Before the scream Fuaria was a small human colony of researchers...

Before the scream Fuaria was a small human colony of researchers. The planet has a thick corrosive atmosphere and is unsuitable for human inhabitation outside of carefully constructed shelters. When the scream occured contact was lost with the human colony and when communications were restablished over a century later no response could be found from all attempts at messaging them.

A long message repeats from the planet "Stay away. Do not land."
Scientific imaging of the planet shows movement and the construction of new habitats as the years go on. Still no contact has been made and the lone ship attempting to land was shot down, all crew were lost on impact.

Attached: Fuaria (17b).png (663x485, 274K)


Spooky, you got anything else for us OP?

>A long message repeats from the planet "Stay away. Do not land."
That's a pretty short message

>the scream
Did you generate Fuaria using the tables from the book OP?

Mostly, but I added the part of them being out of contact with the rest of the sector.

Fuaria is actually aliens.
The tags I rolled are Hatred and Sealed Menace.
the aliums rose up, killed the humans and shoot down every ship to prevent the psychic fungus hivemind on the planet being able to spread across the sector.
Little do they know the same fungus grows in a few other tomb worlds in the sector.

I'll remove "long"

What is this, My Little Subnautica?

Realise my last post really wasn't constructive at all. It seems incredibly similar to the plot of Subnautica, if you've been playing that recently and it soaked off into your creative material. I'd say change it up a bit, maybe make it a parasitic fungus that, at first, seems beneficial to the victim, but slowly develops into something debilitating or is vaguely nefarious but incredibly difficult to remove. Or, just defy the norm and make humans immune to it.

Earth's landshapes are too easily noticeable in that pic. India's shape and urban settlements along the Nile are unmistakable, and it's easy to see the Levant, Arabia and there rest of the Middle-East's inhabited areas after that.

I've never played subnautica, and infact hate video games.

i find that dreadfully hard to believe since that's the direct premise in every way, removing the word 'hivemind.' You could also call a direct analogue to the Flood from Halo.

Well subnautica has oceans and stuff, whilst Fuaria is mostly an empty rock planet with no natural water.

completely subverted

Muh fellow StarNigger! You running anything? I ve been running a hexcrawl for a few montha now.

I'm running a campaign for 3 players who've never played before, and a guy who's ran two campaigns. It's my first time running a campaign and it started pretty slow but it's picking up now a few sessions in.

In a session or two they're joining a ship as a crew and going to look for loot on a tomb world, which seemed to excite them all.


Nice. In mine, they stole a ship from some would be pirates and now do odd jobs in their ship to help pay for the ship and its repairs.

The fun part wasnt that i set up a whole start sector, it was that even with all those planets, theylve only been two three so far because of their interest in helping the local communities.

Heres a fun thing you can do, and its something i do. Create a fake RSS of current events happening in the star sector. Even if they are one line of text each, it adds flavor. And i just put it in a google docs spreadsheet.

>First thing players try to do when they get a ship is land on the planet
Well, whats the next step of your master plan?

>Your ship gets blown up, roll up new characters.
>>Ah well. I'll make [char]'s brother, going to the planet to look into his [char]'s death.

>by the time the GM gives up the character's whole family tree has killed themselves by trying to land there

>>I give up, says player after having wasted his character's entire family tree, what was this all about?
>Well you were supposed to go to [other planet] instead or go to [space station] to pick up a job or something, anything else, man.
>>Why did you describe Fuaria in so much details if it was all irrelevant? Why did you dangle it in front of our faces if we weren't supposed to go there?

>out of spite the player decides to send family after family line down to Fuaria
>by the time his madness is finally stopped there is no planet left, only shipwrecks

>Light patterns on the surface form India and Middle East.
>"Stay away. Do not land."
This smells bad.

The year is 2031, india has been a global superpower for a decade. Earth has been declared a no-go zone for all galactic civilisations. Street shitting is at such an epidemic that disease runs rampant across the planet. Only indians are resistant to it, even the grandest of medical technology of the Kronn Empire cannot survive against the breeding ground of disease earth has become.
The message repeats "Do not land. For your own safety get out of the system."

The street-shitting thing is actually getting a lot better these days.

Attached: Coincidence_I_Think_Not.png (890x955, 123K)