Is it stupid to get a mortgage and buy an apartment at the age of 24?

Is it stupid to get a mortgage and buy an apartment at the age of 24?

My gf wants to save up some money and buy an appartment together.

I dont know how will this work out, kinda lost

its a nightmare waiting to happen to do it with a GF. become a crypto gazzilionaire and buy one yourself and make her pay rent.

i would like to do so, to buy my own appartment. but i am afraid i dont have enough money yet

dont do it. crypto makes an apartment paid in cash within reach for you.

>Buy together

Are you actually retarded? Did you mean lease? You don't buy anything together with a girlfriend

divorce rate is 50% in the western world, and women call between 75-80% of them. You may think you are safe from divorce rape by not marrying, but alot of western countries have cohabitation laws after around 6 months of living together.
DO NOT live with her- when you start generating alot of income she will take half and leave you for dead

buying a house together with your GF is a great idea

marrying her first and then buying would be even smarter

Ugly rostie

>living with a woman

you're about to fuck up your life

This. Disaster waiting to happen.

That divorce rate is highly inflated and isn't actually that high for first timer marriages. I still think it's a retarded idea for OP though, don't do it negro.

Divorce rate is not 50. It's more like 30%. 50% couples do not split up.

The 50% divorce rate comes from the fact that we have a growing population. TODAY of all newly wed people and divorced people, it amounts to 50% sure -- but only because so many more get married.

yea i know it sounds disasterous.
well ill try to figure something out

for first timers with a bachelors degree its more like 25%-40%. It's more like playing russian roulette than flipping a coin.

ALL relationships break up eventualy
I am not saying you should not give it your all with this in mind, just that you don't do things that will complicate your life in the future

yea that sounds logical and reasonable but wtf you do when i start to say that i think this way, she says you are doubting me and if you actually loved me you wouldnt even doubt it

why the fuck women are so stupid

chances are she's going to fuck off halfway through and leave you holding the bag

Buy an apartment complex and rent it out? Yeah, do it.

I feel you man. Tough position to be in. Just rent

dont argue about it. you dont have the money and dont want to take a loan. thats it. no further discussion.

obviously she is manipulating you. stand your ground.

Living with the GF really changes the relationship because bills and other shit are in between you and its no easy task your first time the excitement of your own place will wear off in a month. Do it with your best friend you'll have a better experience she can sleep over or you can fuck alot of strange muh nigga

So i guess she will either leave me or we save for appartment and take a loan. Wtf is this shit i dont understand

she is trying to manipulate you into getting what she wants via psychological tricks, insults etc. all the red flags are there, dump her

under no circumstances take out a loan or buy an apartment with her. just say that you are not ready and thats it. if she leaves so be it. she doesnt love you.

but the only other way is to rent. which is shit also.

Who wears the fucking pants bro if the girls going to leave you because of an apartment then it won't work most likely down the road. Also if you can't afford and apartment now you'll wind up.being stuck in that life and never own anything take what ever you would put towards rent and put a down payment on a house it 2 years

So much this.

getting out of a rent is infinitely more easier than a mortgage.

if she gets her way with the apartment, its a slippery slope from there. She will carry on nagging and pestering for the next thing she wants, and the next and the next.

Renting may be shit, but you are still young. Spend this time generating income, keep overheads low. Later on when you have money, buy a flat/house yourself

Unless you're planning on marrying her don't bother.

>Is it stupid to get a mortgage and buy an apartment at the age of 24?
i bought one at 28 with 1yr of crypto investments and some savings. it's a stupid investment market-wise, but at least it's turning invisible money into something real and worthwhile, especially if you can easily rent it out if you move out of the city.
>My gf

Renting is a waste of money if he can afford to buy and isn't planning on moving anywhere else. If the issue is buying with her then don't move in with her in the first place, or buy it yourself and let her rent it with you or something.

I mean she's not wrong. You don't want to do it because you anticipate breaking up/not getting married so I mean you kind of don't love her THAT much. She's also willing to risk her finances by doing this with you, which implies she trusts/loves you more than you do her

also LOVECOIN is a scam

Or a marriage

i am jelly of all you nongf fags. your only goal is to accumulate internet coins and fuck escorts for the rest of your life.

Oh god, please do a 360 and run away. It is very stupid and you will have much regrets. Dump her immedietly, not joking.

Are you retarded? Litearlly get the fuck out of there you retard

Lmao if she leaves you because you won’t buy a fucking condominium with her than it shows what she’s really about fuckhead

Buy yourself apartment dumbass, let her live in .

