Anyone elses life ruined by crypto?

Ever since I got into trading my life productivity has gone to shit, I don't even shower anymore. All i can think of 24/7 is crypto and I stare at markets most of the day. My sleep has been horrible and sometimes I forget to eat.

My social life is practically non existent with the exception of Veeky Forums and a couple crypto related discords.

I don't know if im going to make it anons.

Are you me?

I don't even go to the gym anymore
I got so fucking fat, i used to look good

Pic related is me last summer

I had no life to begin with. Now instead of playing league of legends all day I trade my neetbux around, and even up a bit

This is me now
I'm a lot richer though :/

lmao user you traded your gains for gains

this is what we are made for.
this is why we are here.

Thats the life i wish i had. Take time to exercise though. Hedge your bets while you take an hour to workout. Youll be jacked and rich

Yeah when I lost most of money, I stepped away for a month to gather more money. Ever since I got back in game, its gotten worse. The addiction has hits its peak since winter break from college. I started multiplying my money and the dopamine started firing hard. If i didnt have a gym in my basement I wouldnt even work out anymore.

But I still love this shit. Its the greatest game I have ever played.

Kinda annoying now because everyone who sees me tells me I've gained weight.
High stress + lots if eating + no exercising makes you bloated as fuck


Light exercise has been shown to increase cognitive function.
I recommend you download a break/timer program which you can set to pop up every 30 mins to an hour. Do some squats or lift a bit during these breaks. You don't even have to leave your room.
Also personally I seem to be in a better mood when my environment is fairly tidy and clean.

>Tfw too intelligent to exercise
I use all my energy to trade. If you exercise you waste your time and energy that could be better spent in your brain.

You can always get your physique back with some hard work, you can't make the amount of money you're likely making as quickly though.

Get the physique back and you'll have the money AND the looks.

Stop trading and just hodl.


Im still working as software dev but my productivity has gone to shit as well

>But I still love this shit. Its the greatest game I have ever played.
;_; beautiful

> Lift weights while my scripts feed me trading opportunities.

> Smash tinderellas from behind while keeping my eye on the charts.

Who else cryptochad here?

dunno about you but my gainz always comeback super quick. I took like a 1 year off and lost all my gains last year....and then hit it like crazy for 3 months while eating everything insight. Reached my own personal ATH. with muscle memory you should be fine. until you get old anyway

you haven't even changed your underwear since last summer

Yes. I just started uni and at the same time crypto traiding. Obv I havent learned anything so far at my uni.

I need to change this, stop daytraiding and just hodl like the rest of your faggots.

this but no lambo before 1m lmao

It's ok, it's only temporary

You guys have to remember:
THIS IS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHANCE TO ESCAPE THE RACE FOR GOOD. We play our cards right the next 1-2 years and we may just be set for life.

So mortgage everything else in the short term. Fuck it, the gold rush should be your top priority.

tfw I trade all day at work instead of doing work

My life was already a mess before I started crypto. I am a depressed NEET with severe social anxiety. At least I have something to do now. Don't know what I'll do when the bubble pops. Maybe penny stocks

90% of my underwear is black you retard
>inb4 you're a little kid who wears colorful boxers and superman underwear

Yeah. I get distracted at work, I have trouble sleeping, and I've lost time that could be spent doing things like playing vidya or creative stuff.

I want my life back. But I also don't want to be a wagecuck. I guess that's why they say HODLing is the best strategy. It's about more than gains. Sure, trading and maximizing your money is good, but the stuff you and I are experiencing is the price of that. You have more time for other things if you just buy a coin you believe will go places, and hold onto it. You may gain more slowly than a successful trader, but everything else will be better.

I'm in my last year (engineering masters), and got into crypto because I finally had the time to do so. It was a good thing in a way, because I would never have finished my studies otherwise.

I'm even considering taking out student loans to buy crypto (you can pay them back without interest), but I probably won't go that far. I'd have to kill myself if for example my retarded government would ban crypto alltogether, which is always a possibility.

So I do so far with putting in all the money I can spare.

90% are also by ASU SPORTSWEAR?

Hahahahhahaabhajahahahahahah you fucking commented on that DYELfags post but ur a fattie now lmao

I was like you. I was also a trader. Guess what all I did was double my stack in half a year from trading because most of the time due to stress I kept buying high selling low, and I worked HARD on this.
Then I started to invest and simply do the dumb HODL meme, well since then I made money simply by holding during bull runs; I'm not selling or trading back to btc either. And guess what I have free time for myself; got back into hobbies, fitness, etc.
If you want fast money and know what you're doing - go ahead and trade. If you want to have a life and slow progression (requires luck on picking good projects though) then invest and close the fucking charts.

well at least you don't have to work


But hey it was still me and he still looked like shit

>he doesn't know about FairX and XLM
Fucking perma-sub-orbitals

This is sort of what happened to me with sports betting. When I got into it, it's all I thought about

Underwear comes in packets you retard.
Do you buy your underwear one a piece?



