Jumpchain CYOA Thread #2095: Coming of the King Edition

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what are must have perks for the mushroom jumper?

Did the Needless jump in the uploads folder disappear for everyone or just me?

Its not there for me either

What are some good jumps to pick-up some hardcore parkour skills

Any perks that let you have freeform control over one thing like godjumper perks to let you be mushroom god, percy jackson and supernatural along with okami come to mind.

Also perks to grow stuff faster like the xianxia plant room in gen xianxia, I know they arent plants but most settings equate them to plants for use with florakinesis skills and powers.

Get wood ant from sim ant and eat a lot of mushrooms.

Hell go to a xianxia and cultivate muahroom dao.

Be a miconid in forgotten realms.

Body Mod

Pokemon. Get that captain america body and go to town.

> Be a miconid in forgotten realms.

this one is different from the rest, are they like mushroom monsters or somehting?

The myconid are humanoid mushrooms, yes.

Which exalted should I go too first?

Myconid are mushroom men.


Shirai Ryu Faction Perks:

COME HERE! (100 KP, free Shirai Ryu)- Trained as a member of the Shirai Ryu, either as an original member of their order or as one of the few chosen by Hanzo Hasashi to rebuild his clan after his revival, you are adept in the ways of the Shirai Ryu- particularly the use of spears (kunai on long chains) and swords, as well as ninjutsu- the tactics that the founder of the Shirai Ryu took from the Lin Kuei when he left their order.

Vengeance (200 KP, discount Shirai Ryu)- Your clan was slaughtered- not just once, but possibly twice- and even if you were not there to witness these losses, they have hardened you. When pursuing revenge, you will find your skills augmented by the injustices done to you. Getting cut off in traffic would provide a minuscule boost, but when fighting the man who destroyed your people you would be nightmarishly effective in Kombat. Let them the feel the rage that burns within you, and let them be scorched by it.

Lasher (400 KP, discount Shirai Ryu)- By harnessing the energy within yourself, you are able to temporarily augment your attacks with fiery, glowing energy. This energy, at base strength, is capable of damaging steel- denting it with your fists, cutting it with a blade- but will also increase in power as you do, ensuring that it remains viable in Kombat.

Mortal hero and pick up the martial arts stuff, then go to Sidereals and pick up the martial arts stuff. then will be ready for most of the bullshit you are going to encounter.

Hellfire Wraith (600 KP, discount Shirai Ryu)- You fell in Kombat with a fire in your heart; a desire for revenge that burned brighter and hotter than the flames of the Netherrealm. And in the Netherrealm you were reborn- not as a being of flesh and blood, but of hellfire and wrath. A spirit of vengeance.

Your true form is skeletal, with hellfire burning eternally around your body, but you are also capable of taking on a more human form when necessary. You can mold and throw balls of hellfire in your hands, or spew it fourth from your mouth like a flamethrower. You are capable of teleporting in bursts of flame, and can even open portals to the Netherrealm- where, once inside, your strength and powers as a wraith will begin to grow slowly, temporarily- but with no limit to how hot the inferno inside you may become.

Does the growth go back down once you leave the netherrealm or is it a permanent buff?

Fuck, didn't realize it was a Takeda for ants.

It goes back down over time once you leave the Netherrealm, yeah.

Might want to note that.

I like the ninja Ghostrider type form

Those of you with true forms, where did you get them and what do they look like?

Havent fot it yet, currently I run with a skeleton form as my go too form but when I hit a setting where a true form is buyable I plan on making it pick related.

Imagine peoples faces when the scary spooky skeleton man is actually the less scary form.

I don't have much time to talk before I need to head to class, but I noticed Needless was missing too. Just uploaded the newest version, but I'll post it again here in case it happens again, since there was one or two grammar fixes between this version and the last one I actually posted.

I haven't found a jump with a true form option yet, but I'll probably be a giant ant girl of some kind.

Does anyone have the latest version of the Spawn jump?

How does your jumper apply tiddy taxes to their citizens?


that one?

Thank you.
Yes I believe that is the one.

Follow-up question does anyone think that the Hell Symbiont would count as a transformation device? It has an inactive mode doesn't it?

So is this jump basically finished now? I remember something being said about scenarios.


He said he was going to work on them later since Needless has been keeping them away from their other claims for so long.

>would count as a transformation device
Its more similar to a friendly organism like Venom/Carnage but it can be if you want

For someone who doesnt know hellboy how powerful are the 7 dark gods? Sometimes gods in settings like these are easier to kill than others.


