Why nobody has mentioned this now top 10 coin that’s still just getting started?

shhh, Veeky Forumsraelis don't deserve this gem, let them have links and other shitcoins!

it needs no shill.

Its moving straight up, I got mine thru shapshift on exodus wallet. I am a bit confused do I need to register tokens?

EOS doesn't need shill.

Some meme magic would be nice though.

Literally went from being 1% of my portfolio to 10% all on its own.

just filled my bags, this is going to moooon

And yes you do before the coin swap in June.

I wonder why nobody shills steem either.

I like steem. but biz makes me feel bad about liking it so I pretend not to

biz only likes stuff that has no real life use.

Ah yes. Like Bcash and Link?

Good examples.

fuck i sold at .009200 ETH a day ago.

It's crazy, I invested $256 when Palm Beach Confidential recommended the buy at $1.62 and it increased by then tenfold literally. Best investment since Antshares at $6 definitely.

I got in a few thousand EOS at about $1.91 back when the whole Bitcoin cash shit happened. I needed to find ways to exit out of both BTC and BCH because my gut was telling me that BTC would crash if people kept fighting.

Then I remembered BTC going from 8k to 19k and thinking that maybe I messed up... I held my EOS through everything and I look forward to the technology as well. I know its not a scam because steemit is pretty fucking amazing and its by the same guy.

it's my favorite coin right now. I'll never sell below a specific amount. Quadruple down'ed at $0.50 ... comfy af rn

Ya I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we saw $40 EOS sooner than later. Biz will sleep on this though.

And funny thing is, there's no good FUD on EOS.

unfortunately I own these as well. niggas gotta hedge.

The fud is that its an ICO, that's about it. Would be pretty effective fud if Dan didnt already have steemit under his belt.

Also steemit, guys seriously. Its been fucking life changing. I am not fucking joking or even just shilling.

Biggest scamcoin in existence. Ongoing ico for a year now, just keep printing more EOS boys.

Well this got cucked by the eth moon lost like 20% of my gains on this.

Just sold hopefully i can get back in cheaper.