I have a very big issue that I'd like to address. Many times in stories and series...

I have a very big issue that I'd like to address. Many times in stories and series, seduction and sexuality take a role in its universe, and seductive approaches open up a lot of doors in various scenarios, specially in non-heroic fantasy of a darker tint. Many characters have a use of their charismatic and romantic abilities or a 'womanizer' aspect to them.

However, there hasn't been a single time in which if anything of the sort gets brought up, mostly on a lighter note than it perhaps should, anything that involves flirting or a character's sexuality makes everyone uncomfortable. Even if you still keep it PG-13 and fade to black as needed, the act of flirting or implying any romantic or sexual is considered taboo as all hells.

How do you approach romance and sexuality at the table without making things awkward for everyone involved? Can such a thing even be accomplished?

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Try talking about it with the rest of the group as adults. You'd be surprised at how often that works.

>anything that involves flirting or a character's sexuality makes everyone uncomfortable. Even if you still keep it PG-13 and fade to black as needed, the act of flirting or implying any romantic or sexual is considered taboo as all hells.

You see that? That bit right there? It's bullshit. There might be a giggle or two but it's just par for the course. Fucking everybody gropes the busty bar wench and then everyone rolls to be the one to sleep with her. I refuse to believe my group is somehow alien or abnormal for engaging in activities like this.

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Have you considered speaking with people? I know it sounds hard, but you might want to give it a go.

What is a scenario you have in mind? A noblewoman seduces a PC and her accomplice steals a valuable item while they’re doing the dirty?

I have not only had romances at the table between PCs and NPCs, or even PCs and other PCs, but also in cases where some of the participating players were in relationships with other people at the table. As long as everyone is mature and can divorce in character from out of character, it's not a problem.

Granted, I wish my husband wouldn't literally declare at the beginning of a campaign that his goal is to find a romantic interest for his character, but oh fucking well I guess.

Don't be a figurative child and don't play with figurative children. That pretty much sums it up.

>Many times

But, more often than not, it cheapens the story, especially when in the hands of people with no self-awareness, like yourself.

Like, you genuinely think that this "Stop hating me for forcing my shitty magical realms into games" thread is disguised as an intelligent discussion, or that you've presented an argument that isn't just you desperately seeking pats on the heads from the other Worst Denizens of Veeky Forums.

Your alone and sinking

Gee, maybe because a bunch of teenage to 20 something guys, usually dorks, may not feel comfortable roleplaying that kind of thing?

It beats have you two playing footsie besties for the whole campaign

I usually can't stand his characters, and probably wouldn't romance them even if a DM trotted out some bullshit prophecy that said we had to bone.

i didn't know it was physically possible to type and post with your head so far up your own ass
you learn something new every day

>implying OP actually has this issue or even plays rpgs
This is just an excuse to post lewd images on Veeky Forums.

A) why does that matter, some lewd gobs are never a bad thing B) How the fuck do you know, he could easily have this problem even if it isn't realistic

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Part of the problem is that people are people and they all come with their own baggage to the gaming table. A while back I went to play with a group and the following is how it went down:

>Get invited by a buddy to play with his group
>DM is a cool guy, buddy is buddy, another dude there is a bro
>There is a girl and another guy
>The guy is crushing HARD on this girl but she's not interested
>Their characters are married in story
>I get vibes from her immediately, she goes out of her way to try to chat me up
>She suggests, as an aside, the first session that I'm there, that there could be a misunderstanding to generate IC drama with her character and mine seeming to flirt
>Realize that the group would likely implode if I went with this
>After a few sessions bow out citing my job

Sexual dynamics can fuck up everything, and while my example is IRL and in game dynamics interacting it highlights the issue. Everybody has baggage, and everybody's sexual baggage is weird to somebody else. If YOUR group can handle it that's cool, but most groups can't.

seduction or charm with the intent to accomplish the goals of the campaign is completely fine. If you need to get past the drunk guard and the 20 charisma sorcerer flaunts her sexuality I see no problem with following through with the actions.
The bard who wants to roleplay seducing and fucking the barmaid because "it's part of my character" can just get a handwaved "ok dude it happens", no rolls even necessary. The point of the game and its rules is to facilitate an enjoyable experience for the entire group. If someone wants to ERP he can join a forum for that shit, at my table we're here to go on fantastic adventures and accomplish heroic feats. There's nothing heroic about describing how well you sexed up the elf with your +8 girdle of desperation.