Questions about the Seoul Station Necromancer Jump. Are the monsters spawned by your domain just mindless minions or are they capable of independent thought and action? Would humans created that way be truly sapient and can they reproduce with eachother or regular people? Can they be additionally trained and given modern weapons crafted from dungeon material, or even just spawned with it? I'm debating importing an existing city to kickoff infastructure but curious as to how the locals will be able to interact with eachother, 'specially since the world seems like it's built like a mobile strategy game.
Elite Monster Girl Special Forces, Y/N?

Stronger than in setting powers would let you kill but weaker than you would expect. Basically bigass cthulhu dragons. Out of setting magic could do it like nanoha. Killem I mean.

You mean the dungeon domain?

Yeah they are real people, just people who no longer have a homeworld or lost their ID. The dungeons grab them, enforce your will, and spit them out in your realm. They dont get much choice in the matter.

Not thevmaker just what I read.

dowitt user

>Are the monsters spawned by your domain just mindless minions or are they capable of independent thought and action?

Some of the more advanced ones are , Ssome of them aren't,Some of them have animal intelligence.

>Would humans created that way be truly sapient and can they reproduce with eachother or regular people?

Well they are actual living humans from what I've read so far so most likely yes.

>Can they be additionally trained and given modern weapons crafted from dungeon material, or even just spawned with it?

from what I've seen dungeon upgrades and structures usually revolve around this kind of thing.

Meanwhile in Val and NuBee land

Must you continue this? Give it a break already.

Am I the only person here who these val and nubee images are really creepy?


That one doesn't even need to be edited, it's pretty much spot on as is.

>weaker than you'd expect

I don't know, all of them assuming direct control of Nimue takes Hellboy wielding Excalibur and a little help from a Russian fairy tale to vanquish. And one of them flying out of their prison to rampage on Earth in person took literally infinite energy powered by the fire of God to destroy. Sounds about right to me.

If anything, I'm afraid you might be overestimating Nanoha parler tricks like destroying bits of space.

I'm fine with the pictures, easy to pass by or dismiss. I only get creeped out when the vaginal simulator gets broken out or something else on that level.

Creepy when it is posted with no context or as the main focus. But if people just want to post silly pictures while talking about jump stuff, then let them have their fun.

Nah its definately at least low grade creepy.

Maybe find another jumpmaker as your focus for a bit PA. Spread your art out a bit. It's fun and all but it's starting to get a little weird that you mainly do it for those two.

I dunno, I think that the Book of Darkness (pre-cleansing) could do fairly well against one. In theory, it might even be able to seal it within the pages - Though that would probably not last long, nor would it be very healthy for even the corrupted Book.
I personally think you're underestimating the Interdimensional bullshit the mini-Gundam can pull off.

I think it's more just those two admiring him a lot and no other names or anons coming forward a lot or being so easy to make edits for. He's even asked for people to make more requests for him but people are fairly reserved around here. Pretty sure that's no photoshop user.

Eh, I'm mainly skeptical because of the side story which confirms the Ogdru Jahad and their minions have destroyed at least one planet before. It's called The Visitor: How and Why He Stayed, and it's about the alien who tried to help Hellboy stop an Ogdru Hem being fully reborn. They have these little telekinetic crystals which can gank partially incarnated Hems in seconds, and it turns out the reason why they're watching over the OJ's prison is because they're the survivors from their species after it was wiped out summoning them.

It's literally just one person who has made up both Val/Bee, and who makes these images and posts them in some sort of dissociative/schizophrenic fantasy. It's very sad.

I find it sadder people like you hate fun, t b q h

Sorry to inform you visitor, but this entire thread is the wango tango of one insane mind roleplaying a self-loathing escapist fantasy.

>browsing /jc/
>this is the one thing you find creepy

It's a new meme. One of them showed weakness and now they're pressing on it.

I'm okay with people talking about genocide and destroying planets but I have to draw the line somewhere!

Depressingly common, isn't it? Not even on this site in general, but anywhere on the internet really.

Some kind of anti-plumber perk.


Do you rule that purchasing the same item multiple times is okay, even when it isn't made explicitly acceptable?
What items have you purchased more than once, and why?

That's pretty fun. Be careful not to get into trouble though photoshop user, not sure whether this is genuine discontent or subtle shitposting but some people are starting to look negatively on Val/Bee stuff and I like having you around and well regarded.

I'm not PA, and it's meant to be a silly and shitty edit of this edit. I don't mean anything by it.