Just showered yesterday OP. Gonna take some time to clean my room. Also got a new job at a start up I need to work on. This is gonna be a great fucking year OP. I think a stopping point for me would be 2M, then diversify into real assets. Probably keep some in ETH for long term.

But yeah, crypto is all consuming. But like said, it's the greatest game I've ever played.

I've been training my whole life for this. Gaming RPGs, FPS, strategy, learning systems and exploiting them to win. Now the biggest game in my life has arrived, and winning finally means something tangible.

You are all fags. Our Grandfathers fought in a war. That's how they lost a couple of years. You are all bitching because you won't do push-ups a few times a day

Just do some gear, you'll be fine. You got the money for it...

Don't want to turn into a baldfag

My life was already heading that direction, but crypto just sped it up and made me a shitload of money. Totally worth it.

Dude. What're you doing? Take care of your body

I maxxed out 15k in credit cards
and took a 10k personal loan out 3 months ago to buy crypto.
My portfolio is now somewhere around 60k after being at 10k at the start of Dec.
Thank you based Teeka. Thank you Whalegate. Cause I have no idea what Im doing.

It was probably a joke lardo

>I've been training my whole life for this. Gaming RPGs, FPS, strategy, learning systems and exploiting them to win. Now the biggest game in my life has arrived, and winning finally means something tangible

Same story. Been training for this for years and now there is a real reward for my efforts.
My cashout time is 1 mil. Enough to get a huge head start in life and invest into more stable assets

Yes, we made it. We can afford individual Ex Officio boxer briefs @ $20 each now.

Fuck man, go to the gym. Remember the holy trinity: Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, /pol/


just set alarms...

same, half the time im staring at graphs and researching shit coins while I shoulde be programming. But fuck it, I make multiple times more money from trading than my job anyway

Nice gains mate, I have gained 367$k and 10kg from 4 months trading. I will start working out when I make it if I even do.

My life is already shit so crypto can't kill what's already dead. Good luck Veeky Forumsbros

I hold and still obsessively browse Veeky Forums and check out charts. This shit is like crack cocaine

Do you want out of the race or not?

That, and sell orders.

But pol is retarded

I prefer Veeky Forums, /jp/and Veeky Forums.

Begone oven dodger

This is unironically me. The three cornerstones to pure freedom and self-sufficiency.

you dont need to lift tho, any sport will do really

>Makes profit while producing nothing of worth
Fuck off you uniform fetish LARPer

test + fina
Plus jacked + bald isn't a horrible look

What kind of a virgin are you that don't exclusively own white boxers with hearts on them?

I don't have time to really join club sports, going to the gym 3x a week for an hour and a half is easy for me.

I have an obsessive mentality, Im thinking of getting into trading but I know it will consume me

All I've done up until this point is buy and hold, do I dare venture down the rabbit hole of trading?

I wouldn't even know where to start, maybe that's a good thing

/tv/ is the secret level in the trinity

Yeah I thought that for a while, then I realized that I have stagnated and haven't actually improved. Got really mad. Will never quit lifting. I need the gainz - both physical, mental, and financial.

Pic is for you.

Money = power

Will to power, being the best. Nothing wrong with that

The best traders are ones that only need to do a few trades a week and hold most of the time.

I should be writing a final thesis for university that is due in about 3 weeks. I got into crypto. I have not written a single word as of yet. I am also to present this for my entire class. Failing to do this thesis will cut me off from receiving monthly gibs from the state as part of my student loan as I am considered failing my studies. After the thesis I am to go for an internship abroad for 4 months without any pay as I am supposed to get paid my student loan that will be cut off. Thus I have no way of paying the rent, food or anything else. I have savings that I could use but after 4 months I would have eaten through 70-80% of my savings. All because of doing crypto instead of doing my final thesis. And here I am. Knowing this perfectly well. And I still don't work on my thesis. Browsing Veeky Forums.

I do coding at work, but I also code some crypto projects. then I do trading, hanging out on trading slacks, reading market books and so on

The good things is I haven't had so little alcohol the last 10 years because I don't have time now, and before I played a lot of computer games. This is like computer gaming but with money, the other is such a waste of time. And I talk to so many cool people


I started crypto trading. Didn't know what I was doing. Went up alot, lost alot, ended up with gainz but not as much if I just held.


Had 30k TRX at $0.03. Could've cashed out at $0.25 for $7,500.00 but didn't hodl.

The meme is real. Don't trade unless you're a trader. This market is not where you should learn those ropes.

/g/ /tv/ Veeky Forums masterrace here

r u rich bitch?

You're not alone. I sold half an old btc for $5k and it's now $50k, so this has been an incredible opportunity but it's consumed me.

