Realistically, how many millennials on this board make a living wage? By this...

Realistically, how many millennials on this board make a living wage? By this, I mean you make a high enough take-home pay to:

>Rent an apartment with at least 1 roomate
>Can afford to pay your car and health insurance, etc.
>Still have some money left over to have a little bit of fun on the weekends and save some for the future.

Hard-mode: You cannot include any money that you've made from crypto.

23 year old, have been earning over 50k net a year since before I left high-school
Hard working attitude isn't a meme. Then again i work in construction and it seems most unemployed people around my age are limp wrist little punks

I make $200k a year as a programmer. Pay $1500 a month for rent, maybe $150 for food, $100 for utilities, $100 for weeb toys, and save the rest.

i make 1200 dollars a week after taxes from my job

>100k/year union job
>cheap so I have $300k in savings
I get bullied all day at work and my job is boring as fuck though.

After rent and all expenses including taxes (and I’m not super frugal) I save about $1000 a month from my job

I’m making more money wth crypto these days though

I make 60k a year as a gardener. I can pay for everything and put like 40% into crypto monthly. I don’t go out, usually, I just buy a lot of booze on the weekends and cruise biz

I think I'm borderline millennial? Born in '87

I'm an electrician and do alright. Bring home 1450/wk for 39 hours work after tax ( which is a shitload in Ontario) House, couple cars, hobbies, etc.

why aint you investing that shit

>t.programmer who used to do the same

Im 31

I make 80k and want to kill myself everyday including today.

Including right now.

>55k first year programmer
>3k in bank
>310k in ETH

>Have $1k left over after all expenses
>Still want to kill myself everyday.

Saving means investing.

Wendy’s chef here making 400k. Seriously is awesome how all of my fellow ch0n posters all make over 6 figures! In reality I just got my first real job at 26 and make about 45k a year in the Midwest doing IT/data shit. I’d like more money but my job is super stress free and comfy.

25 and 130k salary as systems engineer

1.5M in Crypto

>Make $21.33 per hour + monthly bonus
>Live in midwest
>Own townhouse
>$500-700 leftover each month after bills

Anyone hosting masternodes should

>I make $200k a year as a programmer.

Programming what?

US wages are crazy. I don't know anyone who makes anywhere near that much (in the UK)

Just turned 24. Cleared 88k while 23. Building sawmills. Plus canada has wicked med/dental.

I'm 25 and have a degree in Accounting and Finance. I couldn't find a job after applying to several hundred of them and basically only being able to find shitty ones that pay $12 an hour which is basically a slave wage where I live. Learning how to program now so hoping that will get me work. Not looking for anything fancy, but even getting your foot in the door is next to impossible these days. Most of the money i've made in my life so far has been from crypto and other NEET things.

Make like 15K as a sub. Teacher.

I only work 3 days a week too

I'm 25 and last year I made >$250k USD. Targeting $350k this year gross. I do data analytics in the financial industry

My accounts are under heavy scrutiny by regulators and my employer, so my investment options are limited

~$120k in dividend stocks that's been growing in this crazy bull market
$40k in my 401k
$70k saved for a house downpayment (I live in a low COL area), but if the market takes a shit I will use it to build a position
$50k emergency / investment capital if the market shits itself
$30k cash

Not really into crypto too much, it's too volatile for my bitch ass

Fuck yea brother. Trades are the best/quickest/most paying blue collar jobs.

35. 275k as a programmer (mainly iOS) in NYC. 3k mortgage + maintenance. Employer provides health, cell, and lunch. Subway / internet / electricity / food about 1k (delivery every night). Lucked out with my situation and am plagued by impostor syndrome.

Pick one

Make 16000 a month doing porn

Yea man. Plus the physical activity and being some place different every couple days is the big seller for me
I'd legit go crazy driving to the same office every single day

>Hard working attitude isn't a meme.
This. It's super easy to get ahead when 90% of people put in minimum effort.

what state

I dont make a living wage

>no degree
>Line Cook
>13$ an hour
>cant afford the cost of living alone
>roomate is moving home soon
>what do
>all in on CVC

Avg salary for SWEs in SV is over $200k. Learn to actually program and apply to a big company. Idiot.

t. startup CEO

What defines millennial? I'm 27, a programmer. I make $120k/year. rent is $700/m. groceries ~$300, car insurance $120. no debt. Put some money in 401k, HSA, brokerage account, some in crypto. New worth ~280k.

25 year old trap here. I make $150,000 monthly on Bitconnect

I imagine that meticulously analyzing data to get single digit returns causes you to be unable to stomach investing in an asset that regularly has 50% 24 hour gains and drops in value


150$ for food. You skinny fucking faggot

Them feels. Same here
>line cook
>15 an hour
>all in on ven
>live at home

>what defines millennial
I believe it's supposed to be people born between 1985 - 2000 or 1982 - 2000 I've seen other say 1980 - 1995.

