I always quit when people at my job finally realize that they cant ever have any kind of normal human relationship with...

I always quit when people at my job finally realize that they cant ever have any kind of normal human relationship with me because I dont want to talk to them - ever about anything.
They start treating me really coldly and rudely so I feel like I'd be an idiot to stay.
Anyone else do this? It always happens around year 1-2. After year 1 people know this but can still accept it as "my weird personality", at year 2 they get annoyed and rude because I'm such a downer to be around so they cant be bothered to be professional anymore and just treat me openly different, which is way too awkward for me to stay around.

> pic is related but he is trying real hard whereas I dont try at all

>treats other coldly and rudely and makes them feel like idiots
>doesn't like when people treat him coldly and rudely and make him feel like an idiot
Simply trick: just smile. It might be really hard to do in the beginning but always genuinely smile when you have contact with other humans.
Even if you don't talk a lot that will make you look like a nice person.


So you're too autistic to put on a mask for 30 seconds each day, and instead it's easier to find a new job every year or two?

i only last 3 months OP
i get treated as sub human
actively ignored
openly insulted
the amount of times i came home in tears makes me wonder how im still here at all
worst job i ever had was woolies night fill at 22yr that went for 3 months (trial period) only reason i got to stay the whole 3 months is because i told the manager i have difficulties with things and she laughed at me, dad came in the next night and threatened to sue the fuck out of them, manager was crying her fucking eyes out because she knew we could.
after the 3 months was up they basically told me to fuck off
was years before i could face a workplace again
i know im mildly retarded but fuck i hate feeling like one

where do you buy your fedoras bro?

no, I'm polite and professional. People just expect to be joking around and to be made to feel nice and welcome and I see that as extra effort that I simply dont need or want.
Then when there is even the tiniest scratch of annoyance in my voice, they instantly perk up. It's like they are waiting for my facade to crack. Look, I'm literally just not trying to be friends with anybody. Why cant they just leave me alone?

you sound like you'd be the life of the party.

>not trying to be friends with anybody
Why the fuck do you care then?

>acts cold and antisocial around coworkers
>waaah why are my coworkers so cold and rude to me?!
Just bee yourself user

it's not that bad with me because when people try to make fun of me, I absolutely do not show any sign of weakness and I dont play along with anything. Literally anything. That's my point here, they cant have any connection with me and while that is an okay defensive shield against their dumb comments, it does put them off eventually to a point where they just plain dislike me openly.
Like.. it's like this: I simply dont participate in their pecking order assignment games. They do this back and forth between each other, figuring out who's boss and I just dont participate and yet they realize that I'm not beneath them either because I care absolutely nothing about the entire thing. I think it makes them realize how pathetic their social games are and that they are essentially passing time at a pointless job, laughing about nothing, doing nothing.

because it's jarring to see people mistreat me.For *them*. I *personally* dont care at all if they do, but it looks very weird when they act rude towards me for no reason at all. People start to look because it's out of character for THEM to act towards somebody like that.

You are an idiot.

You are exactly what the classic definition of dumb was meant to describe.

Two years is the optimum account of time to work at a company to increase your salary you stupid autistic faggot.

you sound like a legit sociopath. its not them, its you.

Are you ugly OP?

First of all we all a bit weird, move on and give a fuck about this Normies haha

>quits job because no friends
>makes thread about it on Veeky Forums

>I'm polite and professional
doing it wrong you have to breed discord and insult coworkers subliminally. everybody will start to be real nice to you then


Oh boy, this guy kind of BTFO’d OP. This blogpost attention whoring is a cry for help, whether OP’s stupid ass sees it or not. I’m a loner so I keep to myself most of the time. It’s extremely rare for me to even start a thread. OP is different. He’s probably alone because he’s unlikeable and not because he wants to be. Cue this thread.

of course I'm unlikeable, that's the point of the thread.

well that is what you do when you play social games, sure. You start making useless chitchat

not really

Sage. Only reason you come onto this armenian hair braiding forum is to feel validated in your actions. You want to feel validated because you care, and deep down you worry about whether your actions are actually correct.
They aren't, you're another faggot who thinks they are better than everyone else, but in fact your are just as retarded as they are, the only difference is, is that they don't quit their jobs because they can't relate to people.

mate, you just admitted to being like them and it drives you crazy doesnt it? I never said that they are pathetic, I said that the social games they play are pathetic.
It's obvious, if you cant gain free social advantages by talking pointlessly, you get angry at the guy who makes it impossible for you.

when you spend your time with this persons - many hours per day - it's only natural and social neccessary to socialize with them. it's like you complain about your wife is treating you like shit because you only want to breed with her because it's the "professional" think to do in a marriage.

>They aren't, you're another faggot who thinks they are better than everyone else

So you're a communist? You know it's technically possible for somebody to be better than somebody else. I hate to break that to you but that's just a fact. We are not all equal.