OP really is a marvel of the head-up-his-ass typing universe. Glad you joined in to mock him, and the rest of the worst-people-on-this-board Magical Realmers.

Worst people on the board are still furries desu. I wish they'd all fuck off to /trash/ and stay there.

>A) why does that matter, some lewd gobs are never a bad thing
Lewd goblins are fine. Personally I'm a big fan of them. Veeky Forums is a poor place for them compared to other boards like /aco/ or other websites in general. Veeky Forums is the one decent place I've found on the internet to talk about tabletop games while the rest of the internet is a sea of porn of all shapes and sizes. Fetishposters actively shit up the one place where I can talk about tiny plastic dudes and rpgs without dealing with mods and being forced to play nice with everyone's opinions.

>B) How the fuck do you know, he could easily have this problem even if it isn't realistic
OP speaks in incredibly nondescript terms about hypothetical groups in a very detached, impersonal way. There's no mention of anything personal at all. An earnest question would likely ask as a GM how they could insert seduction without making X players uncomfortable or Y murderhobo player from ignoring it.

This also doesn't help that the latest Veeky Forums shitposting trends tend to match OP's style, though I will give them kudos for not only asking a short, throw away one sentence question.

/aco/ is for porn, dingus. Like, nipples and vagoo porn. Not just general lewd. An image being risque does not porn make. And you are really, really, REALLY on the wrong board for discussing traditional games if a bit of lewd rubs you the wrong way. Fetishposters have been here since day one, man. The whole /d/lite thing has been a thing, well, since forever. It's their board as much as yours. Nobody's asking you to play nice and swallow shit you don't like. Just don't be a faggot, especially not the kind of faggot that pops into threads they don't like just to say they don't like them. That's dumb. If you truly feel that Veeky Forums is somehow badwrongfun, post threads about the kind of stuff you think is good and right. That's tried and true.

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Do you have a man on the side to fulfill your sexual needs?


If the goal of the image is arousal it belongs on /aco/

>OP is just a magical realmer!
>OP just wants to post lewd images!
>OP has never played an rpg in his life!

All of these assumptions are wrong, I just wanted to talk about most people being uncomfortable about sexuality and any degree of flirting while roleplaying, and how it leaves off the table a bunch of good opportunities to introduce such elements - brothels or networks of prostitutes that operate like a mafia, being able to seduce someone in order to take advantage while their guard is down, using your good looks to get info out of someone, straight up having a character who just wants to get laid, or other adult-themed things that, in the right amount, can enrich an experience or character.

It's not about introducing these elements all the time, it's about them never being brought up or introduced without someone drawing a figurative x-card.

I feel like many things that should be solved by talking to your players may make things worse. Is it worse to just introduce something that players may be uncomfortable with, or to say something that might be taken as "i WANT sex in my campaign"?

That would be cool. Last time I did something similar (and players weren't uncomfortable with it, this group was pretty cool about it) was a character being attracted by a hooker and getting a quest item stolen from him. They ended up going against a crime lord to take it back and their actions made the city's underworld get a power disbalance which triggered a lot of campaign fuel.

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That's like saying merge /h/ and /e/.

Fuck off /d/fag

Probably should. Not like either are very fast boards.

They honestly should, why the fuck not.

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It can.

>On the table

Refer to things in third person, never go into unnecessary detail, don't hold up the game.


Don't hold up the game, keep it private when you can.

It's that simple. Suffice to say, only do so when 1 - There is an actual, interesting opportunity available and 2 - You actually know your group, and said group has an investment in closer inter-character development, instead of a beer and pretzels game.