>if you dislike /pol/ you're "left wing"
No idea what French commons had to do with it, but no, you faggot. Pol doesn't understand most of what it talks about, the fact that many trading crypto larp as NatSoc is evidence enough of this in itself. I'm a brit/pol/ regular and the place is fucking cancer and it only get worse in wider/pol/

Capitalistic systems in which people could profit while producing nothing of worth is exactly the kind of shit Hitler and NatSocs in general wanted to fucking destroy you retard. You're clearly sexually aroused by uniforms and completely ignorant or too retarded to understand actual policy involved.

if youve been doing this long enough for your life to get "ruined" by it, surely you're already at least a millionaire by now.

if not you should just move on to something else because this clearly isnt for you.

/pol/ isn't retarded but most of the people on /pol/ are and they are blindsided by their own memes and undeserved sense of superiority. It is a place you to when you are not in a very good place in life so that you can feel righteous about your situation.

yeah sweden is a pretty shit country sven

Have you ever stopped banging to make a trade? That would be too chad.

My life was shit before I got into internet money. Now I have a reason to get out of bed, so I can watch the charts all day.

>nazis should ignore great opportunities to accumulate capital because muh principles

listen nigger, if nazis get rich off crypto en masse that should give our movement a lot more collective weight, power, influence.

I quit my job over crypto, don't regret it for a second. Social life is nonexistent but it was anyways so who cares. I had a desk job so very little has changed other than I don't have to dress up and drive an hour each way for $15/hr, I make $50+/hr on average now, and I can watch anime while doing it. Also made my parents happy by paying off their mortgage.

>hitler wanted to destroy capitalism

you legit have no clue what youre talking about user

clearly Veeky Forums Veeky Forums Veeky Forums

It even sounds better.

This sounds like heavy projection.

I'm addicted to wasting my time looking at charts even though I'm a holder

my grades in college have taken a hit and now i am always worried and checking crypto all day. I am considering just not trading unless something big happens.

wrong. it's Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /a/. try again nigger.

Topkek, nazi’s BTFO.

Anons, why haven’t you become absolute monarchist yet?

It's actually /pol/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /a/, sometimes /v/

yeah i was in a bad place when i went to /pol/ and I stopped going there after a year and I had my shit together. Go and look at half of the threads there they are all about self improvement, variations of is x redpill or TAKE THE X PILL, niggerhate thread, women hate thread, and trump general where they raise this man up as some sort of saviour for some reason. People who have some sort of purpose in life and have meaningful social connections to others in life do not do these things and when you talk to the people in these threads it becomes evident after a few posts that many of them are deeply unhappy.

>Nazis should ignore their principles
Literally the opposite of what Nazis preached you fucking retard.
Again, you've become sexually aroused by the uniform and you're trying to force the square peg of NatSoc ideology to fit up the round hole of your arsehole
>destroy capitalism
Reading comprehension needs a tad more work lad.
But here you go lad
>Socialism as the final concept of duty, the ethical duty of work, not just for oneself but also for one’s fellow man’s sake, and above all the principle: Common good before own good, a struggle against all parasitism and especially against easy and unearned income. And we were aware that in this fight we can rely on no one but our own people. We are convinced that socialism in the right sense will only be possible in nations and races that are Aryan, and there in the first place we hope for our own people and are convinced that socialism is inseparable from nationalism.
"Why We Are Anti-Semites," August 15, 1920 speech in Munich at the Hofbräuhaus. Speech also known as "Why Are We Anti-Semites?" Translated fromVierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 16. Jahrg., 4. H. (Oct., 1968), pp. 390-420. Edited by Carolyn Yeager.[1]
>The common good before the individual good. (Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz)
“The Nazi 25-point Programme,” Hitler’s speech on party's program (February 24, 1920) in Munich, Germany.Nazi Ideology Before 1933: A Documentation, Barbara Miller Lane, Leila J. Rupp, introduction and translation, Manchester University Press (1978) p. 43.
>Since we are socialists, we must necessarily also be antisemites because we want to fight against the very opposite: materialism and mammonism…How can you not be an antisemite, being a socialist!
"Why We Are Anti-Semites," August 15, 1920 speech in Munich at the Hofbräuhaus. Translated fromVierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 16. Jahrg., 4. H. (Oct., 1968), pp. 390-420. Edited by Carolyn Yeager.[2]

>not /po/

oh and /k/, /out/ and /diy/ are comfy too

You keep going on about uniforms and sex, are you projecting again? The thought of getting mind-broken by the NKVD or Securitate gets your dick hard?

>stare at markets most of the day
What's the point, unless you day trade, which is risky as fuck for a solo operator? Two hours a day is enough. What you can do is make a schedule and dedicate two hours each day (or two sets of two hours) to cryptos and nothing else. Schedule not just work, but fun, too (reading a book, watching a movie, going outside for a walk, meeting with friends, etc.) Try to always schedule the addictive stuff (crypto, vidya) for the same time and end it on schedule. Set up an alarm to tell you when you should go to sleep and obey it.