After the defeat of the dark lord, the kingdom prospers like never before under the leadership of the royal family

>After the defeat of the dark lord, the kingdom prospers like never before under the leadership of the royal family
>The resultant generation grows up surrounded by plenty and struggle for nothing unlike their parents, who indulged their wants

Other urls found in this thread:

that postwar generation give themselves free education & healthcare, cushy govt jobswith huge pensions then sell off the states public assets to themselves for pennies. Their children are passive-aggressive effeminate manchildren & loud, aggressive bitches. They open up the kingdom to Orc & Goblin 'refugees'.

Fuck off applesponge

Your response to cancer is to post more cancer. user why.

Aside from the namecalling, that's pretty much what the boomers did.

Because "applesponge" is a (you) factory. People literally can't help themselves.

And so cults of excess prospered, and the children of those who served the Dark One and refused redemption grow up in misery, carrying grudges against those who live in plenty, and soon is the day a new one claims the crown of spite and turns the wheel. This time skeletons have arquebuses, satyrs party whole towns to death, and skeleton horses carry explosive barrels in their chests.

but in a corner of the kingdom resistance forms amongst enthusiasts of paintings from the eastern end of the world. they summon the old gods to bring a new king into power. he is rich and charismatic, and promises to return the kngdom to its old glory, but unbeknownst to the painting enthusiasts he is just as show-off and ultimately powerless against the forces that really govern the world: a secret cabal of dwarven merchants.

>struggled for nothing

Looks like someone's never lived the high-intrigue cloak and dagger murderfest of sycophantic aristocracy.

what is this meme

How is that even *supposed* to be insulting? Neither apples nor sponges are offensive. You can't just stick random words together and expect them to bite.

Some retard that uses "applesponge" like /pol/ uses "cuck" at /pol/tards, and then triggers everyone on Veeky Forums with how dumb the word is and reaps a bountiful harvest of (you)s.

I mean this thread is a shitheap in the first place, so who cares really?

You can when you're an effeminate soyboy with no sense of humour

I would actually play a /pol/ themed fantasy campaign

Sure, self-validation has always been a trend in fantasy. See the entire isekai genre.

Please, do continue.

The disaffected youth of the realm, their faith in the old institutions riven, and their inheritance fled to Eastern Kingdoms, turn their eyes to new prophets. In the Far North, a man pulls a lobster from a fisherman's trap and counsels his audience about the importance of a clean domicile. A hobbit travels from Arcanum to Arcanum, arguing with the young neophytes and claiming that Universal Truths care not for their whims.

The peasants revolt, aided by factions of army and academia, installing Bisexual Flat Earth Communism across the lands and they all live happily ever after.

In the end, isn't that what the parents wanted? That their children need never know the darkness they spent their lives fighting? The nightmares that still haunt them when they sleep? The old wounds that never quite heal? Why would you want your children to suffer as you did?

Except the grandparents fought for that, the children's children are the one who got fukt by decadence

This. Art reflects life, unfortunately.

Am I the only one who's completely and utterly against coexistence? I mean, I don't cotton to the 'good orcs', 'not-evil goblins' and so on, no matter how DMs try to thrust that into games. I'm the guy who'd be happy to kill the classic orc babies and feel absolutely no guilt about it, because I don't want the game to become too complicated.

Does anyone else 'steer' the party like this? It's difficult at times, but it's very rewarding.

> because I don't want the game to become too complicated.
The game has had non-evil to Good Orcs since the very begining. You don't want the game to be uncomplicated you just want to act out your genocidal fantasies and feel vindicated by it. Which must be rewarding to a retarded simpleton hick such as yourself.

The thing is, it DOES feel very rewarding to me. It's what I want from a game. Sure, it frustrates the DM's plans, but if I wanted to deal with complex issues I'd read To Kill A Mockingbird.

It's like when I play a Paladin. My job is to smite evil as the vengeful sword of God. I don't want to be challenged on that aspect. There are Paladins who struggle with their burden, and there are Paladins who just point themselves at obviously evil monsters like the undead and hack away.

If anything I'd want to steer the party towards the opposite. The dead can't owe you favors unless you're a necromancer, after all, and the more people owe us favors the better.

>The thing is, it DOES feel very rewarding to me
I never questioned that.
>It's like when I play a Paladin. My job is to smite evil as the vengeful sword of God. I don't want to be challenged on that aspect.
Then you should legit stick to fucking video games. Or just nut up, say your character is fucking evil like they actual are. And kill innocent civilians, children, and other non combatants and still feel validated.

