It's getting to me. I don't want to live anymore. it's over, I can't take the losses. fuck I'm such a bitch...

it's getting to me. I don't want to live anymore. it's over, I can't take the losses. fuck I'm such a bitch. I'm such a pussy. I'm a coward. I'm a loser. fuck this. fuck it. I quit. I'm done. I don't even know who I am anymore. I don't even know who I want to be. I give up. it's over.

Other urls found in this thread:

post your ETH addresses ITT. I'm giving my last 4 ETH away and then ending it

bro, please stay calm. what happend and how can we fix it?

post proof.


Don't do it bro, don't even want your ETH. If anything sell all your holdings and become a monk in asia or something. Just try something before giving up!


what happened op

It's ok bro, I'm all in Tron. We are going to make it.

Split your eth between VEN and LINK and don't look at your portfolio for the rest of the year



relax pajeet.



You'll make it user.


gg wp

enjoy the peace of eternal slumber, goodbye (and thanks)


OP I wish you luck in whatever you decide

Im in a rough spot myself


Well that escalated quickly




Buy a yoga mat, do yoga with introductory youtube videos.

Hold coins you really believe in, don't keep the subject on your mind all day.

Go to a dice roll site, double that 4 eth because YOU WILL WIN, put that eth into bitbean, get a job, wait a year and know that YOU'RE GON A FUCKING MAKE IT

OP the world is so vast and full of new and exciting things. You'll find your reasons not to end it, I promise. Magic internet money isn't the only thing in the world! You don't even know who you want to be, so why not figure that out? You have to believe in yourself. I believe in you.

This is pretty good advice. I know a few people who started on yoga, and it really helps keep them grounded. Tai Chi is like that, too.


sorry its come to this OP, i can use that ETH so thank you

If you have a spare few mins read, 'The Apology,' by Plato.

It is the story of the trial and sentencing of Socrates, who took his death nobly in the company of his friends.


shit fuck i dont know if i should beg or not

if you live in germany mail me at [email protected] and i will help you out dude whatever you need, even if its just someone to talk to

if not gib please


man why pussy out like dat, just wait



dont do it bro


Buy FUN in the dip, you cant be unhappy if you are a trillionaire



Yo do you want to talk to someone, even if you are crying, i dont care dude.

please reply

Don't even want your ETH user, I want you to keep on living. Call the National Suicide Hotline right now. You can even chat if you don't want to call someone.

Not sure if you're a Christian, but this verse always helps me.

>Matthew 6:26-27
Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan?

Never employ a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

LOL @ people posting their wallets to take money from a suicidal man. The state of this board I swear.

he gon die either way lil homie



to make a post like this, to make losses in this market AND to fish for sympathy shows you are a child. go back to school and learn that BTC is essential in your coin collection as to presently have no problems at all. you shitcoin heavy buyers are serious fucking brainlets. you missed the boat and will stay poor even with skellycoin as your key coin (still an absolute shitocoin. inb4 muh flippening!!) . it ill never happen. if you dont have at least 250k USD of BTC, let alone another 100k USD of assorted shitcoins you are poor, fake and gay. If any of you seriously think you will make it with sub 250k USD at the moment, you are exceptionally retarded. your best bet it to continue you Veeky Forums strategy of buying some ultra high market cap high sub $1 with delusions that it will take down BTC or ETH because you missed the best investment of our time because you were probably playing games or some equally retarded past time. I hate to think what % of biz I have just described...

Don't die, retard, just quit this shitty casino.

this is the biz i remember before you normies invaded. go back

shit, it's me.

You remember everyone begging?

in the suicide threads. we didnt baby suicidal people

What is your initial Investment and where are you now?

Bunch of disgusting beggars ITT

Fuck off with your addresses you useless cunts

Can't we have a single human moment here anymore? People are losing their money, losing themselves, and all you can think of is to try to gain a few shekels

Just kill me

Thanks for the hot tip, just bought 100 ropes

if some of them just held the little they had before suiciding... some would probably be wealthy

talk about suiciding twice

Are you gonna sell them to other anons?

kek good point

some posts must have been deleted, as i dont follow whats going on

but isnt ETH at all time highs? So if your holding ETH you should be ok

I will save this and paste this pasta in 3 years and It will be true then as well