What is your favorite accounting account and why is it Other Comprehensive Income?

What is your favorite accounting account and why is it Other Comprehensive Income?

Thank you money skeleton

Accumulated depreciation

my fav is allowance for doubtful accounts

I sincerely hope thats shopped

Thank you money skelly, you have the best bones

I hate ADA, I'm more of a Bad Debt Expense guy myself

Tfw currently auditing during busy season :(

It's not. I forgot her name but she lives like 15 minutes from me. I think she's from Fairfield County CT

how much eth for a humanoid like this

Thank you money skeleton

Are you going for/have your CPA?


Have my CPA



I'd do it. Skinny girls are hot :-)

The Agency Fund ;)

Eugenia Cooney

unrealized gains: they are deferred.

DId I get this right? My last exam is FAR and I have to study 5.5hrs a day while working full time.

It's not. That's a YouTuber

Deferred tax assets

Pretty much. You load it into OCI and then reverse it when it gets realized

currently studying for FAR full time, have a year to pass everything studying full time

should be easy but i am a retard so we shall see

You are a Veeky Forumsbro. Only be socially retarded when applicable


Seriously, bless this.