Imagine being so fucking retarded ur not buying this right now

imagine being so fucking retarded ur not buying this right now

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im all in but i have no more fiat to put in

pajeet scam, code looks like it was done by a monkey

can't tell if this is a joke, if you actually know java the code looks great ?

fucking loving this dip. the only people who have to worry are normie retards who bought shitcoins like tron and ripple. BITCOIN THE KING IS DEAD, AND REQ WILL REPLACE IT!

the code is great

>unironically a moron

you will buy my bags at 100 dollars faggot




lol, it's actually pretty good for JavaScript. TypeScript, good test coverage, external auditing coming soon (before mainnet release), easily readable even for a brainlet.

t. software developer

Sorry for being a brainlet, but if I'm understanding correctly, doesn't this mean the tokens will depreciate in value over time?

Buying the dip is a nice meme. Too bad nearly nobody keeps fiat on an exchange that isn't in crypto already. Should I take a loss on something else to buy this right now? I think not.

no you fucking idiot. tokens being burned means the supply goes down, making each token more valuable you fucking retard.

the exact opposite, the higher the token price is, the less tokens must be burnt on each transaction, preventing the supply from running out for a very long time.

think of it as a exponential limit graph, the transaction fee will come close to zero REQ but never hit it

Dunno, Friday's announcement could be huge gains, if the market begins to stabilize.

this is so cute that you think a fake venmo will actually be used by people or businesses anytime soon

Ho-lee shit. So it is *literally* the opposite of fiat? I get it now. Thank you.

theres one trillion dollars worth of demand for people trying to get into crypto but cant. req trades fiat and crypto to any at the same time. but i wont bother explaining to you anymore, dont buy REQ faggot. i dont want you to. go buy ripple normie

>tfw I bought the dip at 35 cents

It's like I time traveled, it's great.

imagine holding bags so heavy that you need to beg people on a daily basis to buy your bags. faggot.

a hur dur

how much do I need to /make it/?


in 2-3 years you will be a multimillionaire

you're welcome user, i hope you buy this dip and get rich with us

bought 10k at 20c but sold it to ride other moon missions since REQ was doing fuckall

The ONLY people who became multimillionaires through crypto are people who stockpiled and HODLed coins like Monero, DASH, ETH, Ripple in 2015.

You won't do shit with day trading. If you are day trading then you might as well start gambling.

unironically 0/10, try harder, pajeet

I have 10k REQ but my concern is on a long term project like this the crypto bubble will have already popped

req is one of the coins that could survive a bubble pop, all of the vaporware shitcoins like tron will be immediately destroyed, but coins with genuine functionality might persist (assuming its adopted)..

what does it matter if the crypto bubble pops if REQ actually becomes an instantiated product in the economic system? Or do you think it won't catch on once the bubble ends?

You're talking coin vs token buddy. I'd rather REQ be right behind ETH

REQ has a team that works quietly, they don't hype up shit, yet this is one of the most promising tech projects I've ever seen. This is the fucking definition of a comfy hold

slow bleed waiting for 3k to buy back in

I like this coin but I do wish I'd sold at 115k ETH 'sats' and rebought some time in the last few days. Devastating missed gains.

The real concern is it being an ERC20 token desu.

I don't want to go down with the ETH ship. They better release a statement about whether they're going to make their own chain or not.

This must be a troll. The code is clean and professional.

Will this shitcoin ever even hit $10?

Please post some snippets that are bad

IF they keep their roadmap esp with the fiat and oracle implementation, yes. easily by eoy

The whole point of it being a token is that they can easily switch to any other smart contract platform and move the entire userbase over seamlessly. They even mention NEO as a possible smart contract platform if ETH fails to scale.

How does that work exactly though. If my coin is a token on the ETH network how do they move my coins? The only thing I can imagine is they don't, they just clone the current state of the tokens into the new chain and somehow the original tokens hit 0 value. But even then I'm not sure how hardforking like that works across completely different chains, like the private keys won't match up etc.

For example if they moved to an Ark chain instead (or NEO I guess, but I don't know how NEO works), how would everyone get the tokens they rightfully own over on that chain?


I will never fucking use Qryptos ever again. Binance may be chinese shit but god damn is it 10 times more user friendly.