Do you genuinely enjoy the painting and modeling aspect of Warhammer?

Do you genuinely enjoy the painting and modeling aspect of Warhammer?

Or do you just see it as something to "get over with" so you suffer less stigma in the community, participate in tournaments, or what have you?

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Truthfully I walked into a GW one time and never returned. Id rather read the wikis,play video games, and post memes while talking about Warhammer lore with my bros on Veeky Forums

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Building, tinkering and converting was the best part of the hobby for me, better than painting.

i love painting

The painting and modelling aspect are the best part, along with the fluff. The actual gameplay is bad, but you can't beat the experience of making your miniatures look pretty.

If you are only in this for the game. you are fucking brain damaged because holy shit there are so many better games to play for the rules.

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Making a gorgeous army is the best part, especially when some fag shows up with a primed or grey army

I've won multiple best painted/best themed army awards over the years, I actually probably slightly prefer building and painting to playing.

I'm definitely more of a painter and modeller than a player, but I feel that it's an important part of the hobby nonetheless. Actual players are pretty cool generally speaking, Veeky Forums stories about terrible shops are widely exaggerated or straight up lies more often than not anyway.

Post pics of your award winning armies

I have been painting GW (and other) models since the late 80's. My interest has always been more geared towards modelling and painting instead of playing. I do enjoy the game, just the painting exponentially more.

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Every time someone complains about a model not being painted I stop painting for a month

Unfortunately few are played at mass 28mm scale. Warmachine is dead/mess bolt action is not that common and hystoricals are a hard sell for a lot of people


Veeky Forums in a nutshell. Laziness.

Same way barely anyone on /sp/ actually attends sporting events.

If you were only in it for the game, why would you care about the scale of models? Why would you bother with models at all? Could go hex and chit.

modelling yes
painting no

hence many models are not painted or half painted

Is the Marine guy actually that tall or does his costume come with lifts or some shit for more authentic size?

Haven't even tried to play 40k since 3rd edition, but I'm finally back just to paint.
I just wanna paint, man.

My guess is that those aren't cosplayers, but mannequins put into that pose.

This to be quite honest, the game itself is actually kind of a pain in the ass to get into.

I like painting, but I fucking hate putting them together. Mould line are a fucking bitch (especially if your army's mostly old kits). It doesn't help that I'm a clumsy retard who constantly glues his fingers together.

I really enjoy painting and modelling for lord of the rings.
For fantasy I try but blocks of 20 dudes make doing so constantly a pain in the ass.
40k I tend to not bother beyond kit bashing.

Smaller scale tend to make models less distinct especially if lots on infantry are being used.

Again no mass combat with hex. 40k rules are crap but there really isn't a viable alternative like kings of war or 9th age does for fantasy.

>what is Warpath

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You mean the game no one plays anywhere?

What is Warpath?
I'm asking seriously, not just repeating.

I love modeling. My painting is shit. Makes me sad

Kings of war 40k edition, now with alternate unit activation.

I'm sure some people do play Deadzone at the very least.

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Probably because "mass 28mm" is a terrible idea? That size of model doesn't go well with massive battles.

When I first started as a kid, I found the painting to be a chore. As the years went on and I got better and better, I started loving it more and more and now I try paint and model whenever I have the time and funds.

But if you are in it for the game, why do you care about visually distinct models in the first place? If you want the 40k aesthetic and a mass battles game, why not play Epic?

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Gates of Antares has been trucking along lately.
There's also Konflikt 47 for Weird War (which is basically 40k half of the time)

Cool, thanks, bro.

How is Gates anyways?


Same reason I paint my x wing minis. You just play faster and better when you can easily see what's on the field.

>why not play Epic?
I fucking hate titans
Gay ass cup stack looking motherfuckers

But none of the smaller scalled games suffer from any clarity problems and they play leagues faster than 40k at any points past 1000.

Then play one of the billion factions without them and blast them to bits. Or play Dropzone Commander. Or any of the other 15mm to 2mm SciFi games.

With 8th I genuinely enjoy the game more than painting but that wasn't the case in previous editions. I also enjoy modelling and creating cool characters for my army but if it wasn't for the rules that dictate the differences between weapons I probably would not enjoy it as much.