It's seriously that easy. Don't go in immediately seeking one, and don't let it affect the game table.

Honestly I'm just tired of pointless romance and seduction in stories.

Every book, every movie, every story has forced sexual tension and romance where there's no need for it.

Relationships are just another way of easily injecting cheap drama or interest in something that can't hold itself up by its own merit.
And don't get me wrong, I love romance novels and stories when I'm out to read romance. Its just tiring when its in everything else
>watch a movie about norse god kicking ass
>whelp, gotta shove a female love interest in there for really no reason except to have her tehre

>watch a show about doctors
>its just about who fucks who

>read novel about vampire detectives
>60% of it is about how she happens to always meet this handsome dude and fucks him

and yes I'm just venting, but god I hate how romance is forced into literally everything and fuck you.

Is this a consistent thing he does, or was it just the once and it just really got under your skin? More importantly, have you talked with him about it?
On the one hand, pretend is pretend, and it might mean as much as the fact the barbarian-player likes to bash people’s heads, ie none. On the other, he might just not realize that doing shit like that makes you uncomfortable.
He could also just be a raging faggot, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

>I feel like many things that should be solved by talking to your players may make things worse
>>I feel
You feel that's the case? No "in your experience that's the case" or "the times I tried that was the case" or something like that? You meant to tell me that people who are accusing you of not having a group or ever played a RPG in your life, are wrong, but also, in your entire life as a RPG player, you NEVER tried to talk with your group about "many things that SHOULD be solved by talking", to the point you are only guessing the results of a hypothetical conversation.
So either you are full of shit and that's why you have zero knowledge on the topic or somehow you manage to actively play a heavily social game without learning absolutely anything meaningful about human interaction. The later would be kinda impressive.

A player in one of my games had a fade to black after some back-and-forth flirting with an NPC just last session. Another player has a burgeoning romance with an NPC. My character, who is kind of the edgy and angry one, is going to have a meta-goal of making a goddamn NPC friend, as part of his development. If that leads to romance, I'd be fine with that.

This isn't taboo, Veeky Forums is just full of people who haven't actually played (and therefore don't know what it's like to be so immersed in the game and your character that ooc considerations cease to matter that much, and can only picture fat neckbeards wheezing out hentai-tier dialogue), or have been burned by playing with autists one too many times.

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No need to get your panties on a twist, user. English is my second language and I may have said things that sound hypothetical when that isn't the case. I'm kinda wary of bringing these things up nowadays because I've had bad experiences when doing anything except playing at the table. I remember one time when I brought up some things about their investment vs my own and it came out as me telling them that I was tired of running the game, so I was met with passive-agressive comments from them the following session, which turned out to be the last. I know people in this hobby are highly autistic individuals so I'm not surprised that you accuse me of being one, but that's exactly why I prefer to discuss these things with strangers rather than my group.

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Well if the question is "How can I bring complex issues that normally require a mature conversation to a group of spergs who can't have one" that would be a hell of a trick I don't think anyone have figure out yet, at the best you may learn some way to circumvent the problem until it inevitable fails because you are not addressing the real issue. Optionally the problem may be (and this is not an accusation, but is worth considering) you being bad at trying to convey your ideas, coming out as something you didn't intended, but that's kinda of a difficult problem because is hard to gauge what could be wrong with the way you communicate with people by reading a couple of post, even ignoring the language barrier.

>How do you approach romance and sexuality at the table without making things awkward for everyone involved? Can such a thing even be accomplished?

Yes, it can: ignore everyone and go on with it. If someone has a problem, kick them out of the game and replace them with another player.

Repeat until you have a group of people that does not get uncomfortable with it.


You must play online if you think kicking people out over basically nothing is a reasonable course of action

>Every book, every movie, every story has forced sexual tension and romance where there's no need for it.

We all know you mean "every book, every movie, every video game," user.

It's a rare prewritten roleplaying game scenario or campaign that has romance forced into it for no reason.

Well by story I meant more a mixture of various anime, manga, games, shirt stories, etc.. that don't conform the the previous 2 and I didn't want to list out. As far as video games, they're actually pretty light on romance but the story sucks for other reasons.