Jumpers, do you often use transformations? What's your favorite mundane thing to turn into?

Lemme try

>Taxing the tiddy
>Not subsidizing the tiddy

Oh, I'm not arguing that the Ogdru Jahad aren't powerful, nor am I arguing that a single Nanoha-verse mage could counter them (The corrupted Book of Darkness is closer to being an eldritch monstrosity, and post-cleansing is a far cry from that.) I'm just saying that the Nanoha-verse "parlor tricks" are a lot more than that - one of the TSAB's primary purposes is to deal with the eldritch horrors left behind by Alhazred, which are themselves dimensional threats.



In my experience the line between the two is pretty blurry. And obliging them never helps; as long as it doesn't meaningfully affect the Jumpchain experience I don't begrudge a local meme.

Can confirm, that was not me. I've been busy playing Monster Hunter and looking up Brigitte pics.

Also, I mostly do ValBee stuff because:
A) A lot of people have posted pics/requests for that.
B) They are one of four people (Them, Red, and Dissy) who have avatars and I know who even want edits and what kind they enjoy.


Do you want to ramp up slowly in power and danger? Then the order is Mortals (if you want to go to a gauntlet), Dragon-Blooded, Sidereals, Lunars, Solars/Infernals. (Maybe swap Lunars and the Solaroids if you're going elder in Lunars)

Do you want to start powerful? Then it's the other way around, and Lunars is probably the best starting choice, being pretty safe if you go elder.

I got one in Hellboy? Basically me, but with burning eyes, horns, and a halo of fire.

Yes, unless it's an unique item. Like, buying half a dozen Excaliburs makes no sense, but buying half a dozen generic swords is perfectly fine.

As for items I've purchased more than once... I bought two Witchblades in, well, Witchblade. Solely because I like symmetry... Which is kind of a terrible reason to spend so much CP, but hey.

If you mean power-up transformation, then no. I basically never use those, because they get really tacky.

If you just mean shapeshifting, then I use a lot of that. Mostly just to change into other people, though going around in my iceberg altform from Titanic is fun as fuck too. Thinking on gather loads and loads of water to freeze and grow my iceberg until I've got a nice ice planet(oid)... But then I couldn't be the random iceberg floating in the air to confuse people.

Wait, it wasn't you providing me with variant empty image file edits to further my user avatar? I feel so cheated!

>eldritch horrors left behind by Alhazred

Now that, I didn't know about. What are they like? All anyone ever talks about are the mini-gundams.

Ah shit dude, what Hunter Rank you at? Got a favorite monster?

>Import the Vault from New Vegas
>Play actual Fallout Shelter
>'Medium' Vault Dwellers, 'Large' Super Mutant/Intelligent Deathclaw, 'Elite' Frank Horrigan-expy.
Thank you for this amazing idea. Jumpers what critters/archetypes from other setting would you import?

Lost Logia refers to virtually anything left behind by Alhazred or its successor State of Belka - No matter how minor they seem, standard policy is to seal them before even attempting to study them. The Jewel Seeds, the Gadget Drones, the Cradle, even Precia's lab are all minor examples. Another example of one was the Book of Darkness (reminder: The TSAB was prepared to wipe Unadministered World 97 out entirely when it awakened.)

Monster Hunter Stories draft 2. There are admitedly minor changes here, mostly cost changes to the taming perks, plus adding in a purchaseable den.

The big reason I'm posting this again is so I can ask for ideas about whether I should change up the Drop In path. I couldn't figure out what to do with it, so I went with the little bit of "they don't understand us, so we seclude ourselves" from the beginning of the game, but there just isn't that much of it. On the other hand, I could rewrite it based off of Cheval or Lillia, and have a much better perk path, but those both might just be better off as their own Origin.

also: if anyone has ideas for better items, I am all ears. I am not really happy with a lot of them, especially the 600 cp Guide Felyne one

Wasn't Ancilla going to add that stuff way back when he was working on it?

Heavens made Nanoha.

Morrigan Lugus go and stay go.

Rank 7. Pretty much only just started playing a few days ago. I only just killed the floating marshmallow bat.
If we're going for looks, I'd say Barroth. Just cause I love armor and blunt weapons (Though, the lance is my favorite weapon because I love being a mobile wall) so creatures that are built with that get my attention.

In case it wasn't clear from the name Alhazred, this is a direct reference to Lovecraft's "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, the author of the Necronomicon.

