M from 17.5 months in the future, BTC is slowly dying off. Everyone is moving to Ethereum. Also...

m from 17.5 months in the future, BTC is slowly dying off. Everyone is moving to Ethereum. Also, ICX just became the 2nd coin on CMC. At 3 we have Vechain, since China banned BTC mining Vencain took BTC over. BTC is the 4th coin now but it's only a matter of time till Chainlink takes that spot. Also Ripple crashed last April. Questions?

It's me again.

Cause they want to earn crypto, at least that's why they do it here.

Post proof about a happening in the near future.

for you, within 24 hours ICX will reach a new ATH, tomorrow you'll have your proof.

Is "last April" this April or next April? Also what happens with the Nork situation?

So, I'm going to make it OP?

Next April. I'm not allowed to answer that.

Yes, in fact you will

Thank you future OP, please accept this image as a token of my appreciation. Best of luck to you in your travels.

where is WANCHAIN futurebro

Does FairX ever come out? Also, how time travel work?

When does timetravel coin come out?


top kek, an ERC20 token at number 3

Glad you asked, Wanchain is going to form the "Holy trinity" with ICX and Aion, it's 5th on CMC. It's going to be called like that because of Veeky Forums, the term will even reach the news.

Can't comment on that. Time travel is possible since 2008, ESA made the breakthrough. It's has been since then a secret. I can't explain how, cause I don't know myself. I'm here to get something done. But I remembered how I bad I wanted to "make it" back then so here I am, illegally giving information. I can't be to specific.

It's true, believe it or not.


Is there any point in buying REQ??? does brendan eich make it in the long run? why do this, couldn't a way to find you hyptothetically be uncovered eventually, or is it data time travel only mostly?

Yes, you'll make money of it for sure. But you won't "make it" I know it's very abstract, but trust me on this one. Also, you got that right, data is how we travel, not physically.

what do i invest in to make money off of time travel tech?

ethereum is the king of alts run by a marxist, autist sex abuse victim

smart contracts on bch this year, forget about alts

It has already been invented in your time. Also, I have no idea what they used to achieve this.

Yes. What are the winning Powerball numbers tomorrow night?

If I knew I would give them. I can't remember them. You have no idea what I had to go through to post on this board. I've got leave soon. What I'm telling you is all in my head.

Fucking brainlet, lottery numbers are far too random, the act of time travel is enough to change every outcoming lottery number from the moment you send the day. That’s why the lottery meme doesn’t work. Chaos theory suggests that only events that are highly causal (ie the results of many individuals concerted efforts) remain intact after time travel.

I invested in Tron and ICX. I remember hitting 100k, that's is tomorrow for you. Nevermind Tron, the regulars are going to cash out and make it crash.

LARP or not, those predictions do not sound too unreasonable, its Asian crypto that has the big bucks.

thanks for the reply. is there anything in particular that makes chainlink 'make it'?? and why is ai support good for icx??

I've got to go now, running out of time. My last advice, I learned the hard way. Hold either ICX, Aion or Chainlink. Have a good year everyone. And stay away from Madrid in October. Goodbye.

god speed