I Don't see it too much in table games but you do have the periodic person who tries to force the erping a bit much and that gets annoying on it's own. But it was just a general complaint and seeing someone trying to force it more tipped me over the edge

>I remember one time when I brought up some things about their investment vs my own and it came out as me telling them that I was tired of running the game, so I was met with passive-agressive comments from them the following session, which turned out to be the last. I know people in this hobby are highly autistic individuals so I'm not surprised that you accuse me of being one, but that's exactly why I prefer to discuss these things with strangers rather than my group.

This is what you should have opened up with instead of posting a sexy goblin and posting weird hypotheticals. This at least has some meat and proves you aren't just trying to make a "subtle" thread about your shortstack fetish.

How about some elaboration about what went down?

What the fuck is your problem with sexy goblins, user? Sexy goblins are great.

As long as the DM and the player participating in the flirty roleplay are cool with it, then the other players can wait their turn.
Just make it quick in RP and do a fade to black, and get back to the rest of the game.
Why should one player not be allowed to do the roleplay they like just because it makes another player cringe or a little uncomfortable.
As long as it's within reason of course. Not saying rape roleplay should be allowed just cuz one guy is cool with it.
Just that a little flirty and consensual roleplay should be perfectly fine as long as it doesn't become a focus or get graphically described.

>Anons jerking over goblin proportions.
>Anons jerking over how goblins like to breed.
>Some user posts pictures from InCase, usually porn crops
>Repeat forever.

I like sexy goblins but sexy goblin threads on Veeky Forums are predictable as all hell and not that interesting since everyone just echos each other and posts recycled content. Also like I said in I come here for Veeky Forums content. I have the entire internet to indulge me in innumerable amounts of masturbation fodder. I come here to talk about games because all my other options are cesspools.

didnt read, im here to fuck goblins. I am a goblin layer. My entire existence is dedicated to the art of goblin fucking.

Man did you get here yesterday? Veeky Forums is not some bastion of civil discourse on pen and papers or wargames. Veeky Forums is a bunch of faggots harping about dumb things and occasionally working out a gem. And Veeky Forums is always a little kinky.

I'll have been here for about ten years come this summer. You might shit talk Veeky Forums as a place for game discussion but over the years I've introduced to so many different topics and game systems that I never would have on other game forums. I also don't have to deal with forum drama or having my opinions shot down because I don't suck someone's dick or because my post count isn't to high. I know some people just come her to shit things up because to them Veeky Forums is disposable, but to me it's been my home and has gotten me through some rough shit.

I also get and don't mind things being kinky here, but some anons take it too far and just come here to indirectly ERP by dressing up their fetish in a very light coat of Veeky Forums paint by saying shit like "in your setting" or "how would your character react to MY FETISH." It comes back to people treating Veeky Forums as something to pump and dump because the attachment isn't there for them. They don't care if they're shitting things up because they will just move on if they're bored. And sure shit like this has happened for years, but but doesn't mean everyone is on board. Spamming Flare and JimProfit were big touchstone parts of Veeky Forums culture for a good stretches of time, and I don't miss them a single bit.

We had two of our party members have a drunken 3 way with a prostitute. Simply made it a fade to Black and had her steal some of their cash. The two PCs ended up bonding over it.

If your group is mature enough (or, in my group's case, immature enough) to handle it, then who cares? As long as it isn't one of those games where the entire thing plays out like a bad harem anime, it doesn't matter if the PCs get into some lewd situations once in a while.

>always a little kinky

What Veeky Forums has to endure isn't just the occasional lewd post, but aggressive, nearly militant shitposting from people who only care about traditional games in the capacity that it enables them to discuss their fetishes.

Of all their crimes, they have successfully killed a fair amount of the humor on this board, by taking any lewd idea, regardless of silly or ridiculous it is, and running it into the ground with their pseudo-intellectual "exploration" of the concept, which largely just amounts to them masturbating while laboriously regurgitating ideas too stupid to be salvageable. We can no longer even make lewd passing jokes, and it's ironically all thanks to the lewd posters, who look for any excuse (and make them when they can't find any) to discuss their fetishes.

