last (you) your weak and stupid.
Are you even trying?

Thread conclusion.
You don't need to stat children unless your a child killing edge Lord. And role play is dieing from incompetent /v/ fags who play DM like a min max Player Vs min max Dm tard.

Also contrarian, edge Lord, and railroad are now buzzwords with retards that don't know their meaning or how to use them.

Also, for that matter, how do you determine how many hits 52 on a d100 is if you don't have the stats to determine the stat pool to determine how many hits they even could get period?
I mean, goblinization happened a while ago, troll children are a thing. That kid could be anywhere from 1 str to 4.

Look, user, I don't understand why you are trying to be such a contrarian edgelord about a system you don't even play, and a setting you don't even know about.

>He said a thing! In going to misread it and assume that his one example is his one and only style and that this person can't possibly adjust to different situations.
If the numbers arent easily represented then I just roll with the easiest, fastest, more appropriate dice rolls.

I think you might be the one in the wrong here, given how your proposed methods don't work at all for the system in question, and how you cannot deal with the idea of child criminals when we are talking about a setting like shadowrun.

Ah, so you roll based on the kid's stats.
Because that's the easiest, fastest, and most appropriate way to determine what someone can do in the shadowrun system.

They're actually using the original definition of "edgy", given that you are trying to push the edge of what is acceptable here with your contrarian rants.

Like this

Can't I muder children in peace? What's wrong with spending literal hours describing and rolling each individual child that dies? I can't even be in the wrong, it's not my fault I put the kids in harm way and set up the situation in sug a way. Hell your the edgy one for trying to oppress me!
What's next? It's racist and biggoted to hate on literal Pedos?

>A discussion that is clearly non-specific to the system if anything is based on DnD
>Well in my system that counters your aurgement I'm right and your wrong! So there is nothing edgy about forced child murder! Fucking normal fag not advocating child murder. It's not my fault it's RNG!
KYS, my points still prove valid even in shadowrun, the Mathew I'll just work different.
And stating NPCs who won't face combat with PCs is still pointless.

>Mathew I'll
Math will.

>it takes hours for you to make up a few generic kid stats
>It takes hours for you to roll a handfull of d6es
This all takes less than 10 minutes in prep time, and actual seconds to do in execution.

The sheer level of incorrect you are here leads me to believe you don't actually play any games, and are here entirely to be an edgy contrarian.

>statting NPCs who won't face combat is pointless
The fuck is wrong with you? Like 95% of what a NPC does is non-combat. You need to know how well they can see, how well they can detect bullshit, how well they can talk, how many books they'll carry, how heavy they'll be, and on and on.
Thankfully, we have a thing called "stats" that tells us this. Wondering how heavy they are can be solved as easily as taking a glance at their body stat.

>wants to obtain the mother's uterus
>spends the whole show tearing out hearts
>even got the skill "Murder on a Misty Night" wrong


NPCs are Controlled by the DM, as a DM, any situation that information like that is relevant, I'll be sure to write, describe, and adjust things as needed. Unless it's important to the plot it's feckless to burden the PCs with it.
We all know this thread was made for combat stats, not skill checks. Don't pretend or play innocent.

.Haha he used an exaggeration that represents the idea that I'm an edge fag who spends the entire session killing kids! Jokes on him! I get off in 10 seconds with only 10 minutes of foreplay!
Your so blind with try Harding on being edgy that you can't see the point.

Hearts are a source of fuel for servants because prana and shit. Also I statted her as her pre-servant self, in case the CR of 2 wasn't noticed.

(Also in the text blurb I wrote, it notes that her lack of immunity to poison is psychosomatic due to poison being a means of aborting babby)

user, why are you trying to be edgy with all your talk of jacking off to killing kids? Nobody mentioned anything like that but you. Additionally, do you play games? You seem not to understand how they work. Creating stats for a creature will give you their out of combat capabilities in addition to their combat capabilities. That is how stats work. You see, tabletop games are made of constructs of rules that are designed to produce entertaining gameplay and simulate worlds. Part of these rule constructs tends to be the concept of people having individual abilities. A major innovation in rule concepts is that we can assign discrete numbers to the individual abilities of people, thus allowing the people to interact with one another using the game system in a way that parses correctly. This gives quick and easy answers to many a question a player may have about the universe, and is one of the major functions of this style of games.

I wouldn't.

I saw that, user.