PBC salt up to $20

Raised buy up to price. Fucking bots buy that shit as soon as the email is sent out. These idiots need a new delivery system.

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Never buy once it's out, always wait a bit.

Yeah, just sucks since I'm a subscriber. Can't believe they haven't done shit to address this. As soon as I get the alert, shit has already spiked like crazy.

What does this mean actually? is this a pump and dump? or is this going to last a little longer

Not a pump and dump. It is already going back down after the initial spike. It happens with all their recommendations.

what the fuck. SALT was an obvious buy for months now. you dont need tikka masala to tell you this. he's only good pick was OMG ages ago. he didnt have a good pick in ages.
its almost like following a youtuber who looks at CMC and that's his research.


not to mention, he recommended his subscribers few days ago to sell 50% Ether and 50% EOS. We see how well that ended

>sell 50% Ether
lol teeka. people pay to listen to this guy?


What's wrong with taking profits? You just gonna HODL forever and be blockfolio/delta rich?

Buy to $20, it has always stayed right at the PBC price. Last price was $10 and it stayed around $13.

>he didn't buy the first pbc pump at $7
Brainlets. Never change biz

>tfw sold my SALT yesterday to buy ICX



some proof

yes its true fuk

oh shiet. who shilled it? i just saw a biz thread recommeding salt and bought in. too high.

I think you're the brainlet. I just said I'm a subscriber. You really think that I didn't buy when it came out for $7?

why exactly is the price for salt supposed to be $20?

yes, I'm super comfy since $7.12. It's too late now, since it won't budge seriously in a few months time anyway

My salt ledger came today. Its fucking beautiful.

Lets go everyone! SALT to the fucking MOOON!!!

I sold this 10 hours ago lmao

>it won't budge seriously in a few months time anyway
what do you mean

Buy high sell low

CMoooon can it go already to fucking pluto??
i have been awake 30+ hours and i need to go sleep AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

i fucked up, shoulda got one of these while it woulda cost me like $30.

lets goooo

Sold my COB yesterday, good thing Salt saved me from killing myself.

Fuck I sold my bags this weekend after waiting 2 weeks for it to get to its true price, seriously all it takes is some fucking sand nigger sending out a leewsletter instead of the actual fundamentals to move the price?

same thing happened to me

this makes me so happy mates. this market has been batshit recently, thought it would take
a little longer for SALT to take off with all the normies chasing quick 2x's.

always hodl onto coins with unique use cases and solid teams.

all you weakhanded faggots buying shitcoins like trx can go fuck yourselves AAAAAA

Ive been holding on so long. Please treat me well salt