Sounds like you have autism OP. By that I mean you don't follow the conventions or cues of normal interactions with people, and you puzzle over the rules and actions of people to make sense of them, coupled with a sense of superiority that actually comes from a place of feeling like an outsider and a freak, which you twist into a feeling a position of superiority. Go ahead and be autisitc. Just stop wondering this shit. No one will like you unless you try. That's it. If you don't wanna be liked, fine, just stop making posts about it online like a pajeet who deep down wants to be accepted.

Yeah you are autistic. It's not about being better objectively in certain ways. You carry yourself as better OBJECTIVELY by not engaging in social situations. This goes against the vast majority of human behaviour. You are not transcedant op. You are just a stunted faggot.

Look for a job with minimal social contact

polite and professional = cold
If you convey to someone that you want to be left alone you make him feel like shit because you basically say he's not worthy to keep you company.
And don't show your annoyance in any way in mundane situations. It makes you look like an autistic man-child.
Just accept that you're dealing with people and that that is part of your job. It's really not that hard to keep a friendly but distant relationship.
If you really become the outcast everytime you're doing something wrong. There's really a lot of arrogance in your attitude.


I think autism refers to people who cannot follow social cues, I consciously chose to reject them. I suppose it's because I always ended up losing out and getting the shorter end of the stick, so it's a practical decision but is that so bad?

I do have to agree with:
though because it seems I should find a way to find social encounters enjoyable and profitable, otherwise I'll just end up working like a machine. While I do believe that I'm right about my serious attitude towards work and I will not ever joke around like a child at work (this is biblical), I do tend to agree that I have to find ways to lead people towards a better way of life and people arent going to be led by somebody who doesnt engage them on a human level. I may find it stupid that I have to use these animal cues to get them to respect and like me instead of them simply seeing logically that my way of life and attitude is superior but I guess that's what it takes.

Holy shit, OP. You're literally me

Works breh

how do you find a job if you keep switching jobs so frequently
seems like a red flag for employers

This. Or you can learn to be extremely social & personable while not giving a fuck about the people you deal with...

It's called Politics. A necessary skill in life.

I can relate 99% OP. Ignore the normies in this thread calling you autistic.

Get yourself some nice and comfy NEETbux. You will never have to work again

I quit every 1 to 2 years too, but only because that is before people would find out i do literally nothing all day.

>It's called Politics. A necessary skill in life.

Politician or sociopath... the difference is in how well you play the game.

This is the most autistic proof possible. You call normal human interactions 'animal cues', and that they can't respect you from viewing your actions logically rather than emotionally. I bet you really like Spock don't you. He 'makes sense'.
Guess what OP. You aren't right, you're just arrogant and blind to the fact that 'animal cues' serve an important purpose in society. You are the freak.

OP you are a turbo autist. I wouldn't want to work with you either. People probably have to tell you that you smell and should take a shower.

>Polite and professional
Code work for retarded autist

if you're not getting a decent raise after two years you're either completely worthless or in 99% of the cases underpaid


OP ... this is me to a T... I have no friends, NO social life, and don't one one. I have a solid 8/10 qt fiance who is the absolute polar opposite of me. I've been at my job for 5 years and I don't talk anyone. Literally. And I don't want to. Fuck am. You know what that means? I keep my head down and do my work, making me the most productive individual here by far (our productivity is tracked and displayed next to everyone else's by employee number). It's whatever. If you're not built that way or wired that way you're just not. You re not the only one. Don't let that make you feel like you have to quit your fucking job. Just own it. If it's ever actually brought up just say I keep my work life separate from my social life.

look, the real issue is that I dont want to accept and tolerate their bad behavior. If I go out with them to drinks or for a meal, somebody there will start smoking. It always ends up in conflict. Sure I can try and walk away then, or say "please dont smoke around me", but cmon man. Especially in a venue where other people would smoke or even if we are just walking outside and talking. I just dont see why I should conform to their behavior even though my behavior is objectively better.

>my behavior is objectively better.
By what metric?

Jesus Christ man this is so cringe. You can’t even muster the energy to fake a few minute long conversations? What you realize in working topical office jobs is that everyone hates it and after you stop being a pussy you can actually be real and talk about how much you both hate it and want to kill yourselves. That happened to me at my most recent bank job. Felt kinda awkward at first but put on a good face, built rapport and bullshitted and then people open up and you realize oh fuck everyone feels how I do, I’m gonna make it.

>I just dont see why I should conform to their behavior even though my behavior is objectively better.

You sound like every Liberal Vegan ever...

There is a very good reason everybody hates those stuck up faggots.

come to Eastern/Central Europe.
We're literally all like this.

Holy fuck dude

You don’t have to conform to shit, just as they don’t have to conform to your bullshit. Why should they be forces to listen to the shit you’re saying or aren’t saying? Now fuck off autist

you people got triggered hard, I assume you are smokers. I dont think it will help if I point out to you that I dont need or want them to talk to me but if they want to walk with me then they have to stop poisoning the air around me, that is the very least they have to do. It's basic politeness and no, I dont care that current society doesnt seem to think so. In 20 years everybody will have my opinion on this and why on earth would I wait?