Work as a test engineer during the week and make 60K a year. Medical and dental included as well as 401k match. Just turned 30.

On the weekend I do wedding photography with my wife and we bring in an extra 40k a year doing that.

$900 a month on mortgage. $500 a month on food for the family. Trying to balance between savings and taking one nice vacation a year.

I'm 26
Been doing IT shit since before I got out of highschool and now I'm a network and systems administrator. I went to school to study astrophysics and dropped out when I realized it wasn't what i wanted to do. Making 44k in a low cost of living area. Pretty damn comfy. got a 2k+ sq foot home with a deck, fence, and my fiance. Best decision of my fucking life was dropping out of college and making a bet on my skills.

I'm you except I make 85k a year as a desktop application developer, how do I get to 120k?

I get free breakfast/lunch on workdays.

>had apartment, girlfriend, new car
>sold it all
>live with parents
>full time wagecuck, eat rice and beans and ramen
>invest 4k/mo into crypto
>50% VEN / 50% ICX

This is my year. Do or die.

whats that convert to in mutt bucks? like 40k? geez i love my mexicans but they drive the wages fucking down. need a wall soon

That's pretty much exactly what I do, except the returns need to be over 20% for me to allocate a single dollar to their value. I run a ton of sensitivities on these investments as well.

Seeing fluctuations like crypto give me anxiety. I bought $100 of ETH last Wednesday when the market tanked just for shits and the % value change every hour is amazing. I could never drop real money on this stuff

Worked in New York on many a building site. Americans have the limpest wrists of all. Laziest cunts I've ever worked with.

There's a lot of 1 percenters on this board. I'm surprised.

No one here knows what it feels like to be a man.

I have no idea. I was making $80k a year ago. One day the VP has a meeting with me and gives me a 50% raise because too many people were leaving for other companies.

am 23, engineer making 70k a year. more than enough to aggressively pay for student loans and still have some fun money left for crypto

23/making 42k a year not including G.I bill which is tax free 900 a month 9 months out of the year.
Rent is 650 plus utilities and I have a 250 carp payment and insurance and phone etc

I do okay. I don’t include crypto gains anyway cause I don’t cash out

24 years old. All my income was from crypto. I made 1.2 Million last year.

Literally everyone on here making this crazy money is in computers. Don't you see the problem here? There are no jobs anymore that pay enough to live off of unless you want to stare at a computer programming the rest of your life. Our humanity is being sucked out of us. The world is quickly becoming more and more dystopic every year.

I'm 29 and live in Washington State south of Seattle. I make just over 70k doing general maintenance at a large apartment complex. It's not a glorious job or anything but I enjoy the mindless work and the interaction with fellow employees and tenants. I also rent out a house so I get a little income and if course equity from that. Im able to save at least a third of my paycheck with my current spending habits. 120k in savings, paid off rental property valued at 350k, an old Forester that runs fine, and no debt.

You sold your GF? Nice

Lol of course you have a Forester

Remember that when people talk about the 1%, they're not talking about income, they're talking about wealth.

Don't you mean at most one roommate

>$160k total comp and great benefits and perks at 22.
Feels good man.

I don't make a living wage. I did however spend 3-4 years wagecucking till I had $12k. I now make about $350 a month of which goes to:

>$70 for phone
>$55 for internet
>$80 to gas
>the rest goes to miscellaneous shit like food
Anything left over goes to savings.

I have 4k in the bank left that needs to last me at least 2 years until I can get the hell out of uni so I can make a living wage again.

Wealth accrues with high income + time.

If you're young and in the 1% of income you can bet you'll probably be in the 1% of wealth in a few decades if you invest wisely.

Hah, yeah. It's a good car though and I like it. Great for camping and going into the mountain passes during winter. Big enough for me and my dog. Can't complain.

24, 90k before taxes. live pretty much expense free, my company pays for everything. have about 20k in saving and right now entire paychecks are going into crypto

>$350 a month.
Holy shit I don't understand how people even make this little money.
What life choices led to this?

I meetI meet all of those, I also was fucking geek who lived in front of a computer through all of college and then was underpaid for my first 3 years of working.

I'm comfortable I have a small savings, I spend what I want without really checking my account. And my bills are paid. I spend about 20% of my income on rent, my car is paid off and I have insurance through my job. That being said, I used to do a lot of heroin and have insane debt from the schemes I used, so I am unable to obtain any type of credit, which will fuck me when I need a new car.

52k a year
Bills suck but life is somewhat /comfy/.

roommates?? in an apartment?? and you call that a living wage?

How long would it take to get a binance acc and buy ICX?

Ive only used Bittrex

that's not what's happening, it's just natural market forces. menial jobs have to compete with 3rd world pajeets who will do the same work for nothing. if you can't outsmart pajeet then you live like pajeet.

