If you aren't loading up on the big 3 coins of 2018 , I feel sorry for you

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All 3 are scam coins

Shut the fuck up and back to r*ddit Norman faggot

the only coin worth holding is zrx.

But this is the ultimate poorfag redditor portfolio
>hurr durr under a dollar, so cheap


zrx definitely a strong hold

I still dont get why people say ADA is vapourware. They are no longer an ERC20 token, the mainnet is already out.

I'm going full Ada today.

ADA is the epitome of a project that promises YUUGE things but never delivers. If you are holding these bags through 2018, then you deserve to be poor.


they were never an ERC-20 token wtf

Bought more ADA on the dip.

DBC will spike to to $15 as Chinese go nuts for the AI blockchain meme. Check em

not loading up on discounted ZRX is the biggest single mistake anyone can make right now I think.

I seriously think it has the potential to become a $25-50B+ mcap coin later this year, shits gonna be insane

>they were never an ERC-20 token wtf
Yeah but why do people believe its vapourware

They don't understand github.

What does it do that xmr doesn't?

People are retarded. Ethereum was FUDded extensively before it's massive run up. Cardano has a very strong future ahead of it. Anyone saying otherwise either hasn't done their research or is too tech illiterate to be in this space and are going to get fleeced on shitcoins

enjoy your meme coins faggot. ADA will replace ETH and you will be shilling fartcoin or faggotcoin or whatever your queer ass weak hands bought that week.

Loaded with Stellar Cardano aaaaaand Tron


Skype is better than Uber

Why didn’t it replace it hmmmm

ADA = laserdisc that somehow hit a 30B market cap are you nuts

Cardano I think has huge potential and I believe in the team and slow growth potential. But can someone explain to me why it's a good investment with such a huge supply?

Or you could just buy eth and omg instead

can't get in on the IOUs but I fucks with cardano and 0x

ZRX is the truth. DEX are going to be big. I also hold KMD as well as it's the best tech but not the best marketed.

XLM I hold simply for the Norman invasion.

Sitting real /comfy/ with 100k ZRX, got in at 20 cents

Why ada?

$4.17 by February 1st

>$4.17 by February 1st
And why is that?

Ask this dude

ZRX holders so comfy even in the sea of red.

trips means its true

how misguided you have to be for these to be your top 3 picks is incredible to me

if you do any research on ADA and arent incredibly raging cock hard bullish then you may be retarded
shit is insane

when is Cardano's network even releasing?

Only holding ZRX, but it is my comfiest hold and doesn't let me down when everything else crashes. I only regret not buying more


the japanese dev support alone is going to make this a superior product user. don't shill yourself while this stuff's still cheap

also cardano isn't gonna allow complete faggots on their network and will actually have some oversight

>holy trips
>ID ends in 8


>$8 by march
>not $88 by 8/18