Don't atomic swaps make Chainlink obsolete?

Don't atomic swaps make Chainlink obsolete?

>Atomic swaps, or atomic cross-chain trading, is the exchange of one cryptocurrency to another cryptocurrency, without the need to trust a third-party.

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Do you even know what link does?

Yes, I do.

Do you?

Oh thank god, I've been waiting for someone to explain it to me.

It doesn't do shit it's a scam run by a Slavic thug


he doesn't.

Ahahahah Linkies BTFO

Smart contracts are hard to understand for brainlets

No they don't.

ChainLink brings off-chain data to on-chain. One of its use cases, which REQ might do, is converting any kind of currency to any kind of currency. It doesn't matter if it's dollars, yen, eth, XMR. But this can be expanded to also include purchasing a house using BTC using a smart contract. ChainLink will be able to tell the smart contract that you sent your BTC to Wallet X, and automatically tells DocuSign to sign the agreement papers and send it to a certain email.

The use cases of ChainLink are endless. I can sit here and come with ideas all day. All we can do is just wait and see.

Why would you need a smart contract to buy a house with bitcoin? Didn't some guy buy a lambo with btc years ago?

That requires the vendor to implement crypto x, this only requires implementation in ChainLink.

Its funny cause OP realized that Chainlink can be used for this and all you brainlets cant understand that

>he fell for the smart contract meme
The security/immutability has been disproven mathematically by MIT researchers. The best part? It happened years before Ethereum was even a thing. Get out now or get dumped on, normie.


What the fuck are you talking about. Link the research right now. Or you a stinky linky having fud fud fun

source please? I'm interested in learning more but am having trouble finding related content

You are one dumb nigger if you think that accessing other chains is the same as accessing offchain information.

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@

Uh, you do understand blockchain fixed this problem, right?

He's clearly a stinky linkie himself tryna get cheap links. MIT researchers. Please. There's nothing on Google scholar about oracle's