IOTA: Sell or HODL????

Will this shit ever hit x5 from now in this year??

>Need money to invest in better projects

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If they make a working produc maybet, lol.

Already have one

Volkswagen Partnership coming soon. Screencap this

I missed out on all those December gains holding this. But I'm still watching to reenter (I suspect other are too)

hold 20-50% of portfolio. Expecting a mini pump for new wallet release, of which will lead to new exchange listing. News about Q should be released in Q1 as well.

Dump bags for other pumps after the mini moon before reinvesting them back in. This is done because IOTA's growth is quite erratic so you won't be missing out gains by reinvesting the money elsewhere before putting the new gains back in.

Me too. Bought at ~3.3 early in December, thinking it will rocket to at least 10-15.

This is a guaranteed moon this month, if you go around chasing pumps you could miss it

IOTA has no real product yet. It has a long way to go before the currency becomes valuable.

We're still waiting for various pieces of puzzle to come together before IOTA can truly be useful

>Dump bags for other pumps after the mini moon before reinvesting them back in. This is done because IOTA's growth is quite erratic so you won't be missing out gains by reinvesting the money elsewhere before putting the new gains back in.
Sorry man, im confused a little what you are trying to tell me. Did you wanted to say that i should dump my holding and invest them somewhere, then buy again IOTA before it moon?

>Vitalik called it trash
>MIT called it trash
>Fake Partnerships
>Devs are manchildren
>Support refugee camps in europe


Pretty much. That's because IOTA seems to be either stagnating or shooting up (but then again using past performance to predict the future isn't always a good idea either).

Dumping bags right now is risky though, news imminent.

>>Support refugee camps in europe

You are holding it for now, right?

Hold it until end of February. A Bosch conference will be held in Berlin where they'll showcase all their projects related to IoT as well as IOTA's partnerships. You can expect the price to skyrocket from there.

Hodl. Just look at the chart, it's IOTA's time to shine. During December most of the decent coins and a bunch of shitcoins have pumped a lot, IOTA remaining stable.

I think the new wallet is also supposed to come out soon. Or ?
I have to buy some today


ye brah

although i do regret not dumping the bags after it mooned to $5 from $0.5.

Was too much of a fanboy and didnt want to dump... missed so many moon missions since

>partnered or talked about by all the major corps
>price keeps dropping


Hodl this shit like crazy

A rare crypto with good fundamentals. You will regret selling it

>Will this shit ever hit x5 from now in this year??
Short answer: no. Not even 3x, if you count in satoshis.

Bought 700 at .60 sold at $5AUD. How fucked am I??

bought at 1, sold at 4, all in on XRB, split into PRL.

You need to learn how to invest son. You are not winning at this game.

I can just agree with you.

Why would you be fucked? You sold at ATM and probably invested in better projects in terms of ROI.

This is a q1 hold for me. Not touching til april

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@

Go away with spamming that shit here.

A concentration camp that runs itself? Count me in!