>implying references matter in anime
They just pick random names off wikipedia and give them to little girls, giant robots, and robot girls.

I wish you good hunting then, there's a lot of cool stuff still to see. Have to say I haven't seen anyone maining the Lance though, so that's a surprise.

How would a Kryptonian with I Have No Soul To Burn do in a Xianxia setting?

You want the Orcus Syndrome in Double Cross - Control a Domain to spawn more mushrooms! Grow then to phenomenal sizes! Cause them to release spores at accelerated rates!
All for a minor bit of encroachment!

>implying everyone is as uncultured as yourself

I don't "do" dodging. I didn't in Dark Souls and I'm not doing it here.
So far, it's gone well for me. Only fainted once and that was because of poison. And it wasn't even a hunt. It was the the quest to collect wyvern eggs for chief muscle cat.

Put this in a video and call it a Plasmid/Vigor. It'd fit right in with the advertisements.

I want to like this, but I don't.
Redundant(?) origins, odd pricing, misvalued or poorly described perks and items.
I get the impression you're basing perklines off of specific characters instead of types of characters. Some people don't mind that, but I find "become a copy of this character, or that character" to be kind of boring. I'd recommend spreading the net farther.

No monster nest with random eggs?

Honestly I would lile to see more perks for monster breeding. And a perk or two, maybe an item, for an ecosystem to follow you since in game you get eggs by stealing them maybe a nest that you can take a vouple eggs a week out of and what hatches is random from the monhun world. A steady supply of baby monsties you know? Maybe a way to get kinship stones afterwards so you could take the egg nest and stones to make other people riders in later jumps.

Since these questions kinda tie into each other, the answers are: I used to, not exactly and I don't turn into mundane things exactly.

Oh, I spent ages building one up with the universe bodies, and the conceptual planet computer-worm-tentacles. and the whole cosmic incubus thing. But around Infernals, I decided to set it all on fire and explode in the Wyld because there came a point where being a multiverse just felt too limiting. It was hard making avatar bodies all the time, and awkward bumping into neighbouring realms of existence. So taking inspiration from the formless infinity of the Primordial King, I underwent a process of combustive reduction to transmute my very being into a refinement of the Daystar's flames.

Or in english: Instead of a form, my fundamental self is (near, sometimes) omnipresent Soulfire-like spiritual energy. It's sort of like Plato's cave allegory; they're all shadows of my actual self. Pic related is an example I can think of it in action: I define dimensions and perspective to affect reality around a large accretion of myself. Meanwhile a much smaller flicker of energy is wearing an awful purple suit and red tie inside the reality I'm visiting.

Lunars and Umineko also make it so many, many conceivable and impossible configurations of those forms always exist in potentia, so from my point of view it's less transforming and more summoning another part of myself to interact with something else.

It's actually harder to compress my essence into something mundane, than to be a pillar of light or a sea of molten platinum or something. Because the concept of self-surpassing, impossible perfection is imprinted on my very soul. So what I like to do is piggyback my essence into something mundane: Like a statue with glowing eyes, or a rock lit by a cold inner light.

Or yes, the classic burning bush.

Didn't they work together on it?


Depends on if you actually have no soul or not. And the xianxia.

Monster Den:
200 cp
You have a Monster Den placed into your warehouse, that you can enter into once per week in
order to find a Monster Egg. The Monsters and Eggs inside of this den are limited to those from
the Monster Hunter universe.

>Maybe a way to get kinship stones afterwards so you could take the egg nest and stones to make other people riders in later jumps.

that is also adressed. You can train someone up to your level of the Rite of Kinship, and you can either buy a vein of Kinship Ore(for 100 cp), or find an alternative method

>Honestly I would lile to see more perks for monster breeding.

this I'm not sure how I would fit into the jump, simply because breeding isn't something you do in the game. Granted, that doesn't mean that I coudln't do it, but still

>odd pricing, misvalued or poorly described perks and items.

I will 100% admit I suck at pricing, so any help I could get in that area would be appreciated.

I missed that thank you. I am happy now. Lagiacrus babies!!!

e: and I also halved the price of the den, because even after that you need to spend something like 900 cp just to get all the "in game" things like the stables and rites at full rank, and I'm not sure if I want to lock people into either getting drawbacks or no perks.

>The Monsters and Eggs inside of this den are limited to those from the Monster Hunter universe.
Perhaps an upgrade that would allow you to find monsters and eggs from previous jumps? Obviously limited to the non-unique and non-sentient/sapient denizens.