This is probably the best opportunity presented on Veeky Forums in 2018

this is probably the best opportunity presented on Veeky Forums in 2018

If you want to earn actual passive income and not just gamble on shit coins all day, then sign up for Kucoin using invitation bonus 7KvuRx to get on the Veeky Forums referral train.

You can earn income based on the size of your referral train, and with Veeky Forums (7KvuRx) you can build a pretty large referral train

With a train of about 100 direct referrals, you can earn 1 ETH per month. How much you want to make is really up to you

Other urls found in this thread:


or you can just buy eth, wait for casper, and stake instead of using a ponzi scam

DPOS is coming to ETH
and then no need to trust the ubersketchy eastern exchanges

OP, no one has used my ref.

Fuck this place.


Veeky Forums hates easy money

Veeky Forums will let this thread die


Bigger chain here:


MFW i sign up with no ref code to kucoin.

fuck you lazy pajeets, i dont need your ponzi scheme dollars

Join in on the scheme


Your loss, people are making hundreds of dollars a week off the business model.



God bless all yall were gonna make it friends

If I use your code. How do I get my own?

It gets produced after u make the account and then u come post it here

use 7Hyssy for a sizeable bonus of my gratitude

I'm going to rape and kill women like that

I am normie. plz forgive

Report referral spam. Kucoin is a nice exchange, I'm tired of all these beggars.

Its a business opportunity, posting on Veeky Forums, your

It's like multi level marketing without having to sell knives

I am not worthy


too late to profit of Kuckoin, price is too high, and dividend/referral payouts only last ~6 months

Buy COSS now where 50% dividends are permanent. It's on the rise with a new UI and improved backend launching this Sunday (as per their twitter).

Don't get left in the dust! Become a COSSplayer today or regret it for the rest of your life.

