EOY price prediction for this shit...

EOY price prediction for this shit. I know this is getting old but this is the first time we witnessed this trend of everyone selling off their coins including BTC for ETH.

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20k no joke screencap this faggots

I'm just waiting for LTC to rise so I can convert some to BTC (which will reach 50k EOY, or 150k not sure)

>so I can convert some to BTC (which will reach 50k EOY, or 150k not sure)

Didnt you corecucks see what is happening? BTC is never getting its dominance back. Alts have gone mainstream and if we degenerate retards prefer gambling on shitcoins imagine what the average normie will do? They will gamble on alts too instead of holding BTC. ETH is the safer bet.

considering eth can't scale, it probably won't be around much longer

and what is it even used for, icos?

>software never updates

Poor fag detected

some five digit number, minimum


>eth can't scale
>30x more developers than the blockchain with the 2nd largest developer share

Dont bet against the number of developers user. You are going to get rekt. Look at how many dapps are getting built on Ethereum. That is the true first mover advantage. Not some store of value shit.

Once devs get used to working with Ethereum, its hard to shake them off.

you think BTC is getting an update that will solve the problem? enjoy your bags

LN is a pipe dream, it will barely make a difference because it'll barely be used, just like ShitWit

ETH will likely have around 500x capacity of BTC by next year with the current roadmap - BTC doesn't even have PoS in pipeline let alone sharding, it's over

Solidity is literally dog shit. LISK will eat Eths lunch once people start building on top of it

>Solidity is literally dog shit

elaborate, I want to know if you are actually are a developer

t. software developer

>muh blockchain platform uses a particular programming language

Fuck are you guys this stupid? You could right a compiler that compiles python or java to something that ETH can understand.


You faggots got scammed by Lisk and Stratis whos only selling points are programming languages.

Hurry and buy! You can regain your losses!

>write not right
lmao sorry got justed so hard by XLM

>only selling points are programming languages.

hahahaha, imagine being so stupid that you think transpiling makes Eth = Lisk. Lisk is built to scale, have fun with "MUH SHARDING"

Probably higher.

Crypto ALWAYS suprises. At the start of last year if you'd asked what bitcoin's end of year target was, people would have said:

5k! 10k Absolute max!.

It hit 19k.

You're here telling me 25k absolute max.
Eth will blow the roof open to 50k.

>ETH pumps and wrecks alts
>BTC dips and wrecks alts
>ETH pumps again and wrecks alts

Fucking hell this shit is brutal. My other alts are barely recovering and ETH is going up again.

What market cap will that put ETH in ?

Bitcoin is dead, it didnt really get over 17k last time. The big guys are aiming for a much bigger overall marketcap. Bitcoin will never be able to take care of all those transactions when we are at 1T+. Also the flippening would mean world wide news and everyone will be like oh better buy some ethereum before its at 20k!!

My prediction:
ETH: $20.000
OMG: $2000
COSS: $50

Probably several trillions. This might be the biggest bubble in history. Even jamie dimon is becoming bullish for crypto.


Although he was probably forced to say it by major stockholders in his company since they are losing marketshare to GS which is launching a crypto trading desk.

Lisk's Dapps run on sidechains built for scalability. In contrast, Eth had to cobble together it's poor sharding solution (I don't blame them. Eth was not built for this rate of adoption or transaction volume)

You can run a Lisk node on a Pi.

Has a main block so wallets don't spend all day syncing.

Uses JS, a language witha vibrant ecosystem. You could transpile yes, but that's not what ends up happening. Devs use the language the ecosystem supports

I am building Dapps on top of Lisk so I am somewhat bias

No one cares. Ethereum has 30x more developers than the nearest blockchain (probably bitcoin, stellar, xrp). Its all that matters.


The first moving Dapp ecosystem has the most devs? WHO'D HAVE THUNK?

Myspace had more devs than Facebook, Yahoo had more devs than google, etc.

Your "MUH DEVS" argument is literal horse shit. Let us know if you ever manage to write a line of C++

>global market cap is 10% of current by EOY


Fucking shitcoin, this is the worst crap ever, how is it priced that high? Ethereum Wallet is terrible software, it constantly bugs and doesn't sync properly. Making transaction is close to impossible because the network is fucking shit and there is insane congestion. I'm trying to make transactions and they all fail, they aren't even added to the blockchain. How can anyone use this useless piece of shit?

Do you have any other numbers in your ass you would like to pull out?

>Lisk's Dapps run on sidechains built for scalability.

You literally described plasma.
That's why eth is going to be extremely hard to dethrone, it's a moving target, not stagnant shit like bitcoin. Everything that can be done on other coins can be done on ethereum.

>Ethereum Wallet is terrible software, it constantly bugs and doesn't sync properly

Stop using mist. I agree it sucks, but it's only a wallet with a shitty node (geth). myetherwallet.com is least hassle to use

>Making transaction is close to impossible because the network is fucking shit and there is insane congestion

It only depends on a gas fee used. See the actual recommended fee at ethgasstation.info/

Remember to increase the gas FEE, not the gas limit


no Plasma is not the same as Lisk's side chain solution. You do realize they would have to rebuild their entire stack to do so right?

Holy shit Veeky Forums knows as much about computers as the average soccer mom. At least read the plasma paper before you spout off about something you don't understand Veeky Forumstard


>use myetherwallet.com
>lose all funds because of bugs
Yea, no thanks.
This stupid coin doesn't even have a proper wallet.

the advantages you are describing are exactly what sharding will do, and under the same breath you call it a 'poor solution'?

I have severe reservations about believing Lisk is already capable of sharding (or a sharding-like environment) without compromises somewhere

You never explained why you think solidity is crap either; afaik the main criticism of it is that it's too inspired by JS, but you tout that as a strength of Lisk. I agree utilizing JS is smart from an ecosystem point of view (I'm a nodejs dev myself), but the custom language makes it a lot more efficient and tailored for the purpose - I don't see any other reason to create a specific language for Ethereum

>no Plasma is not the same as Lisk's side chain solution

I don't know what's lisk solution but there are literally only three possible:
- verifiable computation by cryptography (snarks/starks)
- verifiable computation by fraud proofs (plasma)
- composable state like mimblewimble. Extremely limited.

If lisk is doing something different it's BS. I know it's not doing the first because I would have heard of it. So it leaves the second option which is plasma.
Which means either lisk does the same thing as plasma or it's shit.

>lose all funds because of bugs
what bugs?

>This stupid coin doesn't even have a proper wallet.

Yeah so how come I don't have any problems with usability?

There are new wallets like enjin

There are many alts that have better tech than ETH but adoption is big hurdle to overcome. BTC doesn't have a similar ecosystem and is much easier to replace.

>There are many alts that have better tech than ETH

No that's wrong. "Better tech" means DPoS which means centralization and governmental control over delegates. If you are fine with centralization there's no point to using any cryptocurrency at all. A single server is _always_ going to be faster.

Damn motherfucking lisk fanboy got rekt. We definitely got smart autists in biz.