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2nd for /your dudes/ > /canon dudes/

Finish anything today?

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First for big tiddy sisters

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So this will be Johnson's shield, right?.

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>not *blocks your path* edition
I'm upset.

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aside from shitposting no, nothing

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how would you play necrons versus marines/imperium in general? im considering starting up necrons once the codex goes live, since i can easily get at least one person to split forgebane for some free immortals and wraiths. with one exception, everyone in my playgroup plays marines or ad mech.

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What are some of your favorite dead rules whether they were good or not?
2nd edition, Codex Tyranids Ripper Swarms: Swarm; allows rippers to eat any organic terrain they pass. Remove organic terrain from battlefield after ripper unit comes into base contact with it ie trees, bushes, ponds.

Will all existing factions have a Codex by end of this year? Still waiting on Orks.

Post yfw the DE codex is inevitably somehow worse than the index.

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Don't you love it when you watch a movie and get the urge to make a stormtrooper regiment?

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Please no, I already had it happen with my GK.

I miss the hordes of mutants in the lost and the damned ruleset

Which dawn of war game should I buy

What's your favorite dreadnought in all of warhammer lore?

Mine is the Leviathan Siege Dreadnought.

Attached: WE_Levianthan_Dred.png (764x601, 812K)

Welp I got my ass kicked by custodes ama

Got to see some cool jet bike on jet bike action but I fucked up my positioning and lost an entire squad of BKs to a first turn charge of termies then poured everything I had into them, took out all but one. Then Trajan and the other dipshit came in and fucked up all my shit

What an unfit army to play against

Also why can’t I ever make any goddamn rolls? My chapter ancient was a waste as was he ravenwing apothecary, failed every single fucking roll. Unbelievable

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All of one but soulstorm

I want to get into warhammer, but I'm a poor ass college student, even shilling out 100 dollars for a starter pack is asking a bit too much

What should I do?

I'm a fan of the chaplain dread myself.

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I miss Vows, they were a nice mechanic and I wish they would return.

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Alternative models for a primaris psyker?

all of DOW 1


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Remove guardfags.

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what movie? Also, I just play Helldivers to kill that urge to splurge on a stormtrooper army

Suffering is our lot. I expect no less.

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Objectively true.

That looks like a straight up plasma gun.
Furioso. Dem claws man.
DoW1 soulstorm, dark crusade, and winter assault, install tyranids mod, and install latest ultimate apocalypse mod AND DoW2 with retribution, and chaos rising expansions with Elite Mod.
Both good but different. Dawn of war 1 focuses on building and army tailoring while DoW2 is unit micromanagement oriented which keeps you more on the field and less at your base managing your resource float.

Marine or Guard?

check out your clubs and local GW store, most of mine have a few armies on hand they use to introduce people to the game or borrow to play with

I second this request

Get a job, or don't waste your money on warhammer.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make a very sterile base feel. I am looking for clean corporate look. I was thinking maybe doing tiles with gloss, but I am not sure how that will look as the army grows. I'm starting a small necron force themed after GWs lawyers carrying suitcases instead of guns. Magnetized for the WYSIWYG crowd.

Old Man Bjorn.

>not bloxnaught

You had one shot user, and you blew it.


Hey, I'm starting a DA army and need some list inspirations, do you mind posting yours? or maybe some tips for a noob?

oh fuck me didnt even think of that
>time to an hero

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eBay or Amazon. I got 3 new boxes of termagaunts for a 15$ discount total.

An awesome user posted this a while back. Do one of these on top of some plasticard or baked clay and go a coat or two of gloss varnish. Boom, waiting room for a huge multinational ezpz.

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Soldier (1998). Pretty good si-fi action movie with Kurt Russell.

>That looks like a straight up plasma gun.
I know, right? I really like the look of their regular guns too.

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Primaris Psyker is the name of the guard model. Primaris Librarian is the marine model.

Recasters such as chinkcasters on r/yoyhammer or Cheap-n-Fast slavcasting.

I miss moving forward when your morale was broken. BT will never be the same for me.