Are you fucking dumb? Just because someone doesn't enjoy painting doesn't mean they don't want cool models.

>But none of the smaller scalled games suffer from any clarity problems and they play leagues faster than 40k at any points past 1000.
Gonna need examples and you already kinda blew it recommending dropzone commander as anything with clarity when the infantry are goosebumps on a base

I hate putting them together, i tolerate painting. I see both as something i "need to get over with", but i have to do it anyway, i might as well put effort into it and paint them to the best of my ability. But yeah, i mainly want to play the game.

Now, just painting and collecting is something i simply don't get. It falls into the "collecting stuff you don't do anything with" category, which is something i never got. I only buy/collect things i can use/that have a purpose beyond sitting on the shelf to look good.

Then why not play smaller scale with some great centerpiece models like Warmaster?
Or play a skirmish game with great models with way less to paint?

Clarity is not a problem because infantry stands are visually distinct. Identifying different marine units is no harder in Epic than it is in 40k. Have you ever played a 6mm or 10mm game?

Read the damn thread

man, I wish anybody near me knew about dropzone commander. I almost kickstarted it way back when, even talked to my buddy who runs a game shop about it. Ho hum.

The stands are same dimension. What are you talking about?

I love the lore. I love the setting. I love the God Emperor, praised be His name. But I have never been into board games or painting minis. Vidya on the other hand is my addiction. How I wish someone would come out with a Space Marines FPS, a Titanfall clone set on Mars, or even a side scrolling cuphead ripoff where you guide a Sororitas as she blasts her way through wave after wave of xenos, heretics and traitors.

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A stand refers to the collection of miniatures on the base, as a whole. And the different unit types are visually distinct and easily recognizable as a unit on the table. You are not going to confuse a bunch of regular marines with terminators, or bolter bitches with repentia. That's why they have ridiculously exaggerated proportions at that scale. Don't be obtuse, user.

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Yes but unless painted and labeled you will mix up all the ork bikes

I bet he sees out his chest skull.

The hell is there to mix up? Are you afraid that you might play another Ork who also has unpainted bikers and you might switch up who they belong to? What kind of of concern is that? Even if that happened, which it won't, you'd still come away with the exact same number of the exact same Ork bikers.

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>do you enjoy 90% of the hobby you've chosen to spend your spare time on?

M8 if you don't enjoy it you need a new hobby.

As fucking if. Of the tiny fraction of people that actually own 40k stuff on this board, maybe half of them actually played a game in the last month.

I think you misunderstood my comment. the 90% is the time spend building painting basing and prepping your army, building terrain and getting game ready.

>Or do you just see it as something to "get over with" so you suffer less stigma in the community, participate in tournaments, or what have you?
This unfortunately. But I hate buying painted models so I have to grind them all out by myself. It's part of the process which we all go through

I read it the wrong way then.

I'm a lazy fuck, and there isn't really a community around here to motivate me to actually finish working on my army. Not to mention, 40k and WFB both went through huge changes in the last few years when I thought they'd stay stable til I was out of college. So it's hard to stay involved in the hobby at all.

But to actually answer your question, the painting and modelling part is my favorite part of the equation, specifically the painting. I'm not very good at it, but it's creative and fun, and it feels like I'm bringing a model to life or making a piece of terrain look real. I know I'm never going to be skilled enough at the battles to really win, so they'd be something I'd want to play for fun with rather casual games. I wouldn't want bare plastic models because how I feel, not how I think others would feel.

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I find assembling and painting to be very therapeutic. It helps that my overall skill improves with each model.

>I have a good gee dubs so every one else is lying

OT though, I genuinely prefer the painting

I absolutely love converting, building models, creating army lists and playing, but really hate painting. I still go through painting my models to look like GW box art level and look good on the table, but really hate every minute of it. I've just accepted this as a necessary evil.
I enjoy tabletop wargames for social aspect so sitting at home with a brush in hand isn't really want I wan to be doing.

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I've actually seen something like that first hand, the guy is "tall", at least 6'0", but their feet usually are just a little past the marine's knee, the rest a massive platform boot. The costume wouldn't work if it weren't for the marine's fuckhuge paudrons, which cover up how little space is between the arms. Depends on the suit, but most have the hands as wearable bricks, with the weapons permanently attached.

