I want to buy hash from a domestic seller on a dark web market

I want to buy hash from a domestic seller on a dark web market.
What are the minimal security measures for me as a buyer aside from a vpn?

Who the fuck still smokes hash?

[address of reddit]/r/darknetmarketsnoobs/wiki/bible/buyer

kys. drugs are bad.

Who the fuck still smokes anything else.


they mix it with tobacco


People like to hate buy just go read on Reddit. There's plenty of vendor and product reviews.
r/darknet markets
Also I wouldn't be too worried about hash.
Man I kinda want some bubble hash

That's fucking disgusting.

yurofag here
Not all of us are this disgusting.

I'm a Eurofag. I knew some people who smoked it in like 1st year of college because it was cheaper than weed. Pretty sure anyone who's not absolutely broke smokes weed instead.

Tails, comes with TOR and a Bitcoin wallet. Bitcoin from clearnet, to tails wallet, to market/direct deal with vendor. VPN won’t do shit for you, do what I tell you and you’ll be fine. Make sure to triple check any link so send coin to, phishing is a huge issue these days. Lurk moar

My father, my mother, my gf, my friends, etc smole it everyday
Middle-upper class
Im from spain

Crumble some into a yogurt and in a couple of hours you'll have the best high ever

>going thru this much trouble for a shitty drug

Just fucking buy a dealer nearby? Or are you planing to move tons?

TFW I can legally grow dank herbs in my backyard


In northern Sweden hasch is like 99% of what exists here, easier to transport and hide. They are equally potent, good hasch is good hasch, it comes from the plant so idk why people think it's shit.

And yes, vast majority mixes with tobacco, u cant really roll one with pure hasch as u can with weed. Although u could smoke pure in a pipe or bong

i've never smoled hash

how do u do it?

hash is shit tier mate , are you some arab? Just buy some weed or try to find concentrates lol hash is literal trash and waste of money

Euro here. I eat hash. Crush it up and knock it back with a can of monster, gets ya fuckt mate.

yeah 20 years ago grandpa

Didn't know this thanks. I'm Irish.

eurofag here

I just smoked it with tobacco and it feels good


jesus half of you fags have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. must be amerimutts who've never seen any decent hash in their lives.

do you even nepal temple balls? moroccan zero zero? ketama gold? pollum? dutch ice-o-lator. also the real connoisseur smokes hash mixed with weed obviously. I dont know anyone who smokes the "soapbar" type shit except maybe teenagers.

Role a few bits into thin strips then put them in a joint

Its consistency is usually like playdoh

pretty much this.

The only good thing california ever did in a long time.

Can you tell me anything about that PGP meme? is it really necessary?

dude weed lmao

seller dreammarket icq :728576690

ITT retarded euros

Greets from CA. Hash is god tier. Enjoy smoking your myclobutanil/azadirachtin/malthion laden euroflowers except for the dude from spain, spain is cool.

>Greets from CA

>what is encrypted messaging and how does public key/private key encryption work durrr

These are called spliffs, and they're delightful. You don't get quite as bogged down by the weed and the nicotine acts as a stimulant. It's a great mix.

It must suck living in eurotrash country be honest. Not that california is that great. It has nice areas if you flee the sjw shitholes.

wow must be so cool living a third world neo-South American state because of that fuckin' dank ass ganja

>It must suck living in eurotrash country
t. burger that doesn't even have a passport. Quieten down, mutt.

Do you know this is transported inside muslim men anuses?

Spliffs are the lowest, nastiest way to smoke weed. The only use case is smoking weed in public.

>Being this retarded
u know its literally weed just in a other form?

Europe doesn't x-ray and cavity check niggers/sandniggers before letting them in.

I fly to Copenhagen tomorrow? Are...are you alright user? Refugees been molesting yer mum?
There's this thing called northern California...that's actually closer to canada than shithole LA. It's really nice actually, the ganja isn't the selling point it's just fun laugh at euros.

The fuck is up with the people hating on hash
They are either underage or American, probably both

Go see christiania, just don't bring weed out of there or you might get busted by the police.

There are a lot of immigrants but also an abundance of beautiful danish people

Sure thing. But next time, sniff it and remember.

PGP is definitely necessary for any less than legal/sensitive activity you’re doing online. Do not skip it by any means. Confirming PGP keys not only protects you from being scammed, but saves your private info (name, address) from falling into the wrong hands (blackmailers, DEA, etc.)

Thanks user it's for business mostly but I should have some downtime..I'm really looking forward to it

buy monero

>Pure, lab-certified BHO and CO2 extracts with listed purity and strain


>Ditch weed rubbed between some paki's hands with whatever shit cut in

Rly does me a big think.

Your country will be majority nigger in 22 years, you stupid fuck.

Midwest user here.
I dont smoke it but here the farmers just grow the shit in the middle of their fields. My farmer friends dad has old ass pics from the 70s he somehow got developed that have him standing by 12 foot pot plants next to a barn that is now abandoned on his property. The hair he had my fucking jesus. And hes an ultra conservative. Basically a nazi to you europoors.

Hey guys I really want to smoke some poop. Anyone know where I can buy some grade A poop to smoke?

heh as if yours won't, don't kid yourself. Also they don't like it where I live. It's too boring + cold + rural generally.

Hash mixed with tobacco is God tier, if the quality of said hash is good too. It's cheaper than weed and you get less stoned, so you can still spend the rest of the day as a functioning person and not just die on the couch watching cartoons.

Perfect when you're with friends, also very easy to transport and move around since it doesn't smell as strong as weed

I'm Italian and the hash you can find in my home city are better than some "world premium" weed strains I've tried in Amsterdam

Alright son pull up a chair.
>Take some hash
>Roll it in your hands and form snake like you would with playdough
>Pull down pants
>Spread your ass cheeks
>Place hash snake in you asshole
>Take lighter and light it up
>Use muscles to suck air in through your asshole
>You are now smoleing hash

It gives them an extra spicy flavour
Moroccan butts are aromatic, while Albanian colons are more neutral

Just use TOR and PGP like everyone else? The feds don't go after buyers.

Did this once years ago, can confirm, was amazing

Thank you.

I guess you're right. Thanks man.