>Implying the annihilation of evil is evil

> Or just nut up, say your character is fucking evil like they actual are. And kill innocent civilians, children, and other non combatants and still feel validated.

That'd be retarded. My PC doesn't consider himself evil, and he hews to the Code of Conduct. He certainly doesn't want to lose his powers or even be at the risk of that. Basically, he avoids that kind of contentious situations or resolves them in the simplest way possible.

For instance, you know what the best way to avoid the 'obviously untrustworthy prisoner' problem is? At the start of combat, declare "I shall give you one chance to surrender. Otherwise, God is my witness, I shall give you no quarter!" Since bad guys NEVER surrender at the start of the fight, you're perfectly justified in killing them now. After all, you've vowed to kill them after they refused to surrender the first time.

>I don’t want the game to become too complicated
Reactionaries really think this way

You are not alone in this regard.

Non-evil goblinoids do exist, but they are statistical outliers. What matters is that you can't justify putting innocent human and demi-human communities at risk by sparing subhumans on the off chance they might be good. It's not a moral act. It's just an effort to virtual signal your character's merciful nature. It's narcissism masquerading as compassion.

But that's gaming the code. That can't possibly be the spirit of the agreement.

I mean that's basically how the Ondonti came about in AD&D. Someone tried teaching the orcs about the goddess of peace, a few generations later they're all Lawful Good farmers who can channel divine energy.
>Implying the annihilation of evil is ev
>killing innocents is killing evil
If it isn't an outsider, undead, or construct it isn't an inherently evil organism. So killing a non combatant orc/goblin/whatever is an evil or at least not good act.
Killing innocent people because it's convineint and the easy option is Evil by definition. The rest of your post reads like a wicked person trying to justify their vile behavior.
I'm not talking about enemy combatants that surrender. I'm talking about children/infants, whom are all neutral by default.

>Killing innocent people because it's convineint and the easy option is Evil by definition.

It's not easy or convenient, but it is the safest option for the people the characters are primarily responsible for defending.

> I'm talking about children/infants, whom are all neutral by default.

Goblin Slayer knows how to deal with those. Kill the little snakes, and they don't grow up to become vipers.

Could say the same about human lawbreakers. Hell, start in elementary school age because if someone is a fuck-up early, they're probably going to be one when they grow up.

Prison just gives them a chance to do more evil, so executing anyone breaking a law is really the only just and moral option! I'm a paladin!

>he avoids that kind of contentious situations or resolves them in the simplest way possible.
And the the moment he does that, any good GM would have his ass fall so hard he won't be able to tell his face from the ground.
He probably unironically agrees with you user.

This is exactly why we have a "school to prison pipeline". It is necessary, and it works.

If it isn't an outsider, undead, or construct it isn't an inherently evil organism. So killing a non combatant orc/goblin/whatever is an evil or at least not good act.
The rules of war apply exclusively to civilized opposition who mutually honor them. Applying them to those who don't reciprocate is objectively pro-evil. Any paladin worth his sword would know that.

>You can't just stick random words together and expect them to bite.
That's what /pol/ has been doing and it goes well for them.
I guess some things just hit and others don't/

Frankly, I think we shouldn't even bother with waiting till they're in school. Break out the calipers and take a few simple skull measurements of newborns, and you can nip the problem right in the bud.

>The rules of war apply exclusively to civilized opposition who mutually honor them. Applying them to those who don't reciprocate is objectively pro-evi
This isn't a thing in any setting I'm aware of. And paladins answer to the forces of good not the laws of men. You don't want to play a paladin, you want to play a Lawful Evil fuck-wit but feel validated by playing a ""Good"" character who shares your irl views.
What the fuck is an applesponge?

applesponge means nothing, it was made to reflect similar retardation of insults made by magapedes

Fuck man, why give anyone the chance to do evil. Let's just glass the fucking globe right now and go right to the fucking source once and for all.

>This isn't a thing in any setting I'm aware of.

It is IRL. The protections of the Geneva Conventions do not apply to non-signatory countries.

I meant fantasy setting obviously.


>This isn't a thing in any setting I'm aware of. And paladins answer to the forces of good not the laws of men.

>No god commands the unrelenting annihilation of evil, OT-style
Oh you sweet summer child.

No Good god does actually. And surprisingly, innocent children aren't on the list of Evil things to smite. But I guess you can feel so powerful and righteous ffor skewering orc babes while those filthy murderhobos fight aboleths, liches, demons, and other existential threats to humanity.

>commands the unrelenting annihilation of evil, OT-style
Pelor != Zarus, AFAIK


What if I fight both? Or I focus on fighting the latter so I can ignore the former?

