How would history be different if the world looked like this?

How would history be different if the world looked like this?

Attached: map_.png (1000x664, 1.19M)

The same but backwards.

The Land of the Setting Sun
The East Bank
Eastern Europe
East and West Indies Companies
Occidentalist Art Styles
The Western Seaboard
The Middle West

USA east coast is now the best coast.

The now eastern african countries would've found it a lot easier to sail away from their own coast and explore the world. The songhai would've possibly put far more efforts into securing the coast and become not too dissimilar to Vikings while the actual scandinavian nations, now harbourlocked until advanced boat construction is developed, would never have become a naval power.

Conquering now western territories would've been far more important for early european nations since the mediterranean water pushing west would lead to extremely fertile lands on its now western border, even more so than they already are irl. With that in mind, this world could've never seen a rise of power on the Arab peninsula or in turkey due to those areas being constant battlefield between the now Viking-like massive african kingdoms and european interests, with the mediterranean being something of a natural barrier due to unpredictable tides, winds and currents.

The Pacific region and possibly the americas are now colonised by China due to the Indian ocean offering less opportunity for smooth sailing and the pacific being a lot calmer.

Australia is still a death sentence.

We should get someone from /wbg/ here, so they could explain it properly, but the big thing with this reversal would be the shift of the climate zones - due to Coriolis effect, western shores are prone to being more dry than eastern ones; and Eastern shores have a way bigger share of tropical storms, typhoons and whatnot.

>Russian Far East, Korea and Japan get the Californian climate
>Chile is basically washed down into the Pacific
>Pert replaces Sydney
>Most of Europe is a cold, wet shithole
>Midwest is an arid steppe - borderline desert now
>Nothing changes for India
>Florida and the Caribbean most of the cons while keeping all of the pros.

Don't forget the Wuxia Mediterranean.

Would the amazon forest be a large grassland then?

What the fuck is that projection?

Better idea: what if the world looked like this?

Attached: 7EDFCE70-C109-41AA-8B5D-87997405F3F4.jpg (600x300, 173K)

The world would be much dryer, and vast deserts would replace vast oceans as obstacles

There would have been no significant world discoveries beyond ancient times. Kind of sad that.

>europe is a cold, wet shithole
nothing changes then?

I was gonna star yuroraging but you're fucking right. I'm just glad I live in a country with a nice mix of continental and Mediterranean climate.

I'm thinking of rainshadows alone here:
>Brazil is actually a massive desert while Chile is a paradise
>California becomes a swampy region while Florida becomes a desert
>much of China is no longer desert, but India is instead
>Europe gets colder, especially Britain without the Gulf Stream

Now for fertility due to dust from mountains:
>China, which used to benefit from the dust blown off from the Himalayas, is no longer as fertile and not as good for farming
>the upper Middle-east gets the dust instead

For hurricanes and the like:
>America still struggles with hurricanes, but so does Europe now
>China gets pretty much no strong winds at all

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, there's loads more if someone wanted to sit down and work on it.

east coast has always been the best coast

World climate would be different, geography would be switched all over the place, no river civilizations. In short, everything we know of history wouldn't be the same.

Considering that hurricanes go from east to west, Europe and African coast get the hurricanes now
Europe is Canada-tier now, gulf stream still exists except it goes from the African gulf towards the American coast, making Canada and the US a lot warmer, meaning Mexico and the south of the US is Africa-tier while actual Africa is nowhere near as arid nor hot
Why are there no river civilizations?

Because the rivers are somewhere else, so maybe some other river civilizations would arise somewhere else, but not the ones from our history.

Planet unhabitable: too little water compared to the land screws the water cycle. Only lifeforms are batterias in the ocean.

But they're still river civilizations

What if they adapt to survive with little water or without a need for it? It’s a what if, after all.
I’m reminded of that one Transformers origin thing where they transformed into earth vehicles because cybertronians could not conceive of life not based on silicon, so teletran-1 didn’t recognize animals and plants as living thingfs