Graduated last year with a dual major in chemistry and biology. Work 12hr overnight shifts in a lab for ~40k a year. Believe it or night this was one of the highest paying entry level jobs I could find. Most offering work to people with

We are living in the digital age my friend. Should've got with the program. Tech is only going to become an even bigger part in all our lives. Not too late to get on board.

I'm 24, and I'm your average nerd, honestly. Work part time as an accountant which is really almost no work for decent pay, and at night I go to law school. I rarely study but it seems I was born smart, like, I just watch anime and play vidya, study a little, and I miraculously keep passing Accounting and law school. I'm not bragging to be honest, because my social awkwardness, low self esteem, inability to talk with women, and my physical (un)fitness balances things out.

I probably cant do any kind of blue collar job unless I go to the gym, but I'm embarassed to go to one.

I feel like one day I'll be rich, but I'll still be a lonely loser socially.

70k is high for maintenance. do you have strong background skills to get that much?

anybody here work in accounting or finance? double majoring in both, senior yr and a bit scared and dreadful about getting a "real" job

No internships?
You're fucked kid.

You're only going ot stay a loser if you decide not to change it user .

I was a fat shy loser all my teenage years , I lost 100 lbs, have fucked over 40 women , had a couple of girlfriends , and have a high paying job.

No one will give you shit in this life, you have to take it or you will die a sad crushed normie like 90% of the population.

You're young, you have all the information in the world at your fingertips , if you want to change your life you start now and you may be shocked how different it looks in a year .

Lol I look at as investing in myself. At one point I was making 1k a week. I spend most of my day focused on my classes or programming. As soon as I get my degree I'm looking at a x15-x20 in this city. The expenses listed are all my expenses for the month btw. The way I see it I'm wasting my time working when I could be gaining skills + working on projects. At least that's how I planned it.

yeah and saved up 30k before i got into crypto

your chart says average base salary is around 120k which, when adjusted for inflation, is actually worth around 70k everywhere else in the country

silicon valley really has these monkeys paying 3200/month for rent

>tfw engineer in the midwest

That's not the issue. People are trying to change it and there are literally no fucking jobs out there. You have to be a fucking super chink on steroids to get an entry level job nowadays. I know people that come from wealthy families with degrees that are selling their bodies on escort sites for money because they can't find work. One of them was even related to a very powerful political family of which I won't reveal the last name. I can't help but feel something isn't right in our society when I hear that.

33 here, wife is 31... combined we will make about 320k this year... I’m an engineer, she’s in finance. Mortgage ~5500 per month

Just finished my PhD and am doing a postdoc making 55k. Might apply for tenure positions in a couple years. Maybe I'll make it in crypto before then.

>people making over $40k
>paying rent


not I

I don't know if I qualify as millennial I identify as gen x but

Own house
2 cars
50k 401k
20k savings
Spend money like a wild nigger
Dumped 15k into crypto this year currently at 102k

I joined an apprenticeship out of highschool and was paid to get a shitty ATA in 'trade theory'. Ended up going towards the painting side and obtaining a lot of NACE quals. Did a lot of Marine and commercial painting as a journeyman and ended up landing a job in a military base doing maintenance/painting in all kinds of places from residential to industrial. When my contract there ended I got called up and was offered the job I currently have because of references and a lot of people are easily impressed with OPM security clearances.

Lemme get them live edge slabs homie

no you're just a faggot. Oilfields, make 100k+ easy starting, yes the boom ended in 2014 but if youre highly skilled the work is there.
Or anything maritime, 100k /yr starting. My friend is 3rd mate, 250k/yr at 24, shipping all over the world. If you're highly skilled you can make six figures easy. High skill is what you're lacking, not a job market.

I make 60k managing a call center

larp: the thread

>over 60k revenue
>26 yo male
>ride bike / rent car when needed
>own place
>got gf
>profit from crypto
>saving 1k a month
>steady hands

>When adjusted for inflation
>Not living in Sillicon Valley and leaching off the massive perks every company offers you to avoid paying anything but rent.
Also I'm 10 minutes away from the Google campus and my rent is $1.4k. I have $4k a month after rent, taxes, and 401k to do whatever I want with. And I'm a new grad. Not even counting my bonus/equity, which is a lump sum of about $40k at the end of the year.

Want proof?

It's folks who came of age during the Millennium I was 16 so technically I'm a millennial but I saw smashing pumpkins on the melancholy and the infinite sadness tour and I remember when MTV used to play music videos

You both should kys. Annoying ass wife of yours. Lmao. >Finance

crypto made me a multi millionaire.. who needs work when you've hit the jack pot. im 28 and basically retarded but i guess retards win at life too

blue collar/ programming / engineer

your all fucking loser cucks. literally I make so much money and live a great life almost fucking 2 girls a week. fuck you losers. hail trump hail our leader. fuck liberal cucks wasiting time all day learning stupid liberal arts. do ENGINEERING AND programming or work a trade.

24 making 36k a year as a low rank banker.

life wasn't supposed to be like this. I struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide..