What footwear do digitigrade and ungulate races wear in your settings, Veeky Forums?

What footwear do digitigrade and ungulate races wear in your settings, Veeky Forums?

Attached: legref.jpg (500x375, 39K)

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They don't

Sandals where cleanliness is an issue and custom made boots for the aristocracy. Everyone else just goes barefoot.

Shoes. Like everyone else. Because Cobblers possess the intellect to make shoes in different shapes.

Ungulates wear primitive cybernetics on their hoof to prevent it from splitting, with possibly additional layers for the purposes of warmth.
Digitirades like keeping their toes clear so they can grip the ground with claws, but otherwise want to cover their sensitive pawpads and dewclaws.

Centaurs, be they deer or horse, traditionally wear decorative anklewraps (think dressage boots, but loose) made from a variety of cloth or leather, usually with colorful stichings on them. If the situation or occupation demands it they'll obviously wear whatever is more useful.
Some also grow out their fetlocks and put little bows or cheerful ribbons in them, though that practice is considered tacky.
Horseshoes are also common, but are generally kept utiliarian, as they are mostly worn for a fairly long time. Versions exist that mimick plantigrade footwear, such as heeled forms, but those are only for the truly wealthy, who can afford to change their horseshoes often.

There are no digitigrade species outside were-creatures, who generally have other worries when they transform.

No non-human races in my setting, because I'm not a child.

>look how mature I am, posting about how my make-believe game is superior to other make-believe games on a Bhutanese woodlogging forum

don't reply to the obvious troll, user.
Nobody's dumb enough to have that level of need to play facts and opinions.

Same as humans, they don't.

I'm impressed.

Attached: bhutan.png (800x600, 43K)


Oh yeah?

Rubber slip-ons or metal shoes attached with adhesives that can be dissolved (safer than nails)


>safer than nails
I dunno, it might be technically, but it's such a small thing to nail the shoes on into what is literally a senseless fingernail.

Hm...this is providing an issue for me. One of my characters is digitigrade and I figured they could just squeeze their feet into big boots.

Why is it an issue? It's a foot, except you only stand on your toes and the heel is way in the back. You only really hurdle (assuming you're not too poor to pay premium for freaky custom shoes) is that you have your entire body weight pressing on a much smaller area, so normal leather soles will wear out fast.

Yeah, it's not REALLY dangerous, but with safe and strong adhesives that are dissolved easily by a second compound, it's a lot more convenient than getting shoes nailed on every time you need a new pair. And you don't have to worry about the ferrier (or your bud) fucking up and driving a nail somewhere you really don't want one (unlikely as that is, plenty are still squeamish).

There's also some fashionable shoes that don't really do much for protecting the hoof or helping with grip, but when you're only wearing it for a day or so it's not a real problem.

Sweet llamas from Bahamas, that's one nice animal anatomy book.

Answering your question, didn't think about it yet. Most likely something appropriately designed.

Attached: 5179164.jpg (630x748, 319K)

Also, the queen of Bhutan is a really qt. Would carry her favour into battle.

Attached: 7049CDB1-0A57-4998-999B-9C401676CA47.jpg (420x350, 30K)

Finally someone who understands that loincloths can shift about.

What if they're humans?

What if you have hands for feet?

Attached: aeon flux.jpg (620x206, 32K)

Then you wear gloves. This is not a hard concept, user.

Attached: dog shoes.jpg (347x355, 22K)

does really hate wearing those things

shoes could probably be made to accommodate if these species didn't have weird toes with claws. Ungulate is harder but they would want some kind of horseshoe and being a sentient race they probably don't want it permanently attached to their toe like regular horseshoes.

Then you wear handshoes. This is not a hard concept, user.

None, because furshit races don't exist in my setting.

Well they're trying not to cast attention to themselves since there's a group of monster slaying zealots after them, and they can't just chug a polymorph potion because their religion forbids using arcane magic items.

>does really hate wearing those things

I hate wearing shoes too, but I'm smart enough to understand shoes are good for your feet. I suppose human-smart canids would do the same.

The german word for glove is literally handshoe

>This is not a hard concept, user.

Is there an echo in here?

I wonder how a handshoe glove would differ from a regular glove. It's need a thicker palm to withstand all the wear, but it'd also need to be flexible enough to enable the hand to work as a hand.

Shoes, like everyone else. That's how you know if a race is sentient, they start to wear cloths and stop living in fucking holes. Anybody below this are animals.