Tax Evasion

What methods are folks using to avoid paying taxes/minimizing taxation on their gains? I hear our poor Canadanons have to cough up 50% when they sell.

you're fucking retarded

Nice try FBI

Not today, IRS.

Go fuck yourself

not cashing out. it's monopoly funny money anyway, and i'm only trading to prove a point.

You'll never get me, Finanzamt

We all pay our taxes here mister, we wouldn't know anything about that.

Fuck off kike you'll never get my shekels.

more like 15%, it's taxed as capital gains when you cash out. it's reasonable, sensible.

maybe move to canada and pay taxes to the canadian government? i wouldn't mind, come to canada, give us your money. bring a warm coat.

Really sorry, Germanbro. Don't you have to pay something crazy like 67% of gains?

Ez, Move out of united states.

No IRS in Japan


as long as you're a citizen of USA you need to pay them taxes

enjoy your freedom burger

Canada is like 25% actually

they just passed the bill for 2018 and beyond that crypto to crypto trades cannot be classified as like exchanges.

you now have to technically report every and any trade you make going forward. Ex, you buy bitcion for $14000 and trade it a week later when its $15500 for $15500 worth of VEN so you have to pay a realized gain on the bitcion for the trade.

If not they may just write you some fucking absurd bill they assume you owe until you prove otherwise. In the USA at least.

If you make money abroad, you still have to them taxes on it?

i believe so yes

that's correct

Wouldn't know about that sir. Infact, im thinking of paying a little extra tax just for the good job those folks at the IRS do

There's no way to get a straight answer in germany. It's all random depending on who reviews your taxes going from 25%-67% with a chance to get all your assets frozen.
So it's a complete shit show.

>I hear our poor Canadanons have to cough up 50% when they sell.

LOL no

50% is TAxABLE... at your individual tax rate which would be like 48% if you're fucking moneybags

Which works out to 24%.

Why they don't just fucking say 24% I don't have any fucking idea.

Yea there's some form you have to file if you have offshore accounts. The penalty of not reporting is severe if you don't and they find out.

Though you do get a credit equal to foreign tax paid. So if your US tax bill would be $15k, but your Japanese tax bill was $10k, you only owe the IRS $5k.

we're basically a lot like america, so you'd fit in just fine. just live here long enough to cash out, pay the taxes, and buy whatever you like totally legal. obviously i'm shilling this because as a canadian it is my life goal to sell things to americans.

the us crypto tax situation isn't clear yet. but it the situation resolves itself into something unreasonable where you lose all your gains well... canadas not far away. something to consider.

if you're brown or a transexual you'll have an easier time getting in. something called
gender analysis plus" they use to make sure they can grab as many mentally ill immigrants as they can since independent smart people are a threat to the state.

anyways just tell them you
re gay or where a dress, they'll let you right in. oh if you pretend you're muslim they'll let you in and house you and you dont even need an id. you can fake your age and get back into high school if you want, plenty do, so they can rape the young ones.

on second thought, fuck this, lets all move to somewhere warm.

Aussie/US dual citizen here

I dont have to pay the US any taxes except for my business over there. Crypto gains and any income tax i make here goes to the Australian gov

yeah, fuck that. They can send me to prison. I'll rape the first nigger that looks at me the wrong way to establish dominance and when I get out my crypto will be worth billions.

wouldnt that still be the same amount taxed after you cash out?

1400 btc turns to 1500. buy 1500 ven, turns to 1600, turn it into 1600 btc then 1600 usd

pay capital gains on 200

Actually no, It depends on how much you earn. But I dont think anyone is paying more than 40% here. For most it should be 20-30%

what If someone who hypothetically lived in Canada just didn't report all of their trades on some random chink exchange and claimed as little transactions as possible to make the amount you are reporting?

how do taxes on trades work? Do i have to pay tax when buying alts and then again when i cash out? So i get double taxed if u understand me. thats like 50%

fuck witholding where the fuck do you even cashout when you have over 200k??

Well the solution is simple, you have to become stateless.

I can tell you're a real Canadian

ICO for a decentralized government-on-the-blockchain when?

>on second thought, fuck this, lets all move to somewhere warm

Cuba belongs to the White man whose wealth was created via Cryptocurrency.

Depends on where you live

i dunno. it's the blockchain, is is forever. have fun in debt prison for retrocrimes when the ai comes online in 2035

I think in most Anglo-countries you end up paying up to 25% if you held more than one year because of the 50% capital gains tax discount. Let's say you held 100 BTC from 5000 to 18000 dollars and you held for 1+ years. Your profit is $1300000 and only 50% of that, $650000 is subject to tax. Most Anglo countries will tax you 50% on this so the government takes $325000. You end up with 975000 or roughly 75%. You also have to pay taxes for all the profits made on the short-term trades and 100% of that will be subject to taxes too.

Cash out slowly over time for things you genuinely need. You don't need chrome rims you niggers.

Only hold Bitcoin and ignore all altcoins. Best advice you'll get here.

I have a lot of bitcoins and I drive a really old rusted car.

seems like an unenforceable law unless you cash out to fiat and have to report where all your shit came from


no, you technically have to pay taxes on each trade you make.
You don't pay taxes when you buy, only when you sell.

So you start with 1500 USD
and buy .1 BTC
you sell .1BTC for 300 VEN
if the BTC price has gone up since you bought it, you pay taxes on the amount it went up. for example, if btc went from 1500 to 1600 you pay a percentage of $100(based on your income bracket).
When you sell VEN for btc again you have to pay taxes on the any increase that VEN had (conversely, if VEN goes down and you sell it, you can declare a loss and use that to pay less taxes). When you sell BTC for USD that is another taxable event and you pay taxes on any gains made since you traded VEN for BTC.

in conclusion, you can't just subtract the initial amount you had from the final amount you had and pay taxes on that. You have to attempt to calculate the gains or losses made on each and every trade you made and pay taxes on the total of gains

Bitflur is a scam

Oh look who decided to show up tonight. LOOK GUYS! IT'S THE SCAMMING NIGGERS AGAIN. Get the fuck out of here you piece of shit wigger with your fucking scams.
These cocksuckers will just do a paypal return on your ass just under 90 days and you'll lose all your money.

Can't you just get a Monaco card?

They penalize you for overpaying lol.

mmm I can smell your angst

>waiting for the States to balkanize
>will sneak in under the guise of the Last American War & claim my land

I will be like a Leaf floating in the wind.