Etherships OUT NOW

Etherships just released (same guy as ethertanks, new website)

You can confirm the contract creator on if you are worried

Ethership contract:

Ethertanks contract:

Said the game will comprise of making clans and you can bring however much ETH you want to battle other clans and the winner walks away with the Eth.

p2w. gay.

Fucks sake every pajeet and their shit handed mother wants to make a shitty Ether game. I got it, my new game is gonna be Ether Dildos. Think Crypto Kitties but a various sized and shaped dildos.

did not break even close to even with etherracing, they hire shill here to lie do not fall for this

Can this stop now?

Especially since the ether mempool is clogged to heck. There's no way to make money on this.

Etherracing was confirmed scam, and its not by the ethertanks guy. Just look at the contract creator.

I just hope I can actually race with ether racing

I knew that was scam, half the posts hyping it felt fake.

Hes literally updating the pages RIGHT NOW. Remember to hard refresh the page to get updates ASAP.

>mfw this is an attack on the eth network


>mfw it's Jihan up to his nasty old tricks, vying for the number 3 spot on CMC

Sounds fun

Trying to get in on this ether network taking forever sending my funds to my metamask from binance...

Ether network has been fucked in the insane moon a few days ago. Everything is slow and expensive.

Etherarmy looks promising....grabbed a sub

Sweet I made like 300$ just buying 1 crappy tank so I know this thing works

These Ponzi schemes are worth a fair bit if you get in early, but it is NOT worth it to brace these ETH delays.

Up to his same old tricks.

L-Raz and Sub-sC besto

I cant wait to c how the game works this could be huge

So this is why I the network is clogged up. Faggots.

Dammit FOMO...cant resist the ships

this is the power of blockchain technology

trying to buy 2 subs but ether network is jammed

etherarmy has potential

Got two ships let's kick ass.

what is this bullshit?

you buy some things that have no function as a game just some .jpgs all and hope other people also buy them to fulfill their shitty "gotta catch em all" bullshit?

Sub-sc master race reporting in

Subs are the best option i think

Still super early massive gains to be had.

Sounds like subs are the thing then?


Fuck this shit. You know the only one making real money from this shit are the shitty devs that keep creating the same ponzi with different skins? It clogs up the network and the cunts here shilling already bought the first tank/sub/dildos and need you suckers to keep it going so they can make their 0.5 eth. Just fuck off and die you pathetic poverty stricken pajeet motherfuckers.

LMAO you missed the boat again eh? You will ALWAYS be poor because you don't take risks to make it big.

Still just one sub type in the market

FUCK the ethereum network. So fucking slow and expensive wtf. FIX THIS SHIT NOW!

Anyone else gettn 404

Ether is clogged because of this shit.


You guys gay

Now these two games sound like a perfect fit. Can you get in contact with the pussies devs and see if you can integrate your dildos game with them?

Nah, the games aren't doing shit this time. Even cryptokitties doesn't rank anymore on the gas list. Nobody's playing the games BECAUSE the gas is so high. The reason the gas is high is because of the massive activity from ETH reaching $1,000 and the Casper alpha.

New ship

I think i get it, hes going to saturate the game with new vehicles so people will stop buying them with the hopes of 5x there money because it would cost a shitload to pump every vehicle to the tanks level, and people will buy them at a lower price and be able to play without spending a couple grand with the added benifit of a small dividend. Strong sustanable risky move maybe?