I'm in a Seventh Sea game that works as a weirdly good example of how sex works in game sometimes.

>Need to get a noble out of the way
>Decide to destroy his status rather than kill him
>One player can control animals
>Mind control a sheep.
>Noble is a womanizer, convince another noble's servant he is interested in to fuck him over, because fuck nobles, right?
>Get her to write up a letter inviting him to lunch, make sure he'll have to pass a brothel to get there
>Pay prostitute to lure him inside and get his cloths off
>Attack sheep go!
>Sheep chases him out onto street pantsless
>Use natural charm to convince everyone that he's been going to the brothel to fuck sheep.

This shit can be hilarious when done right.

It also ended up being a pretty big moment for the party because we found out our roguey guy was raised in a whore house. He was pretty hung up on us making sure nothing bad happened to the prostitutes and turns out that's why.

As far as how actual sex is handled, you just fade to black when your character walks back in for a victory blowjob. (yes, the rogue did complain a little about that but was reminded that if no one went back for victory blowjobs the prostitutes would go hungry.)

But user, that's not a girl.

>How do you approach romance and sexuality at the table without making things awkward for everyone involved?
You can't. If people find it awkward, it will be awkward. If they don't, it isn't a problem to begin with.

>Can such a thing even be accomplished?
I have played a lot of characters who have romantic interests or engage in flirting or seduction, but pretty much no one else I have ever played with does, so it never happens when I am GMing, which is most of the games I take part in.

>See a thread with a goblin in the OP
>It's about romance and sexual relationships in the role of tabletop
>Recently have had a player end up in a situation with a goblin that would perfectly lead into discussion on this topic
>Immediately see instant bashing of this as a thinly veiled lewd goblin thread
I guess I'll leave you guys to your devices.

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I'm happy to roleplay out romance (though I'll usually do in PM because the rest of the party will get bored), and I fade to black with sex.

As for romance in general, it's pretty simple honestly. My players tell me who their character would be interested in, I dangle a waifu or husbando in front of them as appropriate, and boom, they have a love interest.

I had a female NPC flirt with a PC twice. Both times it was the same player. I tried very hard to make sure it wasn't weird but it just fit the story so well and actually made a 1D character have a chance to become 2D (or have some inner conflict: one was a nutcase actually losing grip on his humanity and maybe this girl's attentions will give him some conflict in that). I don't know why it's so taboo, maybe because a lot of Veeky Forums faggots are stereotypically loser virgins who play this game to escape from sex (which is why I never understood all the sexy fantasy armor and sexy MTG art).

Yeah, it can be simple fun if no one makes it weird. Hell, a really dumb cutesy relationship in a longterm online game once helped float me through a relatively dark time in life. I won't say it never got weird, but aside from one thing in that game with a third person that actually just stemmed form bad communication on all sides that game never really fell apart until we all just kinda ran outta steam between game editions.

I won't say I never pursued the supposedly female GM with some romantic interest, but I also didn't let it get super weird or toxic when that wasn't in the cards. And even managed to continue enjoying my fictional character's fictional wife as a slight salve to a very lonely period of my life.

>How do you approach romance and sexuality at the table without making things awkward for everyone involved? Can such a thing even be accomplished?
Don't and not really

>tfw exclusively play artsy queer storygames that prominently feature romance and sex and it always go well, because my group is mature and enjoys it

>you have to woo, distract and delay a banshee
>you roleplay it out with your gm
>tfw your GM gets really into it
>other players step out of the room for a minute for a quick break
>you and the GM continue to roleplay it out
>nothing sexual, just flirtation and delaying tactics
>two grown men
>with beards
>using silly voices
>roleplaying a man flirting with a ghost

What a fucking ride that was.
We're not even neckbeards, or fat greasy dudes. Two genuinely attractive men in good shape, with wife and gf respectively.

