Yo did i just accidentally sign up for a PnD. When are you guys dumping? please dont fuck me over

yo did i just accidentally sign up for a PnD. When are you guys dumping? please dont fuck me over

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pls respond


ah ok, just bough 100K

INT is not PnD, you fucking retard.

hmm this makes it more suspicious

no its only a dump to be specific

chink mafia dumping shit on stupid western people

wtf are you talking about nigger. the coin has been range bound for over a week. also 600k buy wall on coinegg btfo

>the coin has been range bound for over a week. also 600k buy wall on coinegg btfo

pls explain like im a 5 y/o retarded baby

I want to buy this shitcoin but too afraid

guess y u brainlet

It's only a PnD if you didnt get in early. The shilling of the coin recently is most concerning, buy now and hold bags.

INT is one of the most promising coins in the scene right now lol, FAR from a PND.


Partners include Microsoft Research, IBM, HUWAEI,

One of the few coins which WENT UP When market was collapsing

Mainnet launch end of Jan

GO read the tech behind it

im not a big fan of the reddit spacing meme but jesus christ man

>Partners include Microsoft Research, IBM, HUWAEI,

>One of the few coins which WENT UP When market was collapsing

>GO read the tech behind it

fagots like you should be ISP banned from /biz


It's right on the website.

I was worried too. Bought in about $0.47 before the correction, and it's held and recovered very well. Doubt any typical PnD would have survived that correction.

I'm typing on a latitude with ms office package

so I'm also partnered up with dell and microsoft?
oh wait intel partnership also incoming

The most promising coin there is atm with such a low mcap.

I'm lucky to get in at 25c



Anyone can read some writing that encourages new and fancy tech, the problem is creating/implementing it. Enjoy your bags reddit fag.

On their website, retard.

did u even read this bullshit?

and if, did you actually understand the solutions to the problems they want to solve?

Lol never seen such mad faggots who prob. buyed iota at 4,75 dolla dolla bill yall.

weak fudding. DYOR

you're not talking about that shitty half assed chinese version are you user?

boy I do hope you aren't invested in this scam


Keep moving those goal posts.

yeah DYOR, just look at the logo u brainlet

mafiachinks are rolling on the floor atm

This coin is going to be huge. Atm only market cap of 80mill. THe IoT market is 175bill atm and will reach 450bill in 2020.

A lot of pioneers from the indrustry are in this coin. This is a very solid coin. It didnt even dip the last couple of days.



so many copers who don't want to deposit to a chink exchange so instead they try to justify why this is a bad investment

in the current crypto climate, this project's market-cap is laughably small

10x incoming

actually no

but just buy user, u will from it


Kek the delusion is strong here.

no burger so no problem
kucoin is also chinese, no one has a problem with them

wishful thinking user

No, just no. There are total of 1b coins with only 150m released so far.

The coin is fine, ya''ll need to stop tripping and being so paranoid.

Well since Suppoman Udemy is shilling it I wouldn't say its a PnD, but I also wouldn't trust it persé.

Its a longerterm hold though, prepare for a full year...

easy money, thanks user

I see you made it in the telegram, neets.

Keep it up. youre making me money, virgins.

God you type like a fucking boomer, you're just missing some random elipses. Kill yourself.

t. All in on INT

>1,000,000,000 INT
Once that is released, better kill your dreams.




It's okay you guys, I understand that you faggots still need to accumilate, either that or you're a bunch of fucking brainlets.