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Here’s my list. Darkshroud,Azrael, ten hellblasters, and a dark talon are all must haves in my opinion

The bikes are super cool but as I learned tonight really hard to position right
++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Dark Angels) [59 PL, 1283pts] ++

+ HQ +

Azrael [9 PL, 180pts]

Lieutenants [4 PL, 63pts]
. Lieutenant: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun

Ravenwing Talonmaster [188pts]
. Land Speeder: Twin assault cannon, Twin heavy bolter
. Talonmaster: Power sword

+ Troops +

Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]
. Heavy Weapon Scout: Heavy bolter
. 3x Scout (Boltgun)
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]
. Heavy Weapon Scout: Heavy bolter
. 3x Scout (Boltgun)
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Tactical Squad [5 PL, 72pts]: 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword, Plasma pistol

+ Elites +

Company Ancient [4 PL, 63pts]: Bolt pistol

Ravenwing Apothecary [5 PL, 92pts]
. Black Knight Bike: Plasma Talon

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 165pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon

+ Heavy Support +

Hellblaster Squad [16 PL, 330pts]
. 9x Hellblaster: 9x Plasma incinerator
. Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Plasma incinerator

++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Dark Angels) [37 PL, 716pts] ++

+ HQ +

Sammael on Corvex [10 PL, 183pts]

+ Fast Attack +

Ravenwing Black Knights [12 PL, 235pts]: 4x Ravenwing Black Knight
. Ravenwing Huntmaster: Corvus Hammer, Melta bombs
. . Black Knight Bike: Plasma Talon

Ravenwing Darkshroud [7 PL, 138pts]: Heavy bolter

+ Flyer +

Ravenwing Dark Talon [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Hurricane bolter

++ Total: [96 PL, 1999pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (battlescribe.net)

That’s going in the back log

That's so stupid.

>watch an old movie
>sudden urge to play doom

what do you call nostalgia for an era you never lived in?

Just build your army slowly over time, you don't need to get a full 2000 point army all at once. Just buy one thing, focus on building and painting it, then buy the next when you have enough. If you want to play I'm sure there'll be people willing to give you small Kill Team, Shadow War or sub-500 point games, and as you build your army you can start playing 1000, 1500 point games.

If they're to your liking Space Marines (Primaris in particular) and Death Guard are probably the cheapest armies to get second hand due to the Dark Imperium box, though if they're not to your liking I'd suggest just going for the army you do like, even if it's more expensive. It'll be better in the long run.

I recognize those double bladed bayonets anywhere

That's not a bad idea if I tile it as well. Maybe add in a few slabs of solid colors to match the accents.

What is the most interesting lore to come out of the new codexes post dark imperium novel? I have zoned out since then.

I don't know, but synthwave does that to me.

whats stupid is the primaris pyscher came first. So they named an entire line after some random psycer

Yes, but I would still like an alternative model for the primaris psyker.

Not him but the main advice is don't run a Deathwing force and Max unit sizes are ok dangles don't have to run msu.

chaos tau I guess?

If you're going for the "corporate" look they usually have it solid or with VERY small tile lines so that it looks mostly solid, but whatever you want to do it as would be good as long as that's what you're going for.

The fourth sphere expansionists can not be chaos cultists, you need to be alive to worship chaos afterall.

AoS battles could work with a few imperium bits

This might be outdated advice, but I built up a huge collection of marines mostly secondhand. There's a reason a lot of people have a marine army, there's a huge used market for them if you want to put in the work of stripping/converting. What army were you looking at? Or did you just want to play at all?

Silly me

Which is not to say the Primaris Librarian is not also a psyker or that the Primaris Psyker doesn't like to do some reading in his spare time

Here is my Primaris Psyker. I converted him out of pretty much just empire flagellant and command squad bits. I recommend the flagellant kit even if you don't end up converting yours, if just because of the large amounts of great bits.

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Ask in This thread is for game discussion and petty arguments only.

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There's always ebay if you're not a leaf

What are they up to?

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Not existing

Busy being literal retconned who's

AdMech and Custodes scrambling to find a solution for the golden throne, one made a deal with someone in the depths of Commoragh and the other are on a quest to find long lost Forgeworld.

Silent, seething hatred of all things. Especially lawyers.

Eldar run this imperium!

