How do you deal with reactionless drives in your setting?

How do you deal with reactionless drives in your setting?

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Other urls found in this thread:’s-gravity-is-strong-enough-to-hold-the-ocean-to-it-and-the-Suns-gravity-is-strong-enough-to-pull-us-and-other-planets-with-it-through-the-Galaxy-why-isnt-it-strong-enough-to-pull-our-ocean-off-the-planet-as-its-gravity-is-stronger

Deal with what
Speak American

Well, its a swords and sorcery game so I can't say its come up.

Why do you ask?

Something something gravity well

Speed = Distance / Time

As opposed traditional FTL methods which tries to use vast amounts of power to increase the distance traveled in a set amount of time, the ships in setting use Chronologic Drives to vastly decrease the amount of time needed to travel any set distance. Thus a ship with only simple rocket thrusters can easily travel many lightyears away by having that same distance not actually be lightyears away but seconds away.

The jist of it is a "moving time machine"

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>fly to the next star
>everyone you know is dead
>technology has advanced without you
>people regularly fly to that very star with newer better drives

The use of warp bubbles and manipulation of the space-time metric allows reactionless propulsion.

A warp bubble is a region of space time enclosed in a fold, or bubble, of highly curved space. By expanding the space time metric behind the bubble and contracting the metric in front, the bubble can be made to move without the use of propellant mass. The vessel can be coupled to the warp bubble(s) in various ways; by containing the bubbles wholly within the ship, in front of the ship, coupled by gravitomagnetism, or entirely enclosing the ship,

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is grade school physics.

They're immortals, they can wait a million years to get anywhere by riding natural space currents. They prefer using these currents because storing enough energy for the trip is too much wasted space on an enclosed ship.

Something that can't exist then

Spacetime wavesurfing. Contracting space in front of the vessel and expanding it behind it, the ship's standard sublight drives "surfs" the starship at superluminal speeds, while its relativistic speed remains at sublight. Once the wavesurf is disengaged, the only momentum retained is the momentum it had when it engaged the wavesurf, making it no more an effective weapon than any other suicide vessel.

Avoids the headaches of time dilation, turning the ship into a weapon more powerful than any gun and the engine exhaust wouldn't obliterate anything within a parsec behind it.

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I don't have that
They use a fuckload of energy to compress space to save time instead

That sounds like a perfect way for a large number of civilians to travel.

Its a free ticket to a better tomorrow, just bring your whole family aboard and anyone you care about and BAM welcome to tomorrow.

The faster better drives are used only by the poor workers and shmucks who have to do all the hard work of colonization and terraforming, while the civilians arrive the planet is already set up.

Also a way to create those void bubbles: You need two or more closely interacting black holes, each of several planetary masses or larger. Rather than being of equal mass, one hole is significantly larger and is circled by the smaller hole or holes, each of which travels on a short period elliptical orbit. Surrounding the holes is a network of mass streams, which deliver raw materials, usually hydrogen, to the singularities. Each black hole is surrounded by an accretion disk — the larger supporting a high energy computer array used for process control, the smaller feeding a Alchemiac Machine,

Part of the hydrogen delivered to the Alchemiac is converted into machmatter, which is then used to construct a stabilization generator and control system for each newly manufactured void bubble. The rest is packaged for use as fuel to power the stabilization hardware, either directly via conversion reactors or by being imploded into a micro-singularity which then radiates energy to a collection sphere via Hawking decay.

As each smaller black hole achieves the periapsis of its orbit around the larger, space-time between the two becomes highly distorted, verging on collapse. At this point the stabilization and control system of the void bubble is injected directly into the center of the zone of greatest distortion. At the same moment, arrays of scalar field generators, which themselves have been on converging orbits around the black hole system and are also now at closest approach to the point of maximal distortion, activate and force a shaped implosion of the distorted region into a warp bubble. The stabilization generator, caught inside the implosion zone, activates and prevents the newly formed bubble from collapsing before flying it to a nearby staging area or industrial facility for incorporation into a reactionless drive core.

The problem with that is, how did you find that kind of natural phenomenon, nevertheless get to it and set up the infrastructure before you had FTL capabilities?

Its almost like fictional settings are being discussed here or something.

Really activates the almonds, doesn't it?

You don't, you need to be a immortal posthuman for shit like that, building stuff like that would require a thousand years even with wormhole technology. But if you don't like a posthuman setting , the postaliens may have destroyed themselves in a massive civil war and you are the lone explorer of this achievment.

The Woodward Drive may be something for you.

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Super hero campaign, post scarcity engines exist and are treated the same way DC, Marvel and others treat such technology.
By ignoring everything that is plot irrelevent.

One hero NPC, 'Weapon', is basically Chise from Saikano. She can create any weapon she needs in seconds from a forge built into her body.
We were quick to point out that the tech in her would revolutionanise the world and there is a long running plot that Not! Tony Stark wants to cut her up to do just that but we are more concerned with fighting Power Ranger Terrorists then to cure the World's energy crisis.

There is a background element that the world is standing on the very edge of a whole new era but other then stopping Not! Tony Stark from building a nuclear waifu army, it is irrelevent and thus both the GM and us Players are mostly ignoring it.

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The ship's engine doesn't make it move, it anchors the ship to a point in time and space and move the rest of the universe around it

I just ignore the idea that you can't go faster than the speed of light without time travelling. You travelled 100 light years in a year? Well, you didn't end up in the past, you're just now in a different location a year later. Time passes the same inside the ship as outside. The only fuckery is that you might see your after image years later, but that's not time travel, it's simply seeing a universal "recording".

I tried to introduce them but they never gained any momentum.

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They don't exist and aren't possible. Fast interplanetary movement is using torchdrives. Interstellar movement is done via "jumping".
You cheeky bastard...

What horror of raytraced autism is this?

It’s obvious bullshit and it works. Your ship has to look something like a flying saucer with a spinning rim and building the drive requires some stupidly rare resources.

The drive competes with unreasonable fusion based drives. Torch ships can be built to boost a lot harder than than saucers but are limited by reaction mass.

Overall, Newtonian, Newtonian light, reactionless and inertialess drive are just part of campaign ground rules.

It's from Orion's Arm.

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So sick of these fucking welwalas ruining threads with dumb questions about space ships and drives.

They don't work inside most planetary gravity wells, preventing them from being cataclysmic world destroying weapons. The same principle makes them move slower the closer the are to a star. This has interesting consequences - it is possible to have a planet so deep in a stellar gravity well that a reactionless drive can't reach it, requiring good-old torch drives instead.

How do they work near stars while not working near planets? Even on Earth's surface, the Sun's gravity is still stronger than Earth's.

A quick google search tells me that sun's gravitational pull on Earth is only 0.0006 m/s^2. It's quroa, but the guy says he has a PhD in physics, so that's good enough for me.


FTL inhibtors/ planetary defense weapons.

You're close but either you have misread the answer or the guy who wrote it made a mistake.

The acceleration of earth due to the sun is actually 0.0059 m/s^2 or about 6 mm/s^2 which is 10 times larger than the figure you wrote.

The value you gave, 0.000 6, notice the extra leading 0, is the number of gees experienced due to the Sun (0.005 9 / 9.81 = 0.000 6).

Think about you wrote user. If the sun's attraction on you was stronger than earth's attraction on you, where would you be right now?

>If the sun's attraction on you was stronger than earth's attraction on you, where would you be right now?

A galactic harem anime?