Fairly solid. I find remembering how all the different weapons and armies work can be a bit irksome, but overall a solid game.

I know some people don't like the command dice mechanic, but I fucking love it. So much better than the IGOUGO shit GW keeps clinging to.

I enjoy it more than actually playing the game desu. Painting miniatures is how I unwind from the grind of daily life.

I love the lore, I love 2nd edition Warhams... But I'm colourblind, and kind of just regularblind too. I should just finish my conversions for a 40k hex and chit game.

I enjoy painting individual models or small units but the assembly line needed for armies is a pain in the arse and I'm usually glad to see the back of it.

I enjoy modeling more than anything else. Painting is fun sometimes, but I always dread messing up so I often delay getting it done. Games are alright, but I mostly stick with Blood Bowl

GW needs to release Epic with prepaintef minis, in the price range of xwing/armada. Use the epic armageddon rules, they're an excellent set. A real GAME would be fun and good for getting people hooked.

As for me, I do like converting but getting the bits and the skill to realize your vision is hard. Painting can get boring, I go for easy schemes with a Blanchitsu approach to color and shadow. I do appreciate really well-done stuff like what the Inq28 guys get up to.

This is me, I used to be into the game but the gaming scene, the GW stores and LGSs full of autistic fucktards or numale soy boys I just cant anymore. I legitimately hate these people, and I try so hard not to.

Last time I went in I was talking to my friend who was playing when the local redshirt over heard me talking about scuba diving (one of my other hobbies) and how you feel good after a couple of long dives as you get "narked", which is basically mild nitrogen narcossis where nitrogen forms in your blood and tissues like you huffed the happy gas from the Dentist. Its fucking awesome by the way, has you feeling good the rest of the day. Well the fucking idiot red shirt ended up screaming at me this was "medically impossible" and that it's "obvious you don't dive" and to "learn your basic medical science". I work in the medical field and am a dive master so I just noped, packed up my minis and haven't gone back.

With the modelling guys online, and the rare occasion I meet them irl, who are into modelling they are usually constructive on their advice, and more into the fluff of the game then the other groups playing it. As such I find the modelling aspect of the community to be much more satisfying to deal with as a hobbyist due to the lower representation of retards and those guys actually putting effort into something beyond being autistic.

Yeah this is my favourite part too. Kit building > everything else

I hate assembly to such a degree that at one point I actually almost paid someone to build my models for me. I love painting though, could do it all day.

>Well the fucking idiot red shirt ended up screaming at me this was "medically impossible" and that it's "obvious you don't dive" and to "learn your basic medical science". I work in the medical field and am a dive master so I just noped, packed up my minis and haven't gone back.

This has ALWAYS been a problem that's plagued all of our Veeky Forums related hobbies since I was just a wee lad playing Dungeons & Dragons: Know-It-Alls. Even worse than being a "know it all" is that they are unable to ever keep their fucking mouth shut and "let it slide" if a particular social situation calls for it. Like, for example, being a fucking salesman in a store.

A wise LGS owner told me something once about TT wargaming in general, and WH/40k in particular

>There are three aspects of the game: Modeling, Painting, and Playing. Most players are going to love one, like another, and dislike the third.

I'll agree with that. I love the game, and like modeling (though my reach exceeds my grasp). However, being colorblind, I detest painting; it's literally just something to get through, and I need someone else working with me as a spotter anyway.

Converting is my favorite aspect of the hobby easily.

Lorefags. Not even once.

Every time i am on Veeky Forums I see people talking about "the community" or " nobody plays the game at my gamestore", does no one actually just play with their friends? If I want to play a wargame I just ask any of my mates if they wanna buy an army, if not, I just buy two smaller armies so we can still play and maybe they'll buy one after all.

Veeky Forums is mostly a containment board for 40k, DnD and MtG.
40k players tend to be American, Young or exclusively Games Workshop. All three of these groups play pretty much exclusively at stores.

I'm in the process of building an army with four other friends while encouraging one of them to actually paint his army with Duncan memes and every now and then actual encouragement.

I love to make conversions and modeling, but painting isn't as creative and I have to force myself to do it. I want to play much more than my friends, but when I get into a battle, I enjoy it.

