This will kill taxation

This will kill taxation.

>infinite supply

It won't kill taxation if you need to cashout. Only if it gets massive adoption

>not understanding math


It will also kill people once I'm able to recruit Soldiers of Fortune through it.

Enlighten us.

>all inflation is just like Fed/Wiemar inflation

the amount of coins lost will always be larger than the amount of coins coming from tail emission used in Monero

>Drugs usage increases by day
>Monero is mostly used to buy drugs

I dunno about that, but I do know the longer I hold it, the more it kills my opportunity to moon with somewhere else

The amount mine-able is extremely small but actually plays a very positive role in the success of this coin. It gives miners an incentive to continue mining - this further secures the network and makes it less and less vulnrable to attacks.

Monero will be the biggest and most secure crypto currency come 2021. If you buy today you are an early adopter and you will wish you bought more in 2 years time.

>All crypto addresses must be reported to the IRS
>It is now illegal to own privacy coins

>everyone hides their money in monero
>government can no longer collect taxes
>government collapses
>usa becomes mad max anarcho wasteland


>implying you can seize meme money if done properly
>implying governments could stop bittorrents
>implying given the opportunity I won't download a fucking car

dood what if we also ban encryption


>government collapses
>all the niggers starve to death
>whites set up covenant communities

Thanks Monero!

The only coin that is actually being used daily

And how do you plan to buy that lambo without the tax man finding suspicious that you got it while there's only $20 in your bank account?

>making it illegal makes it go away


Monero is truly the final red pill.

XMR will only help people that have a fiat buyer that isn't above board.
You idiots aren't drug kingpins.

XMR is the ultimate libertarian-right coin, total free market will lead those who are worthy to a better life, every other democractic or socialist parisite can go to hell

You guys realize that if you want fiat in your bank from crypto then the gov't will know right? Monero won't help avoid the taxman.

I read that Monero is fully auditable

>being rich and staying in your statist country


>25 percent of world GPD is shadow/black market
>you have to be a drug kingpin to partake

you buy your lambo here in Portugal, where there is no crypto tax, brainlet

Why the fuck would I ever move my networth to fiat? I cashed out of that shitty system years ago.

>not having an account with UBS

My favorite coin. The only one I am quite confident about still being around after the whole thing pops.
True. It solves the problem of storing value and is more of a competition to swiss bank accounts. Laundering is still a pain in the ass.

This will kill monero.

No thanks.

because crypto is volatile af

When is the fee reduction event?
Might sell some doge and litecoin if it holds what it promises

>Bank creates "LGBT-friendly" ETF
>yuppie idiots buy it to virtue signal about how progressive they are
Yes, Banks like money. What's your grievance?