I just told you how it is. What you make of it is your choice.
People are different and to avoid conflict we have to be tolerant of others to a certain extent.
Otherwise society would collapse. Your experience is proof of that.

>basic politeness
>Ignoring people at work and not making an effort for the smallest amount of human contact

You sound like you just have a bug up your butt all day long. If people around me talk endlessly about pointless stuff that doesn’t interest me, I just tune them out and ignore them. That’s what actually not caring is like. By being judgemental of them, to the point that you make a thread about it on Veeky Forums hoping to garner reactions to this anti-social behavior, you are actually exerting way more effort and energy than you need to and causing yourself enough stress to actually want to quit your job. Your coworkers can all tell that you think you’re “above” them, and acting “polite and professional” actually just makes you seem like someone who is too cowardly to voice their negative thoughts, and only displays pleasant behavior because they expect to be rewarded for being like that. They think you’re a sociopath, probably because you are one.

I can only last around 6 months. It's too much mental gymnastics for me to pretend I'm interested in some shit I'm in reality not interested at all. I feel like people actively come at me with their bullshit after they realize I don't care or in some cases don't even respect some of the things they value in their lives. At like 3 months in they usually start to bully me, it's partly my fault because at this point I can't take it anymore and instead of talking it thru I become passive aggressive. I'm extremely social and people like me a lot everywhere else except at work. I think it's because I don't give a shit about anything and that makes people stressed out at work.

Yeah. You're not autistic in the traditional sense.
You're just a 'holier than thou' american liberal who judges everyone.

>after you stop being a pussy you can actually be real and talk about how much you both hate it and want to kill yourselves

except that is a normie view of life and I dont allow myself to have such beliefs.

Yeah I really dont see how I'm wrong here except that I could be nicer to people and move more along the axis of amicable instead of just being professional. That is absolutely what I can and will do. So my steps to being more liked on the job will include just having more wholesome exchanges where everybody feels better afterwards instead of me putting that responsibility for their emotional needs on them. Which it is of course, but I can absolutely be nice and make an effort to help them feel good while they interact with me.

Fuck normies. I hate people. If I ever have to wagecuck again I will neck myself.

Usually I'd start working somewhere and within a week people talk about me like I'm not there.

> "Lol, user is quiet and weird!"

I can't stand talking to normies because they never say what they mean or mean what they say. Then when I do say what I mean and mean what I say it confuses them and they twist my words around.

I remember some dumb bitch interpreting my words the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I was saying. I don't remember what it was but it was something simple. Like I said "I like brocolli", but she interpreted it as "he hates brocolli" just because I didn't say it in a fake cheerful retarded normie tone of voice.

And normies constantly exaggerate and twist facts around to be dramatic. That's why I fucking hate you biztards too.

You don't sound retarded per se. Probably just severe autism.

Wew I sincerely hope you’re baiting. It makes me sad that someone could be this detached. What even is your job that you feel like there’s no room for joking around?

Then what the fuck is the point of this thread? For people to sit around talk about you and your moral code? Congrats OP you got that. I envy your simple life.

because unlike you, I do care about them. I'm a good person and unlike you, I dont want to give people around me the slightest impression that I find smoking or slacking on the job as acceptable. If you want to fool them into thinking that these wrong activities are okay then yes, you care less than me. I absolutely want to help bring everybody to a better place and therefore I abhore bad behavior. I could just be a degenerate person and not care about anybody else, not think about anything and just live my own life like a dog or any other animal.I do not want to be friends with bad people, that's all there is to it. I would absolutely be friends with people who are like me.

Aspbergers much? It's called tone of voice and body language. If you don't have those, you could be missing the most obvious cues. And talking in a monotone usually means someone is being sarcastic.

t. Hitler

Hahaha! This is great. Most be tough, but keep going. The world needs more people like you.

Thing is, normies enjoy their life while you're full of pain and hate.
Being able to socialize is a skill and mastering it is a proof of intelligence.
Failing at socializing doesn't make you special or smart. It just makes you socially retarded.
And then trying to rationalize that by acting like you're above everyone else and choose not to socialize is just pathetic.
Personally I'm a social retard, too. But at least I know and accept it and try to improve.

they are just trying to play their brain tapes that they prerecorded and it's annoying, yes. Sometimes you just want to talk without 5 layers of weird innuendo and nuance. Tbh I havent had that problem in a long time though, you are probably younger than me.

animal cues

op your only problem is you have "co workers" You need to be the boss, then your mannerism is an asset.

>t.self employed

>you people get triggered hard
>btw I’m gonna quit my job because people smoking cigarettes triggers me to the point that I’d rather quit my job than just walk away or ask someone not to smoke around me

Socializing is a skill but dont mistake fitting in with success. If you fit in with a bunch of pedos and murderers, that isnt success. Most normies are totally sinners in many ways and they will try to act like those things are okay. If your only goal is to fit in, you might think it's enough to just agree with them. However agreeing with objectively bad behavior is not okay.