ETH and BTC are totally unusable

If your coin slows down to a crawl with 10 million users how the fuck is it going to handle 7 billion users?

delet this thread before the corecucks come in and fag it up

can any /g/eniuses explain to a brainlet why all these legitimiate tokens and dapps are built around something something that can only handle 15 transactions per second.

i've read about the scaling and taking some of the stuff offchain, but will it really work?

oh no user why are you moving it, it's a store of value not a send of value, you silly pants

cuz muh crypto-CURRENCY isn't really a currency.


just wait until ZILLIQA comes in and fuck ETH up this will be the greatest moon mission of 2018 along with STK

This is why raiblocks is the future.

BTC is Unusable. ETH is the new trading pair for getting into the market, securing positions and storing your value

Because ethereum is both fully decentralised AND fast.

You can speed up a blockchain in theory by using supernodes and the suchlike fuckery but that just means centralisation.

Ethereum is still trying to solve the A’s yet unsolved problem of decentralised proof of stake. Once this is solved ethereum should be able to scale to billions of transactions per day if not more.

seriously thought, I'm like looking at ETH's network and its scaring the shit out of me. ETH is handling traffic loads WORSE than BTC, and this makes all the other ETH based coins run like shit tooo

ETH already has a solution when sharding is released.

You do understand technology evolves, right user?

> If your framerate slows down to a crawl running Crysis how is it going to run anything else?

- GPU critics a few years ago.

Now Crysis run on a cheap card.

Yup. No point in using the dinosaur, eth is doing a great job and is slowly overtaking all pairs


fuck BTC, i sent some to binance from gdax 6hrs ago and still nothing.

This. If you haven't adapted to this yet, it is not too late. I sold all my bitcoin for ethereum a week ago. 0 regrets. It is clear as day that ethereum will be the powerhouse/store of value for 2018

If you want fast ETH, pump up the gas price...its not THAT expensive if you move thousands of dollars anyway lol

I've got nothing against ethereum but it is NOT fast. C'mon dude. Digital cats made it shit the bed FFS.

Ethereum has scaling solutions being worked on, bitcoin does not.

>same thing buttcoin shills were saying a year ago
soon to be
>ETH is a store of value silly

Use ADA instead


bro u never send BTC , you exchange to ETH and then send

>what is lightening?
muh centralization!
>what is sharding?

it was my roomate sending me his BTC he doesn't care to fuck with. Is this timeframe normal lately ? how much longer should it take ?

How long have you waited?

literally for $1.2 transaction fee right now it will be confirmed in 0.5minutes. Not fast enough for you? kek

6hours so far.

Lightning is not a scaling solution, who the fuck is going to pay the tx fees to make 2 btc transactions to open and close a lightning channel. Lightning is overhyped by retarded normies who have zero idea what it is and think it will magically make all txs cost cents.

depends on btc fee if its low as fuck u can wait 24 h

Yep. History repeats itself. And most don't pay attention.

The thing is, most exchanges doesn't use alot of gas price (whilst charging you 0.01 ETH). Kucoin is one such scam exchange.

Buy pascal coin before normies figure out. It has instant transactions and infinite scalability.

LMAO I think you meant

>what is plasma

cuz then I would actually agree with you. but clearly you are going to stay invested in bitcoin. wish you luck!

I agree that this is a problem, never said it wasn't. I just hate to see especially fucking normies bitching about the ethereum network being slow when 90% of the time it is literally just that the exchange hadn't broadcasted their tx to the blockchain yet *facepalm*

Principally coz the exchanges have not implemented segwit 3 addresses.

ETH is slow - having to add random amounts of gas to speed up the TX is annoying.

>arguing over semantics
slow down aspie
>you are going to stay invested in bitcoin
I am invested in neither BTC nor ETH

my BCH transaction is going slower than the ETH one I sent earlier this evening

you stupid fucking dummies