What's the difference between a Druid, a Cleric with the nature domain, and an Oath of the Ancients Paladin...

What's the difference between a Druid, a Cleric with the nature domain, and an Oath of the Ancients Paladin? Not in terms of abilities so much, but rather in terms of roleplaying.

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One gets power from nature.
One gets power from nature's master.
One uses power to defend nature.

Druid: Nature is the god
Cleric: God loves the Nature
Paladin: Use nature to protect nature.

Druids are an ancient faith worshipping nature itself
Nature Domain clerics worship a god who claims nature as part of his/her portfolio
Ancients paladins are similar to druid fluff, but more crusaders than protectors.

This. At least in 5e, paladins don’t neccisarily get their powers from Gods anymore, they get it from their oath to a particular ideal.

Druid: "I speak for the trees!"

Cleric: "I speak for the God of the trees!"

Paladin: "I just kill any motherfucker who touches my trees."

Attached: b3d.jpg (574x787, 40K)

One is the appropriate OG character class.

One is a cleric with some "nature" splashed in from a spell list.

The third is an aberration in terms of fluff/crunch who should by all rights just be a particularly militant druid or a barbarian.

In roleplaying terms, druids usually take a neutral, detached view of other people, looking at the big picture instead. Their job is to protect the balance of the natural world, not healing the sick or preaching to the masses, so the druidic religion is typically small, insular and secretive. By contrast, a nature cleric is more likely to be found in a rustic frontier community helping people on behalf of their deity, spreading the faith and building temples.

Contrary to popular belief, the Oath of the Ancients fluff doesn't really indicate they are obsessed with nature. Their oath has more to say about protecting art than trees. They are more like elven paladins than druid paladins.

Attached: oath.png (428x267, 267K)

Depends on the Druid- we've got
>True Druid
Motherfucking Shub-niggurath worshippers, completely opposite to the notion of the drive of mankind, willing to speed up the doom of the universe, wishes his alleged connection with the true path of evolution rekindled, is effectively a skinwalker knows the basics of nietzhism and other philosphical topics without even referring to their societal establishments, simply knows the actual rules of nature, is fully aware of concepts of ecosystems both familiar and alien- in effect, understands how weird shit can get in nature is ammoral- no bound by social constructs of the falsehoods of civilization
>Circle Druid
The degenerated form of the above, not entirely aware of the true dark final culmultive nature of druidism, adheres to tribes and societies, occasional divinatory sacrifices when in need, has some sense about him, but not on the extreme end of the spectrum
Faggot who thinks he knows dick about nature when he can't even tell you fuck worth dick- makes really shitty civilisation-nature comments and is more into the "aesthetic" of nature than actually giving a fuck- is a massive sellout to animals, closer to a vegan activist than actual druid- is also bald due to letting a fucking magical plant parasite take over their hair for the sake of their own idiotic vanity, this was not ever explained to anyone, resulting in the" Druids have green hair" fad. due to primitive mindset, worships god's it thinks have anything to do with nature worshipping subverted and otherwise poisoned values with objective alignment restructions thrown in
>NU-NU Druids
The Above + the entire elven Misconception of their false ideal of their so called connection to nature (When in actuality they are as removed from it as can be)

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It's not as much about art itself but about beauty, creative works, things most related to life and living, which it calls 'the light.' Which is probably in contrast to despair, rote work, and so on.

In terms of roleplaying, your stats are not married to your fluff, and you can virtually play any flavor of character you're creative enough to get away with using any statblock, within limits.

I like this

Druid cultivates nature, paladin champions nature, cleric worships nature.

>>True Druid
Do you mean cthulu mythos druid?

Clicking this thread I have a nut wish

This is supposed to be a paladin? Holy mother of gygax they changed a lot from "big burly man in tin can armor"

No, that's a Ranger. Paladins are still heavy armor oriented in 5e.

That's dumb, since their abilities are still divine magic. It all depends on the GM and the setting anyway.

A Cleric gets its power from a Deity of nature
A Druid gets its power from nature itself
A "naturey" Paladin gets its power from the platonic ideal of the-natural-warrior/nature's-defender

Phew, what a relief.

It's a paladin with glamered armor and a hat of disguise. It actually IS a male human in full plate with a greatsword.

The line between Clerics and Paladins has always been incredibly thin to begin with

No, that's a furry-giantess fetish.

So just the PC version of the whole siren trope? The "monster disguised as a sexy lady to lure in horny guys" thing

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By posing as a scantily-clad beastwoman this paladin is seeking to lure out monsters who will try to attack or fuck "her".

It's quite clever really.

It's also quite useful for stealth and infiltration

Indeed. Who are monsters and bandits going to be more wary of? A group of disheveled, dirty murderhobos with tons of weapons? Or a group of adorable young elf girls?

Paladins have always had the option to get their power from an ideal rather than a god.

Well, depends on where you are and how many monsters that use the same kind of mimicry strategy are found in the area.

It got confusing when a group of PCs disguised as elf lolis met a group of monsters disguised as elf lolis.

The honeypot is one of the most reliable tricks in RPGs.


>”Nature is wyld and free! Let it be free!”
>”Gardens exist, so fuck off until you can contribute, hippy.”

>the mouse girls

Ah, so this isn't just generic furry art but someone's specific fetish

>Paladin: "Don't bully the trees"

Attached: 1520032090365.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

Somehow I don't think this is a paladin.

>Tied up mouse girls on her leg
Why does she have those?

This is probably the best explanation we've seen thus far in the thread.

Attached: yamine_of_the_ute_wolves_by_himeko_houkou-d7l359s.jpg (631x1267, 132K)

No one said anything about pic related being a Paladin. She could be a Druid, or Cleric. Maybe even a ranger?

Attached: yamine_of_the_ute_wolves_by_himeko_houkou-d7l359s.jpg (631x1267, 132K)

Snacks of course