Yeah you’re officially a fag my man

>mfw this entire post

Attached: faggot fine.jpg (217x164, 10K)

>get a good group

You should take hiim for a rump.

And while you're at it, remove the stupid rule in /e/ that prevents any kinds of men from being posted.

If you kissed him it wouldn't have made a difference.

Maybe other people don't want to do that, you massive autist.

Done that. My pirate made a habit of avoiding angry husbands more than he avoided the cops.

Then post some fucking goblins you cocktease.

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I wanna hear your story, user.

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Honestly, just do that anyway.

I had to do something like this, but with a female orc, and it was two fucking hours because he knew I didn't like it and he wanted to fuck with me. He was a funny guy but goddamn.

Also why the fuck does CoC not have a pure goblin companion yet? Fucking Fenoxo.

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don't play with amerimutts

Perhaps you should avoid playing with virgins.

I find it helps.

I mean, it's not easy to find a whole group, but it's certainly worth it.

Grippa is monitoring this goblin thread vigilantly.

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Should I post the porn of her?

State things as matter-of-fact with none of the 'wet' bits involved.

Like how breeding between two races is possible, but males end up like the father, and females like the mother; no halfbreeds. If players find anything lewd about that, they can keep it to themselves.

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Aw, c'mon Grippa, don't be a party pooper. Just because you dig the armor doesn't mean the rest of us can't show off in pretty dresses and cute outfits.

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Honestly don't.
It's not good for the character's reputation.

That's why she's just doing her rounds.

>How do you approach romance and sexuality at the table without making things awkward for everyone involved?
This depends entirely on your group. A group full of people that is okay with this kind of content can just roll with it, or even come up with some of it themselves, and everyone will have a good time. People who are only there for dungeon crawls or whatever will probably thinks it's a waste of time.

Here's a bit of a story about a group I played in around a couple years ago, that had been together for a long while at that point.
>party is warlock(me), tiefling monk, elf rogue, human cleric, dwarf fighter
>elf and tiefling players are both women, and so are their characters (this is relevant)
>take on a job to get rid of some bandits stalking a trade route
>bandits are some ex-guerrilla scout types, trained at evading and outmaneuvering enemies, nobody can even get close to catching them so far, no ranger or druid with us, we don't have a hope in hell of tracking them to their camp
>elf rogue gets the idea that she'll dress as a traveler, armed with only a single dagger, barely any money, and the party will shadow her at an extreme distance, just barely keeping her in sight, focusing on staying hidden
>here's where it gets weird
>her plan is that if the bandits show up to rob her, there's a good chance they'll decide to drag her into the bushes to rape her, and that's when we can sneak up and ambush them, capturing one to interrogate
>varying levels of "What the fuck" proceeds to ensue
>this group had been regularly playing together for over a year at this point, and we were all comfortable with each other, but this was completely out of left field


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Not a bad plan, but I could see how taking that risk would be surprising. Especially since her expectation may be wrong, and they might just try to kill her.

>monk is laughing too hard to object
>fighter is rolling his eyes and shaking his head like it's the stupidest thing he's ever heard (it wasn't, we had come up with far stupider plans)
>cleric starts to poke holes in the plan - What if they just kill you? What if they don't go for it? What if they spot us?
>I'm just thinking "There's no way they'll go for this, they're way too normal."
>DM has the most godly poker face I've ever seen, to this day I have no clue what he was thinking at that moment
>eventually we decide to go ahead with it and I'm convinced it was out of nothing more than morbid curiosity to see how the DM handled it
>it goes off without a hitch. the bandits don't see us, they disarm the rogue and her into the woods at sword point, we book it and get there just as they start to move past the groping into the tearing her clothes off
>knock one of them out, tie him up
>rogue is ecstatic that her plan worked
>so we're all sitting there, reflecting, when the fighter says "Why didn't we send the monk?"
>we asks what he means
>"Well she's good with her fists and her feet. If things didn't go so well, she would have been able to defend herself more capably."
>nobody says anything, I point out it was the rogues plan, and if you're gonna come up with a plan that uses somebody as bait, you better volunteer for it
>cleric pipes up "Well she is a tiefling"
>"So you know how people are."
>no, we don't, say what you mean
>"Well some people are that way about tieflings. They wouldn't want to touch them in that sort of manner, you understand."
>At this point I decide to fuck with him and say "That's a very surprising attitude to hear from you, you've never said you feel like this about tieflings"
>"I'm not saying that's what I think! I just know some individuals do. I'm be perfectly fine with it"
>at this point the tiefling looks right at the cleric and, honest to god, says "Are you saying you would rape me if you got the chance?"

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You'll never be a busty elven wench.

And then they kiss, right?

Well, my party's caster has recently attracted the attention of a goblin. He has no desire to fuck goblins himself, but the opportunity arose where the goblin had begun to enjoy his company and she actively began to appreciate his visits whereas previously he had intruded upon her work as did the rest of the party. Basically, he slowly wormed his way into her tiny heart over a long period of time by bringing her things to tinker around with as well as simply going out of his way to help her whenever the opportunity arose.

Obviously I didn't plan to make him fuck the goblin, but the players themselves started to joke about the prospect of waifuing the goblin so I began to roll for it secretly and all of a sudden she's harboring a secret crush on him, spending time getting to know him, telling him things about her past and how important being a priestess for the rest of her people is. Then it comes around where the other players start to say he should fuck the goblin because he needs a wife because of his high charisma and draconic background and she's available and can be of use to them. So he decides to leave it up to his d100 , comes out with a 91 and is now apparently harboring his own desire to make little goblins with her. Now I've got a player who accidentally pushed himself into a romance with a goblin he didn't even intend to romance, I didn't intend to be romanceable, and that the party supports for story and resource reasons. Now it's only a matter of time before the two of them can't hide their affection any longer and I have to come up with a decent scenario for their relationship to naturally unfold while having this whole chain of events possibly throw a spanner into the works of my prior planning. It's an odd place to be in, but the new dynamic and curveball it has thrown me makes me think it will be a positive element for the campaign. Or it could end in tragedy.

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Im with you on this
As the DM i have regularly had NPCs react to characters described as either handsome, charismatic or even just obviously well off

Youre telling me the town bicycle doesnt want a go at the handsome but celibate monk and add that particular notch to her belt?
You think a minor merchants daughter isnt gonna be making eyes at the well off young knight flush with gold from a Giants horde?
Or that some overly sheltered young noble girls wont fall for a sly bard with a silver tongue?

It gives places a bit of personality when your players can say "Oh, Fencreek? That place where Jonah got shagged and needed a cleric after?" or "No...no we dont wanna go to Seven Bridges, the Governor still wants little Martys head after I slept with his wife!"

That said, I also make sure to throw rebuffs at them too, the Bards can get a bit to flirty and sometime a player character will "fall" for an NPC and they just dont return the feelings.

We laugh and giggle through this all sure, but it adds some fun and make the game feel a bit more alive.

Awwwww, they love each other! It can't end in tragedy, just in happily ever after!

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hmm i can see this happening in my group to honestly, my groups a bunch of weirdos

so whats your plan with them in the future, im usually of the opinion to let PC/NPC romances work out unless the PC acts like an asshole or the NPC they are romancing is secretly a Polymorphed Drider Assassin (has happened to the same PC twice now, same Assassin both times, and he now flinches when female NPCs act nice to him)

How long until the driver falls in love with him for real?

