MFW (my face when) the market goes down and then i can go buy on the dip (low)

MFW (my face when) the market goes down and then i can go buy on the dip (low)

Stop trying to make this shitty reddit tier wojak a thing you retarded flip

Thanks for explaining that buying on the dip means you're buying low I am retarded and had no idea

hurr durr drurrrrr fuck you

cant argue with those trips to be honest family


MFW (my face when) have low iq(black) and can barely figure how cryptocurrency works. FeelsBadMan

I’m liking these new biz memes :D

Why are you so sure you'll be the one at the top of the pyramid?

MFW (my face when) have high iq (zebra) and always buys the the dip

what did you mean by that


Horse with a barcode

>MFW (my face when)
LOL (Loving Ovary Laugh)

your face when you buy low and then it goes lower

I know this feel

>op buys
>it dips further

tfw (that feel when) when Veeky Forums fell for the ripple (jewish) meme

As much as I hate to admit it (and I do), the volatility in XRP makes it very profitable for swing trades

I hate that I love it

Happened to me, now the 3 week wait for a bounce so I can break even.

I understood that feel

If you ladder your buys and leave some rounds in the chamber, you leave open the possibility to buy lower in this way