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just buy like one mini at a time, a walmart brush set, some paint set which you can mix your own paints like the vallejo set. get a can of krylon white thin primer, some super glue, and an exacto knife

thats like 30-40 dollars. the majority of it is the paint.

Work on that mini, spend some time painting it. then strip it with some super clean and do it again because your first job will suck.

Get a wet pallete (you can make it easilly with tupperware for free), and get some rocks.

Save up your money and just slowly buy new minis. You're not going to be painting much anyways and you'll have a ton of time being able to work on the minis you got.

if you have some tutorial you want to follow and you want to copy the paint, look for a paint conversion chart and mix the paints until you get the color.

Thanks for posting man, I definitely need to pick up more Black Knights soon

so whats up with craftworld eldar having cat whisker face paint?

The Tau created warp tech by strapping a bunch of anti-matter bombs to their ships, and when they set off a whole fleets worth of them it did what you would expect it to: create a wormhole and suck up the entire 4th Sphere. Years later, the Empire discovers that the 4th Sphere is somehow alive, and have basically been spat out far to the galactic north. The surviving members have becone highly xenophobic, due to the mysterious and uncertain nature of what they experienced during their time in the warp. Either way, the 4th Sphere survivors are basically the blue Imperium, radically exterminating all non-Tau with prejudice, including the auxiliaries. The 5th Sphere launched when they discovered that a new, stable hole through the Warp called the Startide Nexus had appeared, alowing quick and (for now) safe travel between the Empire and the 4th Sphere holdings. The 5th Sphere's goal is to reunify with the 4th Sphere and continue expanding out from there.

Where exactly would we be right now lore wise if Malal was never removed?

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That's Farseer Macha, she legitimately looks like that in universe. No idea why. It's kind of retarded.

>tfw no genki Harlequin GF
>tfw no tsundere Craftworld GF
>tfw no onee-sama Commorite GF

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Gotta get the waifu audience

I feel like hed be the third (fifth) wheel. GW would have to include him whenever the elite four do something.

>oh yeah the horus herasy had all these marines lose their souls to the four chaos gods
>and malal
>who joined malal?
>I don't know dark angels or something

>No idea why. It's kind of retarded.
Because the devs of DoW3 saw all the fan art of her like that and thought it was based on official art.

The nightlords would be the perfect Malal legion

Do you think he would have even left fantasy, it's not like they ported every warp entity over.

Not enough skulls for 40K.

pick a cheap faction. The cheapest is probably death guard right now You can buy the DG half for 60-75 bucks, and supplement with more units from the dark imperium box set like more poxwalkers and bloat drones.

Alternatively, you can start a dreadnought orphanage. Ebay is a cemetery for half built and disgustingly painted dreads. All most need really is to be told that someone loves them and a strong chemical bath.

Pick up gigs on craigslist or a simple part time job stocking shelves somewhere. It's really not that hard to make 100 bucks.

The 2nd and 11th legions of the 1st founding

>even shilling out 100 dollars for a starter pack is asking a bit too much

Lay off beer for a couple weeks.

She watched too many tau animated cartoons.

Ayyy I made the reaction image on /a/ fucking ages ago.

Also is it possible to mix armies within the same army? Like a nids army using behemoth and Kraken traits?

In practice is the Toxicrene actually worth a damn? Also, same with the Exocrine, Trygon Prime and Mawloc feel more fitting as well as Carnifex's, Tyrannofex's, and biovores. I know maleceptors are trash.

Shame that they won't let us use /canondudes/ WT and relics for /mydudes/

> I have to play purple ultramarines

Thank you for the image. And I believe you can.

I want to avoid the look of a mini standing on a slab of unbroken marble. Big wide tile with thin lines and a bit of shading with the occasional large block of different color thrown in just for variety. More upscale evil instead of annoying middle management with carpeting.

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It hurts because craftworld eldar are the apex for tsunderes given their xenophobia and hated of humans and their abilities to feel emotions beyond the ken of normal men.
Just such a being, trying her damnest to not give in to these disgusting feelings but falling into them more and more to an obsession no human could ever even comprehend.

Gotta keep em in separate detatchments to keep the hive fleet traits, but yeah.

is that cannon?