Let me explain to you brainlets what is happening in this market...

Let me explain to you brainlets what is happening in this market. BTC has entered a medium term bearish run due to the bad news on ETF approvals from the SEC. This information has been known to market insiders since before Christmas which triggered an alt run as large cap insiders moved money into alts. This run is now partially exhausted so there will be no major action up or down until the situation regarding ETFs changes. The only moves up will be from new normie money. We will not see BTC moves over 20k until institutional and wealthy private individuals get in. When BTC finally moves up (and it will), you know insiders have got the nod on ETFs. ETF approvals will follow 4-6 weeks later by which time they will be mostly already priced in.

Coinbase sent a chill to the whole market on Dec 19, but most of the price action since then is related to large investors waiting on better news regarding BTC ETFs.

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I tried to explain this here multiple times, no one here wants to listen. Many brainlets will lose their money because of fear-sellouts.

Doing gods work user. Some will hear us and act accordingly.

does anybody actually doubt btc will make another run.
that’s pretty obvious

lol just hold faggots

Ok I have an honest question senpai
I have money tied up in shitcoins.
I have 5k USD. Is my smartest move putting it all on BTC now? Looking at past performance and the media fud I'm guessing a serious bull run soon like $25k.

The vast majority of people on this board have no understanding of the main price drivers of the crypto market. They actually believe normie paychecks drove BTC to its current market cap.

A ton of people doubt that. Many are convinced Etherium will overtake it and BTC will slowly bleed out

BTC will not make a bull run for a few weeks. Alt gains are likewise scarce. If you want to take a risk go for an alt, but its going to be a lot harder over the coming weeks than it was at the end of last year.

Tell me more.

This will not happen, Vitalik also opposes this, the #1 spot will be reserved for a currency purpose coin and BTC will be the one with Lightning.

no one gives a fuck about ETFs, American market doesn't matter

BTC goes up unless during next adjustment, some powerful stakeholders start the chain death spiral. In that case, major alts moon briefly.

How would you balance your portfolio around BTC / ETH / NEO?

>major alts moon briefly.
Of course when BTC tanks where should people store their cryptos?

ETH is the new BITCOIN.

The flippening will happen with bitcoins death.

/biz doesn't give a fuck about ETFs. /biz has no fucking idea what day it is.

70% BTC, the rest ETH and your alts of choice.

I genuinely believe ETH will take over, but that doesn't mean BTC won't be worth more.
Do you think this is the lowest BTC drops? I wasn't expecting below $14k.

So no more shitcoin x10 moon missions? I have to go back to investing into actual tech for stockmarket-sized gains?


Maybe. Or maybe BCH, which is easier to handle by those already adopted BTC, which area majority.

why would these rich people need BTC ETF and also why should BTC survive if the tech is shit and useless

No, you just have to use your brain when finding alts now.

401k and shit? Also why the fuck are we allowing btc etf. Fuck NYSE and normies. Everything was fine before their asses. What the absolute fuck

that's not true at least 100 shitcoins that will never have a product just mooned today. the purist shitcoins philosophy is a reddit meme

401k money will be huge beyond anything we have seen before. Private wealth will want to capitalize on that but will not go into BTC until they get the nod that the ETFs are close. Till then they can do better with traditional investment options.



The #1 spot will without a doubt be Cardano. There's absolutely no mystery about it.

Exactly. Wall Street has known about this for weeks. That is why we've seen a drawdown followed by a quick alt cash grab.
We're going to have to be patient for a few weeks, maybe longer. Alts are going to be risky as fuck.

what are you calling as the bottom for btc.

I am going to rebalance to btc soon

What to expect from bitcoin and alts in a week or so? Is it the right time to buy the dip?

I'm up to my ass in prl ltc and dbc so do I hold or shad with this shit going on

It's a scam. The LN hub you advertise is a testnet and it doesn't even fucking work.

12k floor as normie money gets bored and exits. Nothing is certain of course, and /biz is full of shit. What is certain is that BTC is going to go to ATH in the medium term.

> Vitalik also opposes this
Since when does VB set the price?.. The next ETH upgrade will make it scale X5 better than BTC, that will shoot up the price to around 2-3.

Most likely the whole market is going nowhere for a few weeks. But when it moves up its going to be fast so you want to be in. If you can be patient and hold, get in now and wait.

The market is showing consistently that it doesn't give a fuck about $30 transaction fees. LN doesn't matter. More evidence, but the way, that the market cap is NOT normie money but long term holds.

>"There's a shaking out going on in the digital currency world,"

financial regulator who was late in the btc party tells you straight in the face what's going on


it's king shitcoin, but it's shown value and people who are rich want it.

Yes correct, BCH will be #1

> but long term holds.
Because it's gonna have value as digital gold 2.0?

Beside the ETFs are there any other factors to pay attention to n the coming month or two?

How would you rate the importance of situation in Korea and rumors of China messing with mining?

lel Corecucks will cope so hard soon


yes there's financial instruments built around it. it's the base of a new asset class.

institutions coming in (goldman sachs in the summer), hedge funds and big silicon valley money are here already. lot of ICOs with financial industry veterans being made. old tech or no this is not going away

But BTC is digital gold, it doesn't need to be backed by anything like a working ledger - it's backed up by human greed and stupidity.