Wasn't that the big twist? Pelor is just Zarus with good PR?

Compassion makes one good. Focusing too much on destruction makes one evil.

>Implying paladin doesn't fight them
They just know better than to leave baby aboleths swimming about.

If your character would kill the former, they are not Good. Full stop.

Oh I wonder where this thread will lead...

Compassion is for those who deserve it.

Isn't "Illuminati" basically this?

noncanon memery, people just like to ride the edge

Aboleths don't really have babies iirc, or if they do they're about as intelligent as most adult humans i.e they're full moral agents and can be held accountable for their actions/can actually defend themselves.

I came here to post this and im not disappoint.

I don't skewer orc babies, I bury them with their parents. Then I say a little prayer, that they can reincarnated as anything except orcs.

And then your god disintegrates you in with bolt of lightning and your character is sent to the abyss to reincarnated as a demon.

>The prosperity lasts eternally and the Kingdom becomes a Utopia. The surrounding nations see the prosperity of the Kingdom and cannot compete. They are annexed diplomatically, and the Kingdom soon becomes an Empire, bringing a golden age all throughout the known world.
>Everyone lived happily ever after.

>Being Good means being a pussy content to deal with symptoms instead of the problem
What do you think happens when all those po' little baby orcs and ogres and aboleths grow up?

Whatever you say, greenskin.

Actually looking it up, Aboloths are all essentially clones of each other. At least in forgotten realms.

>That's what /pol/ has been doing and it goes well for them
What the hell are you on?

Be that as it may, if /nothing/ was ever destroyed, there would be no room for new creations. After every mass extinction ends, there is a new outward radiation of species as the survivors move to fill the ecological niches left empty by the fallen. Even the most basic act of sustenance - eating - requires that one life be destroyed to nourish another, allowing it to reproduce or to do other things with its thusly lengthened lifespan.

Life and Death must exist as equals for the universe to be healthy. If Death is banished, the universe becomes a cancer patient. Life, now unable to die, is trapped in an existence of stagnant suffering. If Life is banished, the universe becomes a barren wasteland of bleached bones and fading stars. For a healthy universe they must exist in parity.

The problem is free will allowing people to perform evil actions. Therefore, by abolishing free will you destroy evil!
-God probably

>e po' little baby orcs and ogres
Well assuming you raised them and taught them the way of good, you now have another soldier in the fight against evil/a potential spy on enemy movements. A soldier that is significantly stronger and tougher than the averageman. Then if they live they'll teach their kids the way of good, and in a few generations you've significantly reduced the amount of suffering among mortal races by a great deal.
Don't grow up. They're all clones.that pop out of their eggs with lifetimes worth of memories already.

It's extremely evil to think you're equal to gods to meddle with things on universal scale.

But what if I want less orcs in the world, or no orcs at all?

>Does anyone else 'steer' the party like this?
Usually in the opposite direction.

>My job is to smite evil as the vengeful sword of God. I don't want to be challenged on that aspect.
Such incompetence. Well, nobody can force you to use your brain, I suppose.

Killing is too easy to be interesting. Negotiation, reformation, and coexistence— those problems are hard enough to be worthwhile.

>It's just an effort to virtual signal your character's merciful nature.
I don’t think you understand the concept of signaling.

>he does not know that TULIP is correct and true and also correct
(((papist))) begone

Not really. Evil/Good doesn't mean for/against gods. That's not even a law/chaos thing. That's just being opinionated.
Then you're a genocidal fuck wi, and should probably play some flavor of Neutral to Evil Ranger.

Fuck even if your character is racist as fuck, good Orcs means more bodies to throw into the grinder against demons and the like. Let the green skins waste their lives fighting the forces of evil while you reap all the glory and accolades. At the very least those aren't humans/"normal" demi-humans


If they're not going to keep things in check, someone has to. And maybe we're not as good as they would be at the job, not by a long shot. But someone has to, and if they don't do it there's really no one else left.

Especially if one doesn't know what his job is because all his teachers died and the other spends all his time eating and sleeping, or some contrived setup like that.

>Well assuming you raised them and taught them the way of good,
Assuming you can raise a different skin tone of human often results in lasting psychological issues and dysfunctional behavior in the offspring, why on earth would you assume yourself competent to raise something as different as an orc? Not to mention all the time and resources you're proposing to stake on this gamble simply to satisfy your own ego. And while you're literally raising another man's kid for no reason, you can't crusade against the evils of the world. Stop being a pussy and finish the job.