Stop bumping this thread. Break up with your girl
You're wasting front page space with this bullshit. Everyone already told you what to do. Man up and fucking do it or continue to be a bitch. The fact that you're crying about it means you're going to bitch out so stop wasting our fucking time and go take out a loan while your girl fucks tyrone.

tfw gf is rich so don't have to worry about this lel I get free money to buy shit all the time

give it to us straight goy

how much of a roastie is she?

If you're from a Western country, chances are quite high

26 year old here. It's extremely stupid.

>risking finances

implying she cares and comprehends lol

smart, low interest now. can only go up from here

She is asian

You are better off buying a rental property when you are this young. You want to stay flexible so you can relocate when better career opportunities become available. Lots of people get screwed when they want to move for an opportunity but can’t because the market is down and they may be underwater.

The total interest paid on a mortgage is front loaded so the first 5 Years you barely make a dent in the principal which means you are basically renting still. It takes 20 years to pay off half the loan on a 30 year mortgage. Look at buying your own place once you are having kids and less likely to move. Then don’t take out more than 15 year loan and pay it off as fast as you can.

Also, don’t buy anything with her before you are married. You haven’t mentioned anything about your income vs her income, but it really doesn’t matter. Buying property with your gf is a terrible idea. If you break up you will be forced to buy her out or sell if you don’t have the money.

Its dumb buying buying with ur gf but besides that unless the apartment is a good investment and you can easily handle the mortgage don't do it. You will effectively be ruining your liquidity and working capital

>if you loved me
straight out of the power play handbook

not really, I have a gf but I'm the only one who works, and I do it from home

As long as your woman isn't a former whore, doesn't bitch about muh independence, and doesn't act like a cunt when you make decisions, she should be a fine catch

It isn't 50% and it is heavily inflated by serial divorcees going through 7 marriages. Like 75% of all first marriages succeed.

That being said, OP, we don't know anything about your relationship. Where I live renting is so insanely expensive that it makes sense to buy in practically all situations. Just make sure you have a good plan for who pays what and make sure you write down what happens in case of a breakup.

Post a body shot, let's see what you're dealing with.

If you do 360 degrees you still go to same destination

>gf wants to save up some money

retarded normies need to leave

Bruh, if your gf pulls emotional blackmail on your ass for financial gains she doesn't truly love you

Makes sense to buy..... if you will be there long term.

So many people only do the math looking at their current situation. Monthly rent vs monthly mortgage.

However, you have to invest serious capital via the down payment to get that lower monthly payment. If the market drops at a time you need to move, you could lose that capital.

Additionally your income situation and expenses can change greatly after buying the house. Ex: your wife stops working and has twins. You just lost an income and added two dependents.

Too many people take out the max money a bank will lend (40+% debt to income) on a 30 year loan with no plan for how to deal with the inevitable changes over that 30 year period

id say yeah if you think this is the chick for you long term/marriage

i married and bought a house at 25, worked out well for me

>living with a female
>entering into legally binding financial agreements with a female
You're fucked bro. Also don't even think about settling down with any female until at least age 28 and when you are 28 the girl you pick should be 18. Try to shoot for minimum 10 year age difference for any kind of LTR or serious commitment. Women age like fucking milk. They go downhill fast af after about age 25. So if you're going to ruin your life at least do it with fresh pussy instead of rotted worn out old moldy pussy.
>but user i'm 24 i can't date 14yo
No shit. Until age 28 just pump and dump cunts between 18-24 but believe me you will want at least a 10year age gap for serious relationships. So don't even think about serious relationship until 28.

>so I mean you kind of don't love her THAT much

Neither you nor he knows that. Nor does anyone really unless maybe they have a keen understanding of psychology and themselves.

Why an apartment? Get some land you mong

Who is this whore?

I know it's way more complex than monthly rent vs monthly mortgage. In fact that's a stupid way of looking at it. Where I'm from (Netherlands) you have buyer costs which are usually around 6% of the house. This includes a notary and shit like that to take care of the actual transfer. If hypothetically monthly rent and mortgage is equal, you should be looking at the mortgage principal you pay off while you live there minus the buyer costs and see if how that compares to what you would have paid in rent.

Now depending on your location, the monthly mortgage costs may actually be lower or higher than rent for a comparable place. Where I live renting is a lot more expensive monthly so that changes the equation.

Lastly you have to take into account that any capital that's tied up in your house could be making money for you on the market, and you have to decide what the risk premium on the housing market is worth to you. This is subjective.

Personally I did the math and I'm looking to buy but it's different for everyone.