What's the next big thing after blockchain/crypto?

What's the next big thing after blockchain/crypto?

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Killing Niggers and Jews

VR when it's done properly

State of Veeky Forums
You're too edgy, stop it

Nano tech for sure

ai + blockchain will change everything in about 20 years

augmented reality up next prob

Killing jews and niggers

Soluble media probably, edible music etc

Digits confirm, israel is fucked.

Private courts and police.


eh, just an idea I've had for a few years, instead of movies and TV shows and music we'll just swallow a slow-release substance that simulates the emotions that the media was supposed to invoke, cheaper to produce, good profit margins and saves time for the consumer


Why wont you just accept your media as it is now, goy?

Drugs already exist.
And you can listen to music while doing them.

AI has already changed everything - search and content recommendation has fucked our society more than anyone realizes.

kek, good troll

only downside I can think of to my idea is if you get sold a fake EMT (edible media tab) and eat Star Wars instead of Braveheart

that could be pretty cool. Like dailored dreams. Swallow a pill before bed and have a certain dream or watch a movie
Absolutly no idea how theyd do it tho.

I'll be investing in the large scale slaughter of niggers and jews.

In this order: VR AR quantum computing



This was in Brave New World

Praise kek

Something chain



Praise kek

start up countries

Actually why I think investing in HTC is a good idea before VR gets big.

Augmented Reality
Self-memeing cars

After everything has been automated, people will focus on arts and self-improvement. World will be filled with loliporn.

this is so fucking dumb I can't believe it. what's more reasonable is that it'll be possible to get electronic implants into /onto(?) our optic nerves that can be remotely stimulated to provoke images directly into our brain. The same could be done to the part of our that perceives sound signals. you could turn on a show without any monitor. think integrated google glass

>implying satoshi nakamoto wasn't an AI developed by DARPA, and it created the blockchain to outsource decryption processing of foreign governments' defense/espionage agencies.

AI or VR

and not "on the blockchain", actual AI and actual VR


Art market


Don't tell them about phase 2.

Quantum computing.

Shadow countries, kept secret by hiding under freight cruisers and gunboats.


My sides




Virtual postal stamps

Garlic Coin

Shovels to bury all the bodies. Once the system collapses we will finally be able to sort out this immigration and alt-left problem in the West. It will not be pretty. The silent majority will have its day and soon.

AI that isn't just shit machine learning


>Once the system collapses
Varg, i hate to break it to you but...

Nice trips, now check out mine.

More Begging in the street coz u lost all ur money in crypto

Sexbots and VR.

Fpbp, beautiful.
>S H A D I L A Y

kek fpbp

raping toddlers and small children will be the next big thing after distributed ledger technology

Nice, just bought 100k nigger/Jew put options.

LMAO, good luck. Whole world would have to unite to accomplish that.


Weed. Canada is only the first. Other countries will go legal. US will go federally legal. A cascade has begun, politicians are seeing dollar signs, polls consistently majority support for legalization. The prohibition is ending and there is droves of money to be made.

Inb4 already priced in. No. Weed sector is more than three or four largest canadian growers. I'm talking global.

Do you have any good reading material on this?

The second coming of Christ


FPBP fucking ay m8

pls God


VR, medtech, greentech.

Unironically think clones of pornstars for sale as wives/slaves will be big one day

Already been mentioned twice, but quantum computing will be the next big thing. Current encryption will get BTFO.

weed, lamo

hey hey now lets not get craz...
>finally notices trips
welp, kek wills it. time to load up my trusty sawed off.

They are actually making a movie about that. based on a book of the same name



Land and slaves so called employees

Jesus I've never seen such powerful trips in my life.

Hail the new order.

Cryptocountries, you start up your new
decentralized cryptocountry with your own lawchains

2D waifu apps. Good ones.

maybe another glorified ledger?

weed stocks as countrywide legalization occurs

Distributed decentralized rape. Rapechain.


Legit how would you invest in weed to make bank when it's legalised?

>injection propaganda into your blood stream
I sure can't wait to swallow literal blue pills in compulsory sensitivity courses.

Next time I want to get on the ground floor of one of these legal scams. Congrats to all the pragmatic speculators who made their money and got out.

Somehow crypto promoters convinced hundreds of thousands of idiots that objectively terrible constraints on a currency were actually ADVANTAGES. Lol.

How would you go about investing in this. Buy up stocks of the fertilizer they use, or businesses already involved with growing?

Biological and quantum computers and the apps that take advantage ofthese new capabilities

Kek has answered

You should be prepared to buy transhumanist stocks in 2024
And robo-wife stocks in 2030


No doubt.

nah only white people would. asians wouldnt care/ would help. only hard part is the jews. blacks would be easy


AI + Quantum computing will destroy crypto.

Agoras/Tauchain is next

Quantum resistant hashing algos already exist though. Once Quantum becoimes featible all coins will fork to different algos

please elaborate kind sir

>What's the next big thing after blockchain/crypto?

Welcome to the BlockletChainlet™, the unencrypted electronic currency.

DAGs. It's already starting. People just don't realize it yet.

Child porn companies and concentration camps for wrongthinkers when the democrats take power in the US

Astroid mining companies

You think they'll be the first ones to bring VR into mainstream? Vive seems to have good tech but is unaffordable and too much hardware (like all other vr devices)
