I challenge Veeky Forums to name a coin/token besides FunFair (and other gambling-related cryptos) that satisfies the...

I challenge Veeky Forums to name a coin/token besides FunFair (and other gambling-related cryptos) that satisfies the following 3 criteria:

1) Uses blockchain technology to solve a real problem that can't be solved otherwise. i.e. not using blockchain for the sake of using it

>Casinos will not longer get sued over rigged games once they use blockchain to demonstrate fairness

2) Has utility that most law-abiding nocoiner normies can appreciate

>Everyone knows about gambling and wonders if casinos are cheating

3) Grants overwhelming advantage to businesses that adopt over businesses that don't
>Do you think gamblers will still go to casinos that run on honor system when there are ones that are provably fair?
Pro tip: You can't. Feel free to try, though. Don't forget to write a line explaining what your favorite shitcoin does

How about you give me a price prediction of what this is going to and when?

Funfair is my second biggest holding right now, but I am not dumping anymore into it, as it's just too expensive right now. I wish I had bought more at 6 cents. But everyone told me it was going straight back to 2 cents last month so I held out. I regret it.

>everyone told me it was going straight back to 2 cents last month so I held out
That's why you DYOR and think for yourself


Oyster Pearl.

Raiden Network (or any network that fixes scaling for ETH)

I'm all in on link but it certainly doesn't fit #2. Normies don't give a shit about link's utility and never will

>2) Has utility that most law-abiding nocoiner normies can appreciate FAILED

Normies don't give 2 shit about smart contract

So normies won't like the idea of an online casino that can't cheat them? You are kidding yourself.


How is it solving a problem using blockchain? What is it doing that task rabbit can't do?

I was referring to ChainLink

I'm and my biggest holding is Link, and like others said normies give no shits about Link.

How can I research the price. Some guys who said they were holding Fun for ages said it will dump after the announcement in December. I still got a decent amount of Fun though, so not to mad. I've also literally never been at a loss with this coin either. It just goes up and never goes below my buy in.

Allows for a payment to go through ONLY if the task is completed. In any exchange, it's goods first, payment second (or the opposite). On the blockchain, one smart contract is both. Either both are activated or none.

Oh shit, my bad bruv

But in the real world, if a product is bad, it can be returned for a refund (and usually accepted). Most people don't worry about wasting money a on defective product.

Coin looks like a joke, therefore, coin is a joke. Beat my logic.

>Some guys who said they were holding Fun for ages said it will dump after the announcement in December
That kind of foresight is just complete bs, just because someone has been invested for a long time doesn't mean they can accurately predict dumps to specific prices. If you do your own research, presumably what those who said that FUN would dump did, you can form your own opinion.

>Oyster Pearl.
it passes #1 and #2. Holy shit actually a good coin

but I don't know about #3. Basically end users have to choose between looking at ads and slowing down their computer, I doubt one is vastly preferred to the other

They won't notice the speed difference with the amount of Javascript bloat on websites these days. In fact removing ad networks would arguably make it faster.

>Raiden Network (or any network that fixes scaling for ETH)

Don't pass #2. Normies don't care about blockchain development or network

You sold me on this. Just bought 1000


It's going to be at least $2 after release, you'd be stupid not buy enough as possible before then.

I hope you guys realize that FUN is going to stay at 17.00 -18.00 until March. Then the BIG news will be announced.


I had heard $1. To be honest I am mostly focusing on Chainlink right now.

$2 sounds very good and makes me want more Fun. Which do you think will moon hard first though? Link or Fun? I am trying to increase my Link stack by dumping paychecks on other shitcoins and 2X'ing but then Link keeps going up too. If Fun can go to $2 that will be the increase I need to get the big Link stack I want. So long as it megamoons before Link.