The thing to remember is, we're not insiders. We will always be the last to know. All we can do is get in and wait for the price moves. It will only make sense when it is over.

You already heard about Korea and China, so its already priced in.

> it's the base of a new asset class.
Can you give a single example for how a currency which doens't work as a currency can have any value? Assume it's not gonna be used on exchanges as a trading pair by EOY.

The market has proven it doesn't give a fuck about transaction fees. Since that is BCH's main use case, it will not win the war.

Sorry, I know Gold 2.0 was not Satoshi's vision, but is sure as fuck is Wall Street's. And only one those is still around,

I'm convinced it SHOULD, but not sure if it will happen.

For all the new money coming in and getting into alts, they quickly find out BTC is shit for this and that ETH is far superior. Even though it's more practical, it's the market makers that will decide if BTC or ETH is more valuable.

>And only one those is still around

it's not really a currency anymore it's a shitcoin. look at its fees.

futures and swaps. you can do it right now on bitmex if you feel like it. money is made purely on whether its price goes up or down. wall street futures - you heard about that, started last month.

now ETFs were brought. what if they wanted more options contracts and more instruments like that?

What will happen with BTCP fork? What are we looking at price wise?

how much of a determining factor in this hullabaloo are dnm users and dmn admin who do care about transaction fees, as far a factions go?

lightning is literally awful. Its dead before it arrives...

Vericoin dude

bearish trend my arse, it's rangebound dumbass


I already shorted it, and many others have as well.

Haven't looked into it, same PnD shit as the other forks presumably.

I would guess the run from 4K usd BTC to current levels was mostly (75%?) the big players - institutions and private wealth. Normies just don't have that much spare cash.

how to short bitcoin

kek you don't know shit go fuck yourself idiot

So does this mean the Wild West alt coin days are over? Is this the eternal boomer striking again?

>Using a comic drawn by an evangelical.

No it just means a temporary pause on those BIG capital injections to the market and easy low-risk gains. Once ETFs start getting approved, the same BTC-alt dynamics as last year will resume.

do you think it will crash this year?

>We will not see BTC moves over 20k until institutional and wealthy private individuals get in

>Founders Fund, Blackstone, Greylock

OP is literally a retard trying to sound intelligent

>yfw you realize the BTC/ETH argument is Blu-Ray vs HD DVD all over again
>the superior technology lost to the establishment

brb, selling at ETH for BTC

Why are you asking some idiot trying to sound smart on Veeky Forums what he thinks? DYOR

It could always crash due to some black swan event for such a new market. e.g. Nobody knows whether crypto would go up or down in the event of a 40-50% stock market crash or a war, which is definitely possible, but my guess would be down.

that's all silicon valley. and small small hedge funds are in.

wait for wall street/investment banks to come in. when your dad's pension fund finally comes in last that's when you know we've made it.

What do you predict the price of btc in 2020?

Some economics lesson for you in case you are a literally retarded or 15 or both:

Bitcoin is not going to see a bullrun like the one we had last month until it gets merchant adoption.

The price of a bitcoin is determined by supply and demand (obviously). When the supply is fixed, but demand increases, the price goes up (obviously).

The problem is that all of the speculative money that is going to flow into bitcoin already has. People who want to "get in" on the bubble have already placed their bets. The run you saw last month was indicative of money moving onto the table.

The *problem* is that there needs to be a flow in order for bitcoin to actually both establish its own economy (economy is simply the FLOW of money), AND for there to be a reason for new money to flow into the ecosystem.

Right now, for instance, I have about $250k worth of my investment portfolio living in bitcoin, and I don't plan on putting more in. This is as much as I am willing to risk. I'm in the same boat as everybody else, in that I don't want to put more chips on the table.

For ease of math, lets say I have $10,000 in bitcoin. That's what hypothetical me is comfortable with.

If I can SPEND $1000, my investment will go down to $9000. Meaning that $1000 of fiat can flow back into the bitcoin ecosystem.

If we want to see another bullrun like last year, then we HAVE to figure out how to get people to start spending their coins. The drug markets did that for years, but they're drying up now in favor of other coins like monero.

That might be fine if there are other, high volume, legitimate ways to spend your coins, but right now there aren't.

Merchant adoption is the only way. It's how we save bitcoin.


Either $150k or it craps out completely.

Founders Fund is one of the largest and most well known VC funds in the valley.

But yeah I get your point, OP implying that big names were not dipping their hands in was dumb though.

Yeah my bad. These guys and some others are already in.

>but they're drying up now in favor of other coins like monero

I found out about BTC in 2015 because I could buy drugs online with it. I got into crypto because paying a $15-20 fee for $100-200 worth of drugs ticked me off.

Normie money cant come in and people cashing out don't buy back in so money leaves the system. Either I can spend my Crypto in a store (and then buy more) or we need new blood.

Need exchanges to start talking about how great we are so stupid people start giving us money like DEC