I don't feel any enjoyment from painting models. I have to do it, because some events require full painted models. If I could I would play with basecoated models.

People in my country play at stores. There is one GW store in the entire country, the rest is FLGS, but they are nothing like the american ones with gazylion of tables and clubs. Most are 2 tables, some have 2 normal tables and one 3x4 or 4x4 smaller one, but a ton have just one table. Shop space costs a lot and most people buy second hand, so shops live out of MtG and selling table game time, which is 1,5$ per hour for the big tables.
Shops also tend to run a lot board games, if they are in one of the biggest cities. Our store owner once told us that MtG and board games make 4/5th of his income.

I'm planning on getting into modelling 40k sometime soon(tm), but I wouldn't have the faintest on how to find someone to play with in my area, let alone how to play the actual game. I'm far too much of a sperg for all that anyway. Painting and building is really the only part of interest to me.

I really do enjoy it in small bursts and when I do paint I put tonnes of effort in. But I can't be assed painting an entire army.


That's where you're going wrong here.

I love painting (even though I'm so slow) and barely ever play.

It's all I do nowadays. I enjoy planning out armies (that still make sense in-game though) and assembling and painting them up.

Haven't played a single game of 8th, only played a handful in 7th. I used to be very active in the 5th, but nowadays I just don't feel like packing up all the miniatures and going somewhere. Not to mention I hate repairing stuff that broke in the transport and there's always something.

I keep thinking I want to try the 8th but somehow never find the time to actually do it. Doesn't help I moved and don't really know anybody else playing anymore.

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This 100%. Especially with 8th it's barely even fun to play.

I agree, there ha been so many times where I've had a friendly shit talk in a LGS ruined because someone decided to go full raging "know-it-all" on one aspect of a conversation they were not even a part of I've lost count. I think LGS know-it-alls are the most common form of "That Guy" out there.

I do it more often than actually playing the game (tho that's partly due to lack of players around here)

I just have a hard time starting because I absolutely loathe scraping mould lines

As far as I can tell, the dude on the right is pretty short for a stormtrooper.

>Building, tinkering and converting was the best part of the hobby for me, better than painting.
>modelling yes
>painting no
>I absolutely love converting, building models, creating army lists and playing, but really hate painting.
>Kit building > everything else
Indeed, this is why I prefer Brikwars for actual Wargaming, as model tinkering can be used as an actual in-game mechanic while you never really have to paint anything.

>I enjoy tabletop wargames for social aspect so sitting at home with a brush in hand isn't really want I wan to be doing.
Yeah, painting usually takes too much patience, time, and occasionally space for it to be worth it, especially if you're gaming for socialization in the first place.

>A wise LGS owner told me something once about TT wargaming in general, and WH/40k in particular
>>There are three aspects of the game: Modeling, Painting, and Playing. Most players are going to love one, like another, and dislike the third.
This is probably the biggest reason I'll never get into physical 40k; I don't love the game or like the models well enough to make the investment.

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GW should really look into a virtual platform of some kind. Not dawn of war, just a point for point recreation of the tabletop, So many times have i just wished i could use a paintbucket tool to just fill in models accurately. sell bits and armies per model or in sets as usual. Also voice acted little army men would be sweet

Gaming is the worst, most boring part of the hobby imo.

While I enjoy it, I unfortunately rarely find time for it. Between real life and my various other hobby/social obligations, it's tough to find a time to just sit down and paint. And not only that, but when I finally do, I have other miniature ranges competing for attention.

Yeah, a company that sells toy soldiers at a massive markup won't sell you a tool to not need toy soldiers.

I love the game right up until turn 2 when it's obvious who won but both players are too polite to quit so pretend to have fun.

Love painting though. I'm my third fully painted tau army because of autism.

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Painting and modeling has become one of the few things that keeps me in the hobby because I discovered I could never win a fucking game and if I was gonna lose to a turbo WAACfag I'd like to at least look leagues better than his horde of grey plastic.

imagine enjoying the lore of warhammer

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5th editon was so superior. I had more than half my games get decided on the last turn. Now If I don't kill all his shit on turn 1 before they get into melee it's gg

You are cancer.