“Compassion” was also the backbone for the concept of the White Man’s Burden

>Assuming you can raise a different skin tone of human often results in lasting psychological issues and dysfunctional behavior in the offspring, why on earth would you assume yourself competent to raise something as different as an orc

You can do simple black and white morality games right, you know. The bad guys are not people, they're an alien conquering force or an unstoppable force that exists only to destroy. Not every single faction is willing to acknowledge the threat and innocent blood will likely be shed at some point, but it is possible to convince orcs and elves and dwarves to work together to defeat an undead god coming back. Even if you have to put down a few warlords first.

>Not orcs to begin with
Somehow I doubt they'll be able to help much with your "kidnap and raise an entire generation of orcish children after killing their parents" plan.

>Orc, Ondonti
Can you not fucking read? They;re a subrace/culture of orcs you dumbass.
>ndontis revere Eldath, the Goddess of Peace and Quiet Places, and their culture attempts to embody the pacifist teachings of Eldath. Ondonti oral history recounts that “the Founders” brought 30 young ondontis to the lands they still consider theirs long ago, and laid down the teachings that provide the foundations of ondonti society in a cycle of tales called Tarek-Passar (the Way of Peace).
They're orcs who were taught the way of a good God and stopped chimping out.

But maybe I was fucking up by not spelling shit out to a retarded Doos Voolt nigger.

So it's racist to imply that other races are inferior and thus in need of protection, but it's cool and good to just genocide them because they aren't as strong as us?

Racism is inherent in fantasy because an orc wizard will never be as good as an elf wizard. Stat differences are sizeable and depend on race as opposed to specialized training and cultural background, it's a part of the world so just deal with it. Doesn't create an excuse to literally be Hitler tho.

I mean. The BEST Orc wizard won't be as good as the best Elf Wizard. But a PC Orc Wizard with 16 starting Int can theoretically be better than an Elf NPC Wizard with only a 14 by nature of PC's being ubermenschen.

>North of The Ride, in a secluded part of the Tortured Lands, dwells a race known as the ondonti, a close cousin of the orc. This race lives as peaceful farmers and gatherers, taking only what they need from the land to survive. In outward appearances, ondontis resemble orcs.
Can you? They resemble orcs but aren't the same thing. And in any case were enslaved and all but wiped out for their efforts.

>Subrace/culture of
Seems to me like it's stressing the distinction between the two. Like comparing orangutans to gorillas.

So Elf, Sea aren't elves to you?
>. And in any case were enslaved and all but wiped out for their efforts
Yeah, by a kingdom of legitimately Evil humans. i.e the Zhent.

They're explicitly identified as cousins of the orcs, not orcs themselves, retard.

>Yeah, by a kingdom of legitimately Evil humans. i.e the Zhent.
Guess who needs a paladin visit?

PCs are typically breaking the norms by fiat. But in D&D, for example, you can definitely say that one race, on average, is more intelligent or wise than another race because these are quantifiable values built into the world.

They are explicitly identified as Orcs by being Odonti Orcs you retarded faggot, you're splitting hairs.
>Guess who needs a paladin visit?
Nice to see your Paladin changes sides and joining people who share his world view.

"Cousins" is not the same thing as being them, retard. Humans are cousins to monkeys.

>Nice to see your Paladin changes sides and joining people who share his world view.
No, enslaving peaceful villagers gets you a whack from the genocide stick.

It's evil to sacrifice another for the many, or the many for the other: the only good sacrifice is me for them. Orc genocide is evil, sparing all the orcs and letting them destroy those good people near to you for the chance of one good orc is going to be evil.

Going to war inevitably results in evil but sometimes it's going to happen because the alternatives are beyond our limitations, and all we can clearly do is reign ourselves in and ask for forgiveness when it's all over. You cannot rest your debts on the name of those close to you to exempt you from paying them, but you're going to find situations where racking up debts seems impossible if you also love those around you. We have to try and make due with this. We free the innocent without freeing the guilty. We have to try and throw the bathwater out, with the baby safely cradled in our arms. It's not something any man should ever have to judge but that's what we have to do nonetheless.

It's hard. Your enemies, your neighbors, you have to love them both and sometimes they will make you choose. That's just the nature of this fallen world. I'd probably choose those near to me because I'm a man and I know that there's nothing good in making either choice. Choosing my foes is more likely to just be me deceiving myself to this truth and willfully destroying others for my ego. There will come a time to pick my foe: when he shows he has a chance of understanding, or when those I would protect are filled with genuine love and perfection of that other world and so no longer may truly die, or most likely when I no longer am in a position to protect anyone and the question has become me or him rather than them or him.
