Muslim in Europe

>tfw Muslim
>Come to europe to study and enroll in biochemistry
>Have family here working white collar jobs and shit
>Discover crypto because the racist white man doesn't give me a job on the side
>Discover crypto
>Can maybe buy my own house in 2019 along with my dad so we'll have TWO
>Get paid to study because this is denmark

Not cashing out yet because the taxes are crazy here but do we really need two houses in Denmark?
Where else is a good place to buy a house?

i heard africa has some nice huts

howsabout you try wherever the fuck you came from

insert racist comment here

Lol, the one immigrant that actually is in a position to contribute and not leech of our society is leaving. Taxes go to your fellow abdullahs anyway.

Im racist and you are bad man

buy a castle in libanon or turkey and live like kangs

This isn't /pol/ feggit

get the fuck out of the "racist white man's" society then fucking sand nigger

I don't think the Sharia allows it

Crypto is banned under Islam. Fatwa quite recently. Good luck telling family where the money came from.

mudslimes don't wear turbans, you are too dumb to trigger anyone here lol

You should go back to your country now, buy a house there


as a fellow immigrant in Europe I admire your success OP. Europe is an incredible place but it's people lack motivation and drive. I'm glad the entrepreneurial spirit of us educated immigrants will save Europe from it's own Kleingeistigkeit

as with almost every culture the more educated people are the less religious they tend to be, OPs family probably doesn't give a fuck.


Crypto in Denmark is not taxed, that's where you gave yourself away. Nice larp, though.

Have fun rotting in hell kuffar

>white collar job
Haha no. My dog just took a shit, call your dad to come clean it.

Crypto is Haraam, gtfo faggot.

thanks for reminding me why evading taxes is virtuous, op

>Where else is a good place to buy a house?
>Where else should we invade?

It is considered income though. Danes pay some of the highest income tax in the world.

just invest in fucking all those fine ass denmakuis females urging for exotic cock. They want it, you just have to show them your blockfolio.

>racist white man invents crypto
>considerate enough to not make it ham based or haram in anyway so even Muslims can participate
>still complain about Raycis white man holding me down as he makes me rich

Kek. Do the right thing and renounce your faith.

no one in Denmark would sell a house to a pajeet

Stay in Europe so the rest of the world can remind itself why it isn't a good idea to let a bunch of barbarians into their countries