A year's worth of journeys concludes as the party steps foot at the entrance of the BBEG's lair

>a year's worth of journeys concludes as the party steps foot at the entrance of the BBEG's lair
>they wish each other luck, bid farewell if they're to die, and set forth to finally vanquish the evil that has plagued the land
>they enter and suddenly find themselves in a room
>BBEG is sitting there
>this is the BBEG

How does this affect your campaign?

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Back to tvtropes with you.

>being irritating instead of inspiring

Uh... big bad evil guy has been the nomenclature since before I started coming here almost 10 years ago

Nice job outing yourself, newfag.

Kill yourself.

I'm offended that you would spoiler an image with such shitty resolution

Attached: fkin gay.gif (437x333, 32K)

>has never heard of "villain"

"Big bad evil guy" has always been a stupid thing to say, and acting like it isn't because a handful of cringey guys have been using it for a while is hardly a compelling argument.

Wow, you guys really care a lot about that phrase.



Well, what would you use instead if the "villian" has multiple other villains under his command? The Archvillian? Or how about when multiple villians are against the party, but all working against an even greater evil? BBEG is a nice shorthand of saying "the main bad dude of your campaign which is also crawling with bad dudes, sometimes under the command of the bigger bad dude."
I will agree that people sometimes mistake the term for meaning a general antagonist.


Unironically lurk moar
This is embarassing

I know this bait and all but doesn't tvtropes just say Big Bad rather than Big Bad Evil Guy?

Not as embarrassing as getting so desperate and up in arms to defend saying "Big Bad Evil Guy."

>Everyone except me is wrong

Please stop typing out the words behind the acronym it hurts to read

>the BBEG brigade's opinion matters

lol. It's a wonder why you defend something so obviously idiotic.

It would be like people saying "Player Character? PC? No way! Let's call them Spiffy Clean Good Guys! SCGG!" and then getting upset whenever anyone rolls their eyes at them.

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Why would we make a longer acronym when we already have a shorter acronym called PC?

Go be retarded somewhere else.

Attached: Deirdre_Skye_(SMAC).jpg (178x214, 11K)

Ug ugh. Ugh uuuuughh, ugugugh.

Ugh ug fags ugh ugh.

Are you autistic?

>gachi thread spirals into debate over rpg terminology

As someone who uses TVT to get the most basic summary of any given media, you're right. Just 'Big Bad.'

Fuck you.

Is this the face of autism?

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Holy shit, I've found a quality idiot.

Adding the wods "party," "campaign," and "BBEG" doesn't make your thread Veeky Forums related. Just as adding VIDEO GAMES didn't make those threads /v/ related back when that was a common occurrence.
It's not like this thread was going to be worth anything to begin with.

>Thinking PC's are actually the "Good Guys", and not battling the Supreme Antagonist because the PC's want to overthrow them and take their place...

Do you even murderhobo?

>Scrubs doesn't know about the official power-rankings of the main bad.


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>not calling them murderlords

No, fuck you leather head.

Except PC is already a short form for easy reference, just like how BBEG is the short form for easy reference.

>short form
>four letters long

"Boss" is the same length, and less cringe-inducing, and "villain" isn't terribly long either. And, if you were actually concerned about efficiency or easy reference, you'd champion a two letter abbreviation similar to PC or GM, like AV (archvillain), MV (main villain), OL (overlord), and so on and so forth.
No reason to keep something around just for the sake of outdated nerd cred.