I made 10 eth of CryptoCelebrities in 2 days while still in beta


This is getting huge very fast. Within the last day, over 1000 eth in transactions.

Basically, the concept is. You buy a celebrity contract. There are only 1 for each celebrity. Once you own it, you can edit its bio how you like. Anyone can buy the contract off you by paying a little more. If this happens, you profit.

(for celebs less than .05, you profit 100%, .05 to .5, you profit 20%, for celebs >.5 eth, you profit 15%).

2 days ago, the highest contract was satoshi @ 1 eth. Now, the whole first two pages are >1 eth, the highest are 20 eth. Some whales got into this, and some people have made massive eth so far.

Here's the cool part- Celebs can verify their contract, and determine where the commission fees on their sales go(ie, wallet or charity). Price raise is the amount that you profit + about 5% or so for these royalties.

They are for the most part trying to keep it on the down low for now (formal launch and press releases are Jan 25th)

"We are still insisting on a media embargo and refusing any interviews and articles.
We will inform you as soon as our technical team finishes the maintenance work and gets the website back online.

We can also confirm that several public figures have already contacted us under the "verified contracts" program, and will officially endorse their celebrity contract on March as planned."

This is going to MOOOOOON! I got in a bidding war with a whale and 115% compounded net me 10 eth. And imo, this is just the beginning. Once the verified names get in on this, lambo city.

Read over the website. Huge potential here biz. Get your pajeets ready.

Other urls found in this thread:


So if I buy, for example, Emma Watson's contract does that mean I can do anything I want do her?

Asking for a friend...

i made 1 eth and im just a little pleb.. easiest game of my life

Looks like a game of hot potato, lol. Thanks for sharing, I'm gonna buy some of the cheaper one es


seconding this, i could drop 6 grand to fuck emma in all 8 holes.

otherwise no buy

obviously is too late for this ponzi now. Dont buy, retards

Crypto is getting more retarded every day. What the fuck is this shit

You think so? If this gets news hype in any form, they all could sell several times more

wow some of these girls are cheap

>He doesn't want to own his 3D waifu
Stay lonely, no celeb

Next person to buy and sell Vitalik or Elon makes 3 eth

>no celeb
the term for them is celibates

>not Celebates
One fucking job.

why is this a thing?

The more I think about it, this is brilliant. Lawsuit happens? Major publicity. Celebs verify? Major publicity. And why wouldn't they want to get free $$?

Yes, the commission is put aside for the celebs to choose what happens with it. So they have motivation to be pro-crypto celebs. Im eager to hear who has verified- one rumor going around was that Kanye is on the list

who puts the celebs there? the website?

"We are aware of the technical difficulties and our technical team is working on getting the website up and running asap.
Remember, we are still in beta and did not officially launch the game.
The last 24 hours were insane. Thousands of users registered within a very short period of time and the servers crashed several times.
Don't worry, the data is safe both on the block-chain and on our servers. Our only issue is not being able to handle so many new users in such a short period of time." -yesterday, when it was all bogged down by intense traffic

No seriously. What the fuck is this garbage

nice ponzi pajeet

>Lawsuit happens? Major publicity. Celebs verify? Major publicity.
ye, except, neither of those things are ever going to happen.

Feel free to review the contract here: etherscan.io/address/0xbb5ed1edeb5149af3ab43ea9c7a6963b3c1374f7

The whales have calmed down, but its still VERY active in the cheaper ends

>We can also confirm that several public figures have already contacted us under the "verified contracts" program, and will officially endorse their celebrity contract on March as planned

shut the fuck up pajeet
nobody is falling for this shit

you dont have to be interested in the game if you dont want to, but some people are, so please if you dont have anything nice to say go somewhere else

This is not a get in early ponzi, this is a get in not last ponzi. With plenty of sales today pretty safe to say that time isn't yet. 2nd last person to hold a celeb makes the most profit.

I agree, I could see a nice wave of hype on this (especially if celebs verify)

anything else like this? ethercraft what else?

This discord group tracks all the latest crypto games, thats how i heard about it:

discord DOT gg/aA9d8e

No shit. The crap people buy with crypto is beyond retarded.
Now excuse me, I have to get back to CryptoKitty my gen 1 and gen 3 mated kitten is due any moment now.

yeah the clue is... it's monetized ...
what garbage

over 500 transaction attempts in the last 4 hours (some fail, if someone buys before you.)

Total transaction volume is 1500 ether (about 1.5 million)

This is in about 2 days time.

>She also played post-op Rory in the docudrama The Oracle Problem: How ChainLink and Sergey Nazarov Changed the World (2021). Her other roles include Regression (2015),

Which one of you fellow linkies did this to Emma Watson?

This was literally a game on MySpace I remember it and just like crypto it also used fake internet money.

Why is fucking Oprah so expensive? How can anyone even fap to that lol?

What did you spend?

I bought Millie Bobby Brown for .1

So far so good this game is gonna beat cryptokitty easily :D

i think it has potential. The email axiomzen is in the contract, not sure if that means they are related to axiomzen or just credditing them for the code

I should create something like this as well...

>Celestial objects
>Spaceships from sci-fi genres
>League of Legends players (Korea loves League)
>Anime characters