if you own any payfair please head on over to Reddit and upvote this post and leave a comment about what you think of the project.
this will help get more eyes on it

No u bastard i haven't bought mine yet
let dbc moon then i can afford this

Ive been here shilling for the past week, what were you doing???

Upvote and leave a message. thanks.

It tanked and I've currently lost money. Hopefully it gains.

it will, but you gotta do your part by upvoating and leaving a comment.

bump guys. we need the visibility. help it trend.

don't leave me hanging. help me help you

upvote and leave a comment

Done and done


Fuck it. Have an up boat.

thanks guys. gotta keep the momentum going!


With great shilling skills comes great responsibility

true. give me a hand and a vote

whoa your overpumped shitcoin that you hoped to dump on someone else dumped on you? shit dude shit bro ahh fuck shit my dude darn it all to crap pooey

no friend, i bought at $.02 just helping out since there is no marketing yet.

id buy this but im not touching etherdelta im done with the shit tier exchanges after dealing with xrb


thanks :)

It just hit a new ath how?


because this coin is worth $1+ and awareness

so help with the awareness and upvote and leave a comment.

Gonna sell some bags at a loss to scoop more PFR. Dont even care

My body is ready

i did the same. Bought Litecoin at $311 and sold at $280.
took a big hit but already back up with PFR

Hoping for $25+ here

consider this, if we hit $10 that will be $1 billion market cap, not impossible, i mean DOGE has $1 billion mcap

Good call. scared money doesn't make money. It was always after I made tough decisions to cut losses that I broke through to new levels.

bumpity. do your part and upvote you leeches

Buying in now, this sounds it'll definitely moon. Thanks OP :__))

its gonna moooon

nice, welcome. please upvote and leave a comment.
make sure to join the telegram. just google payfair telegram.