
who here has everything ready and planned to an hero tonight?

Other urls found in this thread:

at least send me your coins before you do

eth address?
(what was) 80k coming your way if it all tumbles down

why tho


already swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills cya guys

bye dude
this has become the reality, hahahaha
you either get rich or literally die trying
thank you crypto for cleaning up the world

cya never op

he sleep

Sorry about everyone getting justed. I really hope you choose to live and keep moving forward. Remember that temporary problems can't be dealt with with permanent solutions.


Enjoy Gensokyo.

yes they can you enormous dimwit

post blockfolio/delta

Are you really going to go after me for not using "ought" rather than "can?" Colloquially, the two are equivalent.

thanks, but its more like a permanent problem that was being dealt with by a temporary solution


Please don't do it. You have a family, they love you. If you don't have a beautiful woman I'm sure she will come find you soon. The world is worth living for man.

Although if you feel like ending it all, send me your ether, I will take care of your loved ones.

If you're going through with it maybe throw me some coins too? I'm a pizza delivery driver with a shit life and no g/f


Do you have anyone to talk with about it? An hero doesn't fix the problem; it only accentuates it—there's never a point where all hope is forever lost. Things can still change.


don't do it though. it's just fucking money.

0xF918191606B8A887C2aA0492a4fB9A539575ab8e i have more potential to 10×....please gimma if you do user i hope you dont, sincerely, but dont let these coins go to stupid pajeets who will do nothing with em
....Give em to smart poor pajeets like me who will invest in UFR and start the next internet crypto revolution. Peer 2 peer on a decentralized network of independant nodes is the future user 0xF918191606B8A887C2aA0492a4fB9A539575ab8e

I'll only an hero when crypto fails, I go broke and have no job/future. So I die when crypto fails.

>Remember that temporary problems can't be dealt with with permanent solutions.
if the nature of the problem was only temporary then there wouldnt be a problem now would there

see any dead who's got problems?

>life was already shit before crypto


I'll use it wisely on shitcoins

Yeah, actually.

You'll probably just wake up covered in vomit feeling worse than before

I wish it was that easy to anhero but unless you have a gun there's not really any painless quick methods.

>investing more than he could afford to lose

pls live

tok pek. give me a single example of a dead guy who's either sad or in trouble

My friend I am scammed inidan pajeet pls sir my daughter

Judas Iscariot.

>wow hurr durr my mother told me walk on water man was real so it must be hurr durr

>not waiting until the mcap reaches one trillion

Seriously just wait a little longer

Lets share stories why we wanna anhero.

>In /SIG/ on Veeky Forums
>Explain how life is getting better after getting into fitness, nutrition, got a gf
>Ask how I can improve even more, as there's always a next level
>"Dude go to Veeky Forums, I turned 400 into 4000 in just a few months"
>Lurk a lot, do tons of research into crytpo, land on DBC because it had a great dev time, a nice whitepaper, all the green flags etc
>Coin immediately tanks as I go all in, showing no signs of recovery

Could have sold at $0.50, $0.40, $0.35, $0.30... Now it looks like We're just gonna crash into the ground. I'm not the quitter type, which actually hurts you in this field. You gotta know when to cut your losses emotionlessly. It looks like this shit really is gonna divebomb into $0.00, so gonna cut my losses.

I'm not even a fucking brainlet but got Pajeeted harder than a subhuman


fuckin relax it'll be fine in feb, buy cheap coins rn. oh and holding neo helps

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@

here is a cutie for me, hodl on buddy
life is wonderful and full of opportunities

>the virgin suicide method

Kill yourself

>going all inn
Yeah, you deserve to die

i think about it every day and not bc of this but for other reasons. im just hoping the losses get so bad it'll give me just of enough push to commit and go all the way

>an hero
I'm glad to know ten year old /b/ memes are alive and well on Veeky Forums

[green]Uses only the messiest suicide methods possible and leaves booytraps for the cleanup crew[/green]

lol that's pretty funny!

nigger what the fuck are you doing

I am trying to reply. How do I do this?

what the fuck man

I just want to stop interning for free on maker spaces and be able tp afford my own 3d printer do it yourself kit. Please send me ETH 0xF918191606B8A887C2aA0492a4fB9A539575ab8e

nice bait faggot

so long space cowboy