Give me a coin listed on Binance thats gonna moon over the next two hours or so

Give me a coin listed on Binance thats gonna moon over the next two hours or so.

Pls I can't take another loss

Don't daytrade you'll get no where.

I made 5k yesterda retard


I'm all in on KYS.


>wojak thread in this market

put everything and safe holds and don't look at them for a year

same. to the heavens we go!

good luck finding anything safe in this market

>not just saying fuck it and allining on LINK


XRB will explode tomorrow

>Being this much of a bellend

It's true though

Shits gonna tank so hard

I used to hold link from 20 cents but got out after I realised

TRX, buy and hodl forever, like everyone else.

Going 5X in 8 months isn't impressive in comparison to other coins.

Can you read?

the safest hold in all of global currency has a thread in the catalog


and that is?

Stop larping
>8 months
wtf you smoking?


VEN. Search the other VEN (VeChain) threads here. Seems like some whales have been suppressing the price by putting up million-dollar paywalls but they will take them down in a few hours and the price will then essplode.