>clerics player fucking sputters, he has no idea how to respond, goes red as a beet
>the rest of us lose our shit
>i'm laughing like a fucking madman
>DM has a giant Cheshire cat grin on his face
>we all calm down and decide it's time to move on
>following the bandit's info, we find the bandit lair, take it out, recover some plot hook relevant information for later, etc
>head back to town
>as we're visiting various shops, resupplying and restocking, the tiefling starts ribbing the cleric
>she starts pointing out various women we walk by in the street and asking the cleric "Would you rape her? What about her, would you rape that woman?"
>Cleric tries to get her to stop before someone overhears and calls the guards
>head to the tavern/inn, we all take a seat at a table
>DM gives the cleric an evil look, and says something like "It looks like the establishment has hired a new barmaid since you were last here. A very attractive young lady arrives with your drinks, and as she leaves she gives you (the cleric) a shy smile."
>tiefling says "Is she the one? Are you going to rape her tonight?"
>Cleric says "I just might!", gets up, and goes to talk to the barmaid
>we all laugh and a good time was had by all
Just a little story of a time when our group realized that sex wasn't some topic we needed to avoid, even if it seemed weird as fuck when it first came up.

>Not a bad plan
I thought it was awful, for exactly that reason you noted. But the rogue pointed out the bandits had never seemed particularly murderous, plenty of people had survived encountering them provided they didn't fight back.

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Im thinking she already is, he has survived her attempts to kill him on multiple occasions, including the 2 seduction attempts so shes probably the most impressive male by her own standards.

Shes just batshit and thinks killing him (a criminal against Lolth and the man she loves?) will put her back in Lolths good graces so that she can be a Drow again (it wont, Lolths a bitch).

Inb4 true love's kiss turns her back.

So is he playing the typical "Reformed Good Drow fleeing the Matriarchy?"

trite, dont do it DM user

To be fair, a dude doesn't have to be good to want to flee the matriarchy.

nice, good on your group for handling this well and having fun with a concept that can weird a lot of people out in game

nah, whatever happens, even if he manages to stop her trying to kill him and convince her Lolth is a bitch, shes not gonna turn back into a Drow because of a kiss
you need a fucking Wizard or Cleric for that shit mate

ha, no, guy is a Halfling Cavalier that acts twice his size, refuses to brood or dwell on any regrets and has a bad track record at holding his alcohol

>(it wasn't, we had come up with far stupider plans)
Like what?

I want to hear about these AND about how a halfling frustrated his way into a driders heart

Where the fuck one actually find good and fun group? I tried to play multiple times by now, my current party have fucking guy who DM give most of time and make him almost protagonist (at least the DM sees and admits the existence of problem, but he is new to it), me who try to get some attention to others, one who isn't active because of "personal stuff" and the guy who helped DM learn and make stuff for first few sessions but doesn't give much activity of his character either. The protagonist guy have fucking overpowered build (we play on Savage Worlds), complains when I tried to pull out my own plan during last session and generally try to "steal the play"

Like when there was a craze among the local nobility for foreign or exotic foods, we thought to ourselves "What's the most exotic food you can think of? Monsters! I bet nobody in this city has ever eaten a gryphon. We are going to be so rich."

So after hunting, butchering and selling the meat of some local monsters (like an owlbear) and getting a decent price, we took a trip to an island chain we had visited recently, which was filled with cockatrices. Our plan was to capture some, bring them back, and start a breeding program where we would be the only seller of cockatrice meat. We didn't take into account the fact that
>cockatrices are scary monsters
>everyone knows they turn you to stone
>nobody wants to work with scary monsters that turn you to stone
So we couldn't actually get any hirelings to work at the farm, and unless we were willing to give up adventuring to raise incredibly bad tempered bird/lizard things, then this idea really wasn't going to work.

So we took all the cockatrices we had (about 100 or so), and let them go into the wilderness, into an ecosystem where they didn't exist previously. Eventually the local druids, after tracking the origin of the cockatrices back to the abandoned farm, made a pretty decent deduction and figured it must have been linked to the nobility paying someone to raise cockatrices so they could eat them. The nobles, having no knowledge of this, denied it. This eventually led to the druids making trouble for local logging interests in response. Which eventually escalated into a minor border war, as the loggers moved their operations to a forest which nominally belonged to a neighboring nation, who took offense to the theft of "their" natural resources, and sent soldiers to shut the camps down. This eventually led to a couple battles but ended after the druids negotiated a truce that required a cockatrice bounty to be posted.

>cockatrice bounty to be posted
im assuming you shamelessly took the bounty and killed yourselves some cockatrices?